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Hello, I’m frightening lightning, and I’ve been playing Axis and Allies since 2017. I’m a World War Two fanatic as well. My group just recently switched over to Global.
WELCOME!!! Look around and see if you want to join the League to play competitively or Play Boardgames to play just for fun. (Competitive is fun too BTW)
This post is deleted! -
Where are you from?
Hi, I’m Michel, living in the Netherlands. Mostly boardgaming and rp-ing the last 20 yrs, but have been a fanatic wargamer in my youth.What Axis & Allies games do you like to play?
I own Pacific 1940 since about 10yrs, and unboxed it tonight :cold_sweat: only, to discover it as solitaire during the holidays. Main reason is no friend available or interested to play such long games.How often do you play?
Well, I’m discovering the game, so that’s that. Not played any other wargame for years, played ASL, a lot of tactical games - Napoleonic to more recent - before the advent of computer or online games, e.g. Air Force, Dauntless, Submarine, Ambush!, The Great Patriotic War, Napoleon’s Last Battles, Panzerblitz, and more recently Britannia and the more abstract, less wargamy Shogun.Do you use any customizations (tables, painted pieces) or house rules?
Nope, got to discover the game first… feel quite daunted at the complexity of the “open field”, infinite options, and “unit purchases”After having read the rules and looked in vain for real-time recordings of games of Pacific 1940 2nd edition to get a realistic feel of how it all works, I am still confused… :anguished:
Glad I found this community and look forward to check game logs and other sources…
Hi @Hakuin,
Welcome to the forum:relaxed:
We have a few Axis & Allies members in Holland - in the town Urk.
If you are interested, I can ask our members to contact you.
They play Axis & Allies Global 1940 2nd Edition.
@The-Captain , thanks for letting me know !
I’m in Eindhoven. By US standards, close, by Dutch less so.Let’s see :blush:
First I have to find my way through the forum and understand how to find archived games and view them :grimacing: -
Hi @Hakuin Welcome to the site ! If you scroll down to " Play Online Axis & Allies Play Boardgames " You will find current and archived games.
The best way to view them, is with “triplea” https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/26
since the majority of games are played with it.The Captain has a Game Reports thread for there Global 40 Mod which uses a lot of House Rules he and his Group of over 53 active members have come up with over the last 25 years, that shows non digital games as well.
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37535/the-captain-s-global-1940-house-rules-collection -
Just want to drop a line here to acknowledge the incredible kindness and commitment of seasoned members pointing me at the support material, giving tips, and answering my newbie questions the past days, it is really amazing, what a great community !!!
I started playing A&A with my friends dad, and I’m really liking it! I have been trying to beat him, but I don’t have any strategies. any you guys know I could use? -
Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:
Which game are you actually playing? Then look for strategies in the respective forum category. In case you don’t find what you are looking for ask there again.
But there will be a lot of good stuff waiting for you to discover…
Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:
Hi! I am living in Midlothian Va. near Richmond Va. I have a huge interest in WW2, especially global simulations. I prefer some of the newer mods, I am just getting into TripleA and I spent years developing my own game that is played on board for “The Wargame”. My rules eventually grew to 40 pages, but that includes the basic AxAly rules, pictures and at Times Roman 12 font. I am looking for anyone who wants to play most any version of Axis and Allies within about 50 miles. I look forward to discussions on WW II and game design. I have played a lot of games, but I am new to online. By the way I am 66.
@Panther I am currently playing1940 global war on TripleA. I am not playing anything face to face. My friends have retired from gaming. That was unexpected. I am looking for someone within an hour of Richmond. I have a 1940 Europe game, I would like to play with someone.
@Draginfut I recommend that you post / search for players in the Player Locator Category
Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:
The game we play is the WWII 1940’s, but use the 1945 game setup so the US doesn’t have to wait -
@Draginfut so that game is actually just called G40 or Global 40. Not to be confused with the global war series of games by Historical Board Gaming.
Do you have a set up chart for the 1945 set up ?
I don’t, but my friends dad does.
I could ask to see it if I need to. -
I like to play 1941 and any what to get it done?
I need help on the stuff to play. Do I need a disk?
That would be great - we would like to see your 1945 Set Up - but only if it is as close to WWII History as possible.
You might also find inspiration at the House Rules section - look for Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
Hi @Major-JSoto not entirely sure what you are asking but, if you’re looking to play online, you need to use triplea https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30
I’m not sure which 1941 you’re referring to, but it has the latest 1941 as well as the AA50 one.
Also a pile of other games