@shade840 said in pro neutral territories:
Example: allies attack Iraq, a pro axis neutral would that set off the true neutrals? appreciate ur help
No, an Allies attack on pro-axis Iraq affects the status of Iraq only.
If strict neutral has not been attacked, can air units fly over it in combat or non-combat turn? I am referring to flying an Italian bomber over Spain.
You cant enter them in any manner, unless your attacking them which is in the combat move.
Of course if you attacked them, you can fly over since you are already at war.
@Imperious-Leader Thanks Imperious
If you’re aircraft flies over the neutral, you just agreed to declare war on that nations and you’re now in play with whatever rule you just activated.
@Caesar-Seriona War is never declared on neutral territories. They are simply attacked.
@Panther There is no rule that forbids you for doing something stupid like I declare war on Switzerland and then take no action against the state.
@Caesar-Seriona There is no rule that forbids to attack Switzerland, sure.
But both rulebooks explicitly state: “Unlike powers, war is never declared on neutral territories - they are simply attacked.”
That was what I pointed out.