đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)

  • @lebowsky All set. Welcome back.

  • Greetings, Earth Creatures!

    I’m from upstate New York.

    edit: In addition to adding paragraph breaks for ease of reading, I adjusted some of the content.

    Many moons ago, I played Tactics II, Blitzkrieg, Midway, Richthofen’s War and Outdoor Survival (and maybe others) all by Avalon Hill I believe. I also remember watching my dad and brothers and their friends playing Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (when it was still a new game on the market) as well as other AH games from that period. I was a little too young to play with them at the time as they were all older and more sophisticated than me.

    At some point in recent personal history, I found myself in possession of an original A&A Spring 1942 game from 1984. Probably from a local yard sale. It sat on a shelf for years until I opened it up a few weeks ago and started reading the rules and game play. I was intrigued and expanded my research.

    I wanted a larger, more in depth experience starting with more game pieces and was initially disappointed with what I found for what it would cost. I finally decided to obtain the A&A Global 1940 version for the expanded game play, map and units variety.

    I wanted to further expand game play options for the future to explore more in-depth alternate historical outcomes with no particular outcomes in mind but based on the actual historical situation. I decided on using a hybrid system of counters from T2, BK and R&D/3rd R as well as blanks purchased separately to customize and fill gaps in the other games counters. These would be used on the A&A G40 map with major tactical battles worked out using the A&A pieces on the T2 and BK maps with custom rules to include weather and an amalgam of systems from the aforementioned games and other sources as well as my own ideas.

    The T2 map would be primarily for island battles and the BK map for larger land battles including peninsulas since that’s how its map is designed. I’m also considering making a simple, custom board for sea battles. It’s likely I’ll only be able to do this solitaire (someday) given the info above as well as a rather restricted schedule and available space at this time.

    I’m currently watching YT videos of others as part of my research and making notes to develop the game play. One of those videos directed me here in search of Oztea’s A&A G40 1939 house rules which that person was using for his video. I found it interesting and thought it might assist my research.

    I am a huge history nerd and I am following current geopolitical events very closely. We live in great and terrible historical times indeed!

    Peace, +Pfc

  • Hello all! I’m from the USA- Colorado specifically- but I currently live and work in China. I’ve been playing Axis and Allies for quite a while, ever since I found my dad’s old version as a kid and became fascinated with the little army units. I remember my father and I being very excited when the first version with Artillery and Destroyers came out- we played a lot of that version!

    I’m most familiar with the 1942 second edition and 1940 global second edition, but I also use TripleA to play a variety of other official and non-official versions.

    I don’t get the chance to play in person very often anymore, so I’m very interesting in joining some games or even a league here on the forums.

    I do sometimes do house rules or different setups, especially if I feel a version is imbalanced. But I’m usually happy to play OOB too. I also dabble in making my own maps. Not sure if that’s something people do on the forums, but so far I have a custom 1942 and global 1940 that are essentially finished, and a WWI global map in the works.

  • Welcome to the site @Privatefirstclass
    You’re gonna like it here :)

    Since you enjoy modified versions of A&A, I suggest checking out @The-Captain 's mod of the Global 40 game.


    has many new units and has been developed over decades by the “Danish Axis and Allies Association”. Their members include ex and current Military, Academics, Tradesman and Gamers from all walks of life.

    I think you will enjoy it :)

    You can also play it online using triplea


    Have Fun Gaming !

    Also, you might want to use some paragraph breaks in your posts in the furure. It will make it easier to read :)

  • @barnee Thank you!

    My original post was unplanned. My intent was to look up the aforementioned content and so I registered and then posted my introduction as suggested by the introductory information once I was registered. I thought it would be more succinct and then forgot to make it more reader friendly when I finished.

    I suppose I could go back and edit it. I already did to correct a date so why not?

    I’ve seen much discussion about the online version. I’ve been playing PC RPGs for ~25yrs and have become increasingly frustrated with technical issues that I am ill-equipped to navigate even with copious amounts of research and attempts to follow very “simple” directions that “even a caveman could follow”. It’s nothing against the content creators, mind you. I am the one who is ill-equipped. :^)

    That’s partly why I’ve returned to “older technology” to scratch my itch and who knows what the future holds for our current technology.

    I’ll take a look at some of the other House Rules as you suggest.

    Peace, +Pfc

  • Hey, what’s happening? I’m Josh, from SE Michigan Macomb County, looking to get back into gaming. I’m playing Axis & Allies online on Steam. I’m reading the rule book to learn to play again, as it’s been a minute. I don’t use anything to customize the game. I’m also looking to play the board game

  • @MrMorbid Welcome to the forum :-)

  • @MrMorbid

    Hi Morbid

    I don’t see a steam thread but I’ve heard it mentioned. It might have just been for Global War 36 though. Anyway, try making a new topic here for steam players. https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/65/play-online-axis-allies

    Also, you can play online with triplea https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30

    Which version of the game do you prefer ?

    Have Fun Gaming


  • @MrMorbid said in đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):

    I’m playing Axis & Allies online on Steam.

    Here is the respective forum category to discuss the game itself:


    Of course you can play the TripleA-variant, too, as @barnee said.

  • @Panther

    Oh I didn’t know the 42online was a steam thing :) I’m not real familiar with steam :)

    Well cool you got him dialed in :)

  • @Privatefirstclass hi there! I love g40 as well. Whereabout upstate are you? I am on Long Island.

  • Greetings all! My name is Rob and I am from Suffolk County, NY. Looking for people to play with in person. My favorite version of the game is Global 1940 2nd ed. That being said I have recently expanded beyond 1942 on Steam (mostly thanks to TripleA).

    I am amenable to a few hours travel to play, as well as offering to host (later this year as I have a baby arriving soon). I see there are a few people in upstate NY here, hopefully some closer! Would love to join you all in person!

  • @docwhiskey

    Hi doc
    Welcome to the site ! Congrats on the soon arriving new family member :)

    Since you enjoy Global and play triplea as well, I think you would like @The-Captain 's G 40 mod


    There’s a half dozen or so of us that play on triplea and The Captain’s Group from Denmark has over 100 members for in person play.

    Although Long Island is closer than most of the US to Denmark, probably still too far to tarvel for a weekend game :)

    Have fun gaming

  • Hi all!

    I’ve played A&A for years, but sparingly as time opportunity presents itself.

    I’ve just started playing the online game again, and a Pacific version. I also do miniature wargaming and various sports.


  • @Glamorboy Welcome to the forum :-)

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