Sired's Map project - Updated- 4/16 - files available see first post

  • I like the duller or not so bright territory colors you have so far. It makes things stand out a bit but not bold. You may have to make the water slightly bluer.  Maybe a bit to many brown colors ?
    Still awesome work !

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks SS…. added more blue to water, idk… I like the map, just don’t think its what im after… too much color lol.

  • I like it. Its so much different at least for me. Did you try white or black borders for sea zones I assume. Good luck and cant wait to see more pics.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    ya pretty different, it somehow got away from my vision, thinking need this/that for gameplay, going to redo it, not a loss, as most of the time was separating territories into separate layers…. and im leaning towards back to no blue water, more paper look… ill be back lol

  • This is going to look amazing  :-)

  • This looks fantastic! I love that it’s so far from OOB. That’s probably not to everyone’s taste, though, but I sure like it!

    Looking at it, I think I’d prefer the territories without colours, just to really distinguish this from the OOB map, and to cement the old-timey war map feel.

    Hat’s off to you, sired. Great work! True artistry.

  • '17


    Also, im not sure im happy with the direction of the art….

    Another error found in the OOB… Honolulu is on the wrong island, they have it on Maui, not Oahu

    I like it!  I prefer some contrast between territories/nations, but that’s just my preference.  So your map works for me, especially the bluer oceans/seas.  I think you captured the old paper map style well, if that is what you were after?  Maybe give it some rough/torn edges?  Nice work!

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for the feedback!.. I agree no color on the territories, but also agree, some sort of way to distinguish… wasn’t a fan of the border glow… maybe have it look like it was outlined in pen?.. I’ll work on a new border idea, post new pics Saturday…

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer

    The texture on the seazones are amazing!

    I agree that it would be nicer to have something else then just a “fill color” on the countries would be best. Considered to try out different stains of brown combined with a distinct texture to distinguish them?

  • for borders, you could try a gaussian blur country specific colour line and then put a “basic” line, thinner, on the next layer/overtop.

    A slightly coloured blur would not infringe too much on the territory shape but add a slight distinction to each area.

    If you already have the territories separated, edge them with the countries colour and then add the border line overtop.

    The highest contrast to the brown territories is a purple-blue colour which might work best for the water Not as dark as revised but a hint of purple-blue would make the territories “pop” more.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    This is it, im super happy with this. I decided against border color or anything to do with color specifics, aside from neutrals, which will vary in shades of brown. I thought about it, and aside from the initial setup, borders change round 1, so really not important.

    Here is a close up, you can see the water, land, fonts, borders, etc…… Ill be adding in lots of city names to make the map look more official. The water will remain this color, but the ocean and sea names will be the blue shown.

    Just be a couple week now, and ill be done… unfortunately cant work on it today, playing ww1 fpr the first time today :)

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer


    This is it, im super happy with this. I decided against border color or anything to do with color specifics, aside from neutrals, which will vary in shades of brown. I thought about it, and aside from the initial setup, borders change round 1, so really not important.

    I’m glad you came up with a solution that you like and that fits your style of map the best. You’re absolutely right about the nation colors having no real game purpose. Although I have to say I like it to easily spot how many Russian home territories the Axis have eaten away. But that’s just me.

    Looking forward to see the total map. The mini map on the right side already gives an impression of the overall look and feel, but nothing beats the real deal :-)

    And what do you think of the ww1 game?

  • I love it! I’m a huge fan of the style. Really looking forward to seeing the full map!

  • Just a thought, how about adding a slight blue to the sea zones?
    I did a C-100, K-80 at 30% opacity over the existing image.
    It is subtle and adds a bit of distinguishing between the land and sea on the map.
    The land colours are great and give a real era feel to the game.
    See attached below.

    blue sea zones.pdf

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for the feedback, as for ww1, I surprisingly liked it, I’ve been told so much negative, I wasn’t expecting much, I’d play again though.

    I’m on my phone, tried to look at your pic, will do when I get home.

  • Just wow !
    Your map looks beautiful. I love your choice and work for the sea and coast lines.
    The map is homogeneous and the choice to add other cities and the name of the seas is a very good idea. The font selection looks great too.
    The style of the map is original; for me, you have made the right balance between the vintage map (without going into the fantasy land) and the modern era.
    Do you know the Cartographer Guild website? I also take a look because I am also making a custom map.
    I finished the decks cards, the reference cards, the objectives, etc … I am impatient to share and have your feelings as soon as I can post pictures on the forum.

    See you !

  • Looks really great.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for the feedback! I know it’s not for everyone, but for those who like it, your gonna love it! Thanks for the pic of the water, I’m a little torn, but I don’t mind having 2 versions. More pics this weekend, pacific side is about done.

  • I just feel a slight difference between the land and water makes a map “pop” visually.

    Everything becomes readily recognizable. (especially since we’ve all stared at this view of the world since the mid 80’s)

    Subtlety is the key though, keeping it weighted against your land mass treatment.

    looking forward to your next image post.

    I’m one of the few who like the older treatment of the map before they got all PS crazy with textures.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    PACIFIC side is complete (for the most part)

    Changes and fixes are as follows-

    -All coastlines redone
    -All Islands redone to actually look like the islands being represented…… Formosa looks like Formosa, Iwo Jima, Fiji, etc.
    -Honolulu moved to correct Island
    -Calcutta moved to proper location
    -Anhwe is now spelled correctly which is Anhwei
    -Hopei is now spelled correctly which is Hopeh
    -Ocean and Sea names added
    -Some Cities added to make it more like a map
    -Burma road more correctly identified
    -Soviet Far East IPC was dropped due to a Europe side edit
    -Union jack roundels used to represent UKP
    -ANZAC roundels replaced with Australian to match my roundels on my units.
    -New convoy marker
    -New Kamikaze marker
    -New standing army marker
    -Cavalry unit added to Mongolia (we use cavalry for Mongolia and china, been meaning to do a vid about it)
    -Fonts changed to better represent the era of the map
    -Colors to better represent the era of the map
    -Canadian roundel added to Western Canada
    -Mobilization zone removed… we never use that
    -SZ numbers relocated to corners of SZ

    Im sure there is more, but that all I can think of, all I have left is maybe align a few things better as I carefully look it over, and also the impassable area, not sure what I want to do yet.

    Europe side is about done, should be next weekend, please take some time and look for errors, thanks!

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