@F4D3D see the original post. There is a link to the original cards. Larry Harris modified only German and Britain. The other setup cards are the same.
Larry Harris Semi-Official Tournament Game Patch
this emphasis on history
is to me a mystery
for things to be fun in a game
things should not turn out the sameif you want divergent play
throw those history books away!
“but the game is world war two”
real tanks roll dice? I never knewif you want to start a list
of all the thing the gameplay’s missed
terrain, morale, food, intel, weather
oil, iron, and shoe leatherNot enough? Look at the board
No doubt but that things were ignored
Europe, Asia, take your pick
Differences are laid on thickThere’s much more that could be said
Of game design but cheese and bread
Are what I crave so off to kitchen
To make a sandwich that is *****in -
@Kakarrot1138 buying 1 fighter R1
@Black_Elk Its good to hear from you again, buddy. Variant setups would at least force people to make some new decisions, and I’m sure Beamdog is open to that.
@aardvarkpepper I’m also not a slavish devotee of absolute realism or historicity. But, like you said, it is a WW2 game. The refrain is “if it were historical, the Axis would lose in 5 turns”. Its a good framework to create a game and is thematically immensely popular. They did break with this tradition and decide to mash in the nearly-as-popular Zombies–how can you screw up ZOMBIES with WW2?? Well, the answer (over in that thread) is you fill the game with exploits, printing errors, overpowered random cards, and useless tech! Now, that’s history!
Now that this setup adjustment has been out for a while, I’m curious as to whether people are playing with it outside of the tournament setting, and, if so, what the results have been. Actually, I’m curious to know whether people think it’s balanced (and makes the game more fun) in both tournament and casual play. All opinions are welcome!
@krieghund My take: more balanced, less fun. After a few games of 1942 I took the pieces & dumped them in my Global set. The more the merrier.
Yeah, I reprinted my cards for the Tournament set up and use zombies carrier rules now. A&AOnline helped to solidify that superseding OOB for me in 42. I haven’t played any ranked games since it came out of EA, cause I’m a tripleA player at heart if I’m going digital, but I still log in to A&AOnline to keep tabs on the ranked results and to check stuff like user interface tweaks. It’s kinda hard to parse the numbers, since they are usually posted in aggregate rather than just the top drawer, but it seems to breakdown like 55% to 45% or thereabouts Axis vs Allies pretty consistently with the Gencon setup. 7 seasons and something like 100,000 games played - close enough for me. At the home table I use Gencon as the starting point now for 42. I still got one reliable buddy who likes to lean into HRs with me, so I still do that to liven things up, but we build it out from the Tournament set up these days, for sure.
I still think it’s fun! The hound’s approve! hehe
Hope you’ve been well, and all the best!
D DoManMacgee referenced this topic on
Hey guys, I read through all of the comments and I share your opinion: The game is more balanced now, but it is also more predictable and straight-forward.
Since I am still a fan of the 1942 game, I’d like to make a 4.0 setup so to speak - With the help of your ideas and with (hopefully) a lot of feedback from the community. there should already be a new thread in this forum for this.
However, I am already grateful for this long thread since so many great aspects have already been mentioned.
This “4.0” goes to house rules, then:
@Black_Elk said in Larry Harris Semi-Official Tournament Game Patch:
Yeah, I reprinted my cards for the Tournament set up
Hey @Black_Elk, which cards/files did you print to refresh your setup cards? I’m teaching 42.2 (live, to a full table!) in a couple weeks and would love to set it up with 1942.3.
EDIT: Nvm, I [re]discovered @Mondueo’s great 42.3 setup cards here: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39616/larry-harris-3-0-setup-cards-for-printing?_=1709213218386
@vodot Hey thanks! if you have any questions on how to print them just let me know. I designed them to be front and back with the backside being a unit key. Also, here is the L.H. version in case you missed it.
@vodot Also, you might want to grab this too if you’re teaching new people how to play. Makes it easier. I printed mine on PVC board and the dimensions are correct that it should actually fit in the box.
P Panther referenced this topic on