If there are any players from Greece playing Axis and Allies in person or online via any A&A platform let me know.
Chicago, IL area players ?
Got into A&A less than a year ago and haver become obsessed. Looking for more players. Message me or reply to this thread if you are in the general Chicagoland area and would look to set up a game and create a network of players in the area.
I’ve seen a few Player Locator threads on here, but they look really out of date and not kept up with.
A&A 50 1941 and 1942 have been my game of choice as of late, but I am open to others ( in particular, Global 1940).
Well hello! I’m not interested in in person games, as my health is not so good these days, but I thought I would stop by an greet a fellow A&A player new to the boards!
Currently, I own classic (the 1980’s version) that I learned on, and recently purchased the Anniversary Edition game as well, and have been playing the 1941 startup version using the TripleA electronic game engine, which allows players to play from anywhere in the world in three formats.
So far, I have not played ‘online’, as that is played live and in real time, but I’m starting to enjoy playing PBF & PBEM formats. Play By Forum takes a little bit of setting up (very little), while Play By E-Mail is also interesting.
@Panther and @djensen will probably drop by shortly and officially welcome you to the board, as well as point you in the right direction for whatever you are looking for!
Again, welcome aboard!
Also, you may wish to post in this Thread. :)
@Xlome_00 said in Chicago, IL area players ?:
Got into A&A less than a year ago and haver become obsessed. Looking for more players. Message me or reply to this thread if you are in the general Chicagoland area and would look to set up a game and create a network of players in the area.
I’ve seen a few Player Locator threads on here, but they look really out of date and not kept up with.
A&A 50 1941 and 1942 have been my game of choice as of late, but I am open to others ( in particular, Global 1940).
I have a group and we play about once a month. Sometimes more. I live in Kenosha WI. I know it’s a bit away but just lettin you know. We play my 41 game.
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/28024/global-war-1940-2nd-ed/612 -
Thank you for the warm welcome!
I will look out for you on Triple-A and see if we can get a game going.
I have played a few games against the computer on there so far, but think the human players offer way more nuance.
@SS-GEN Thanks for the reply.
Kenosha isn’t out of the question for me, as I used to drive back and forth to Rockford, IL all the time years ago.
Do you play with Technology and National Objectives? I have yet to try those out.
Yes. Go to the link I posted. Skip the early pages of discussions.
I have a game June 15 Sat and another game June 16 sun. More than welcome to stop by and check out the game. This way you will get an idea how the game is.
@SS-GEN Sounds cool. I will let you know either here or via PM if I can make it!
@Xlome_00 said in Chicago, IL area players ?:
@SS-GEN Sounds cool. I will let you know either here or via PM if I can make it!
OK. 👍
@Xlome_00 I live in Chicago, I usually play it over the YouTube as No Limit! Contact my channel if you might be interested in the same!!!
Well I am West of Chicago, 20 miles. Where I-355 and I-88 meet. Glen Ellyn.
I love Global the best, but will play anything, really. I have Nation Objectives laminated, I bought a set of dice for each country that has the country symbol instead of a 1, etc.
I’ve owned and played every incarnation. Well, I own Guadalcanal, but haven’t played that version yet.
That’s not far at all from me. I’m actually in Schaumburg. Been itching to try Global.
Do you host any games?
@Xlome_00 Man you are new at this, YouTube play has been the latest fad for A&A since last year but started with Corpo 24/Hunter Jones for a couple of years before that- I don’t host any face to face games because it’s almost impossible to get players together to play a whole day, whereas Youtube play is very convenient for the most part!!!
@Nolimit how do I even go about setting YouTube play up?
Also, couldn’t find you on YouTube. There’s quite and few “No Limit” channels out there.
@Xlome_00 It’s fairly easy, just set up your own personal Youtube channel! I know there’s a lot of No Limit channels out there, so just type in No Limit Axis and Allies and you should be able to find me!
There have been many A&A games I’ve hosted, but not lately. It’s difficult finding the time and other players.
My basement would be perfect for hosting. You can PM me and we can work out a night. I’ll need time to prime the wife for a game night, and I need to make sure that none of my three kids have anything going on. But yeah, we should work out a date. I used to work near Schaumburg (Palatine) .
Sounds like a plan.
I’m also in Kenosha, WI and am interested in playing A&A again. It’s been years since I’ve played the original AA but I’ve recently ordered the latest Anniversary 2nd edition which will arrive on Wednesday… Since my family isn’t into history as much as I am, it would be nice to watch and/or play with other peeps and get back into A&A.
Lately I have been playing the PC game Hearts of Iron 3 but it’s just not the same as playing a WW2 game with fellow history buffs in person. I’ve never played the global version you mentioned but would love to watch a game and learn from you more seasoned players sometime , I could even start as an Axis minor if you need a fill-in. Hit me up if interested.
Others outside of Kenosha, I’m open to traveling to Milwaukee or Chicago if the time/date is right to play a game.