đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)

  • @Shadowfox63

    Hi Kyle,

    You should come to Denmark this spring for the Axis & Allies Northern Europe Wiking-Con event. The event lasts 3 days (2 nights).

    At each Wiking-Con event we serve food, drinks etc. to all players - for free naturally, since many players have travel-costs to get to Denmark.

    In other words - the only costs you have to pay is the trip to Denmark - everything else is paid by us: Danish Axis & Allies Association

    Danish Axis & Allies Association

  • @The-Captain wow. Sounds like a vacation trip to me.

  • @crockett36

    You’re welcome to join us any time.

  • @The-Captain said in đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):

    we serve food, drinks etc. to all players - for free naturally

    That’s awesome. :)

    Reminds me when buddy shot a goat in Alaska. Asked the guys how much to process it. They said just buy us some beer. He said no way. You guys can drink a lot of beer lol

    He just said “I got a knife. I know how to cut meat” lol Called me and a couple buddies over and we hacked it up lol

    Yea crocket, you should go. Make for a great video :)

  • Hello, I am CentralCommando, and I am a Axis and Allies fanatic.
    My top three A&A games are:
    Europe 1940 2nd Edition (1)
    Axis and Allies Revised 2004 (2, don’t judge me.)
    Axis and Allies Classic 1982 (3)

    I hope this forum has a great future!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    This year’s trips are ww2 museum for 80th anniversary of dday AND Gencon August 1-4. Maybe next year!

  • Hello all. I feel kinda awkward doing this so don’t judge me (at least not openly).

    I live in Richmond, VA in the US. I’m somewhat of a history nerd/buff, I guess. I definitely wouldn’t say I’m an expert by any stretch of the imagination but I do enjoy reading books and articles about military history, equipment, and weapons. I’m still in High School - homeschooled, actually.

    I was introduced to A&A 1941 some time ago by a friend (I believe I was 11?) and I absolutely loved it. As soon as I got home I ordered a copy for myself and tried playing with my family (they weren’t interested. shocker). For the most part, I actually have played against myself, meaning that I play as both the Allies and the Axis. However, I do occasionally play with the friend who first introduced me to the game in the first place. I’ve also had some success in persuading others to play with me.

    As of late, though, I’ve been playing A&A 1940 Global, which I absolutely adore. I don’t add too many house rules except that I have tried combining the UK European and Pacific economies. I haven’t played a full game with that rule implemented, though, so I don’t know how balanced it is.

    Anyways, Hola, mi amigos y amigas.

  • @CentralCommando

    Those are all good games you mention. I have played them all to death when they first came out though they are now sitting on the shelf as the newer games are here. AA50 and Global 1940 2nd Edition are both awesome.

  • Hi @haddon-granillo welcome to the site :)

    @The-Captain and Company have a House Rule that uses a single UK economy. It limits how much you can spend on the Pacific board to maintain balance. It is explained here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36945/axis-allies-global-1940-house-rules-expansion

    Since it sounds as if you are having some difficulty finding opponents, you may want to try online play using triplea https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions?page=1

    Enjoy gaming :)

  • @barnee Thank you very much! I appreciate the info.

  • Hi everyone!
    So glad I found this site last week! I started playing Axis and Allies with the original Pacific from 2001. Loved the game since I first played but really got interested when g40 came out. Recently I’ve been playing bm3 on tripleA with my roommate which has been a blast. Our only house rule so far has been that attacking true neutrals is illegal because it seems unbalanced to us if for example the US owned Spain.

    Currently my roommate and I have a very strange game going where he’s (axis) taken Calcutta, Moscow, and all of China while I (allies) have taken all of Africa and Western Europe (W. Ger, Norway, Denmark, N. Italy, S. Italy, and all of France). We’re 16 turns in and I’ve got about 1500 TUV to his 1000 and I’m ahead in production by about 30 but he doesn’t want to concede.

    I’m trying to improve my gameplay and strategy and have greatly enjoyed reading these forums, especially the “Allied Playbook” essays and the warfare prinicples by AndrewAAGamer. I’d appreciate if anyone could link me any other “must read” articles!

    Would love to play face to face in the Seattle area!

  • Jeffrey Mckee from Arizona
    i go by ZAR most of the time,
    I play G40 and 1942 mostly and mostly online except when Consimworld is on in Tempe AZ

    I am organizing a G$0 BM tournament next month so sign up and play

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    @zarhunter Welcome to the neighborhood! Props to you for trying to put together a tournament!

  • @PGsquig Not sure if anyone has responded but you are in the hotbed of highly skilled players. There and across the border into San Fran and over the other in BC.

    The game sounds like it is yours to lose. So don’t. Solid play and just stack the rocks on his chest. Protect your supply lines. That’s the big danger–a sudden loss of a huge navy that gives him breathing room.

    Welcome to the neighborhood.

  • @crockett36 Thanks Crockett! Will do. Creating a real sense of doom and dread by surrounding Europe and cutting off Axis options is probably my favorite part of playing as the Allies.

  • Hi @PGsquig,

    I’ve attached a Soviet and US Strategy.

    You can find more Strategies and information at the House Rules section - look for Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.

    2. Strategy Guide Soviet Union.pdf
    4. Strategy Guide United States.pdf

  • hello, i haven’t played axis and allies for nearly 25 years, and have forgotten how it goes. have just bought 1940 pacific. trying to play with a clever 6 year old relative, and wondering if you have any tips on who/where i can ask quick questions for things that come up, until have played a few games and feel up to speed!

  • @allister
    Welcome to the fourm.
    For rules and strategy related questions look at the dedicated game categories.
    For questions related to online play the stickied topics here are a good start:

    Have fun.

  • @Panther thanks heaps

  • PantherP Panther forked this topic on

  • Hello all,

    I’m a new user to this forum. I used to be a lurker at the old online A&A java based game that went offline around 2015 and people were on that forum waiting for it to come back for years lol.
    I’ve been playing axis since the original release and I have a few old friends form those days and we just had a re-union game two years ago. A great time.
    Another friend i know now was at a board game swap meet in Glendale Arizona, ( I live in Tempe AZ) and he found me a copy of the anniversary edtion. I’m so excited to play, i’m setting it up on my dining room table and going to run a game by myself until i can get a group game going.

    A few years back i had picked up a copy of 1942 2nd edition but no one wanted to play so i let it go. this time i’m staying in for the long haul.

    My other buddy from the old days has the new 1918 WWI game. We are looking to try it out soon.

    I have some house rules but never got to play test them for real. the big one is that for Normandy invasion, the US and UK should be able to attack simultaneously, or else the war in real life may have never been won. Assign the US naval units to UK and let them attack as one force for the duration of that naval combat and landing, then the US forces there skip this turn and return to US control on the next turn.

    looking forward to reading this forum regularly.
    damon out

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