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  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi Bismamillah
    yea that older thing …well… it is very pleasant :)

    You guys can play on triplea. A whole bunch of good stuff going on there :)


    heh heh actually meant it’s not pleasant lol must be the ageing in me :)

  • Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. Nice to be here :blush:

  • @johnmorganhere

    Welcome We are glad you are here :)

  • My name is Josh currently live in Wichita Falls Tx. I have always loved playing A&A but not an easy game to find players for. I own 2 copys of the original but they are lost in my garage. Years ago when I lived in Lubbock, had a game store and we played weekly 2-3 times a month. Mostly original then the original Europe and Pacific then the revised version that’s how long ago it was. Then work life and other things got in the way and have not played since. I just recently wanted to get back into it. Been looking around past few weeks and amazed and confused by the sheer number of versions out there. I just got my copy of 1942 off ebay last night and looked at the board and unit costs. Looks pretty different will take some time till I feel comfortable with it. I will see if I can find some local players for a game.

  • @Bismillah

    Here you can download TripleA (https://triplea-game.org/), which allows you to play every version of the boardgames there are, also other types of boardgames. You can play local (vs computer) or pbem (play by mail) or online (large community).

  • @cds Thank you!! I will do just that. I will try the computer and work out my bugs before I engage others and bring great shame upon my ancestors.

  • @Bismillah

    You are very welcome!! Always nice to have some fresh blood joining the online community. Just a headsup, the computer is fun to play, but youll soon find out that there is much to learn as you play vs online gamers. Most of them are very experienced. The best of luck and have fun playing.

  • Hi I’m ClintA, journalist, airsofter and most lately Axis and Allies fan in Northern Ireland. Have the Global 40 set-up and now trying to recruit opponents on the Emerald Isle.

    Just in process of creating my custom table, few bits and bobs to finish… as you can tell I’m no carpenter but Siredblood’s videos did provide plenty of inspiration.


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Very nice table :)

  • Hello, I’m Spencer. I’m from Wisconsin Rapids, WI but I’m currently stationed in San Diego, CA. I’ve been playing Axis and Allies for just over a decade starting with Spring 1942. I play 1941, 1942 2nd Ed. and Global 40. I don’t have a copy of 1914 but i enjoy games occasionally. I play about once a month with other sailors. I dabble in painting and have taken an interest in house rules.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi Sixis
    Welcome to the site. Do you mind stating what ship you’re on ? gotta a couple buddies that were on aircraft carriers . one was on the"Ranger" lol

    Anyway thanks for doing your part :)

  • Hello All - I’m Erinmores. I play some AA G40 Alpha 3+ ish. I’m in the Denver Colorado region For the most part, not into painted pieces or house rules. We do modify some things - Russia moves there 18 plus Art at beginning of turn so that Japan/Germany can go simultaneously first few rounds - really cuts down game time. And we use poker chips in lieu of paper money. Again, speeds up game play. We have some custom built gaming tables that are really sweet. Seeking online gaming.

  • @barnee I am on USS Decatur DDG73.

  • @djensen Thx for welcome!
    I am a 45 age player, from Italy, with bad english.
    COVID-19 make me refresh A&A game, and i set up my table in G40 edition, re-study rules and ready for a match.
    I am looking for player…atm dont know if by mail or something else…
    Any suggestion are welcome.

  • @Maffezza

    Hi Maffezza and Welcome. Triplea is your best bet for finding a game. This a little out of date but should still be relevant:


    Just ask if you have any questions. Actually I believe @Wittmann may be Italian speaker ? Not entirely sure but he’s very knowledgeable about how triplea works

  • @barnee thank you.
    @Maffezza ciao. Son Fiorentino, ma ho la mamma inglese. E’ 50 anni abito in Inghilterra.
    Ed e’ 5 anni che gioco AAA.
    Hai WhatsApp? Possiamo parlare cosi’, se vuoi.
    Leo .

  • @djensen An old player of the original game, back in the 80s when it first came out. Played it non-stop for a couple years at school, developed my own set of “Advanced A&A” rules which, sadly, I lost many years ago. Had a number of the ideas they incorporated into the later versions of the game, including The Bismarck (battleship that takes two hits to kill), paratroopers, etc. Anyway, post-school, barely played for many years (got hooked on Diplomacy PBEM for a while, played in the Worlds both online and FtF a couple years, and then, you know, life steps in…)

    Now my sons are grown and playing A&A with their friends, so I picked up the new version (G1940) and have played with them a bit. Still very much learning the intricacies of the new board, but enjoying it very much. Great discussions on this site, have helped me figure out the game much quicker than I would have otherwise - I don’t have the time to play and replay like I did the original!

  • @Wittmann @betaphi @Thequilla98
    I am Major JSoto.

    I have played many many years of Allie’s and axis on the other website.

    However, there seems there is no body there to play with.

    I love playing $! either side works for me.

    Major J
    up over and out!

  • @Major-JSoto post in Find Players. There is always someone who want a a game . Be sure to say which version you want to play .
    Good luck and welcome to the forum!

  • Hi all. Name is Landon from Pittsburgh, PA. Just discovered this series a few months ago with 1941. I immediately got hooked and started looking up strategies and found that there were other editions of Axis and Allies that I had never heard off. With quarantine keeping me at home and looking for something to do, I bought both A&A Zombies and A&A Europe 2nd edition. Hoping to get Pacific soon. Still new to everything but excited to learn and develop new ways to play.

    Thanks to everyone on the Forum! You guys are the best!

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







