• Interested in what people who have played the game a lot think this will do in terms of playability. It’s been a lot of fun for me, and I prefer it to the original set up - but my instincts aren’t as honed as most of you. How would this slant the game?

    Allies have some distinct advantages (more income, loss of London significantly less catastrophic) but also disadvantages (cleaving Canada from Britain gives less force multiplication, axis base of power more fortified). By the way, the fortresses are all based on what actually existed in those territories at this time in the war. Only one I kept out was the Maginot Line in France, as it was inconsequential and would change the course of the game too much.

    Each new rule is in a box below. Goal was to be both realistic and add a new dimension to the game without throwing it off. Looking forward to your thoughts!


    New Stationary Unit: Fortresses

    The Game Starts Out with Fortresses in the Following Territories:


    Western Germany
    Northern Italy

    Role: All infantry, mech infantry, and artillery units in territory have increased defense +1 (defend at 3)

    Cost: 15

    Can be damaged with strategic/tactical bombing; inoperable with 3 or more damage points, up to 6 damage points possible. Can be repaired like air/naval bases, and also has built in anti-air defense against bombing like them.

    Changed Prices:

    Strategic Bombers cost 14

    Cruisers cost 10

    National Objective Updates:

    Increase Japan National Objective for Avoiding Unprovoked Declaration of War against ANZAC/UK and Invasion of French Indochina from 10IPC to 15IPC per turn.

    Add German National Objective: 7 IPCs if Germany controls UK (London). Theme: High Strategic and Propaganda value

    Add German National Objective: 3 IPCs if Axis controls Belgium/Holland, Normandy-Bordeaux, Denmark, and Western Germany. Theme: Atlantic Wall

    New Rules For Purchasing Technology:

    Technology: Buy tokens for 5IPC each, choose tier of research you wish to assign it to. If you roll a 6 you get a technology in that tier to roll for, 4-5 token is saved for a later turn to roll, 1-3 token is discarded. If token is “saved,” token’s technology tier cannot be switched. If you win a technology in a tier, all tokens in that tier are discarded. You may have multiple tokens in multiple tiers.

    4 Tiers for tech based on:

    Land (Paratroopers, Improved Mechanized Infantry, Advanced Artillery)
    Naval (Radar, Super Submarines, Improved Shipyards)
    Air (Long Range Aircraft, Heavy Bombers, Jet Fighters)
    Strategic (War Bonds, Rockets, Increased Factory Production)

    If you acquire a technology, you do not get it until the collect income phase at the end of your turn (Note: Because of this, you can use war bonds at end of the turn it was acquired, as money received can only be used the next turn).

    New Technology Detail Changes:

    Jet Fighters defend at 5, not attack at 4. Same rules as in book for escort/interceptors apply.

    Add +2 to all War Bonds rolls to calculate IPCs earned

    Radar Tech also gives Cruisers a pre-combat anti-air shot at attacking planes; hits at 1 or less. Each Cruiser may only fire at one plane, chosen by the attacker. They may also fire as they normally would in defense afterwords.

    Paratroopers do not require coinciding land / amphibious invasions to attack a territory. Ability can also be used as non-combat movements.

    The “Dutch” Liberated Territory Rule

    Allied (and Axis) nations’ territories can be liberated by their allies if the territory’s capital has been captured. These territories should be treated as friendly neutral territories, along the lines of the Dutch East Indies. They do not require the enemy to capture them first for allies to receive income value. Example: After the fall of France, UK can send soldiers to French African territories and collect income from them. They do not, however, receive this income automatically; ground forces must enter the territory to occupy it.

    British Second Capital Rule:

    If London is captured, all of Britain’s European Economy IPCs go to its conquerer. However, the following turn all Sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern Territories IPCs (Turkey, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Egypt and further) still held by Britain transfer to Calcutta, assuming it is also not captured. All unoccupied British American, European and North African (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya) derived IPCs are considered stranded. Britain may, however, liberate territories and have Calcutta receive IPCs for them; for example, if London falls but British troops are in Southern France, those IPCs may go to Calcutta. If Britain controls Morocco, however, but has no soldiers there, that territory would become stranded. If Calcutta is captured, no Pacific territory automatically transfers to London; however, the same rules apply regarding troop occupation. If Britain has soldiers in Malaya and Calcutta falls, that IPC value can be collected by London. If Calcutta or London is liberated, economic control over respective territories reverts back to the initial format.

    ANZAC Split Economy - Canada

    Canada is not controlled by UK, it is controlled by ANZAC, with the economy being split (ANZAC Europe starts out with 7IPCs, UK Europe with 21). There is no Second Capital rule with ANZAC; ANZAC Pacific receives economy for all conquered/liberated East African/Middle Eastern Territories bordering Sea Zones 70, 71, 72, 76, and 80 and all territories in Asia (including Asian Russia). ANZAC Europe receives economy for all American and North/West African Territories including Sea Zones 81, 82, 83, 87 and all European territories (this includes all Russian territory on the European Map). This rule is void if one of the capitals is captured; IPCs anywhere may be acquired by the remaining capital by physically moving ground units to the territories.

    ANZAC’s split economies, like UK’s, share technology.

    All British units on Canada are replaced with ANZAC units, including ships in Sea Zone 106.

    All prior ANZAC National Objectives apply strictly to ANZAC Pacific Economy.

    ANZAC European National Objectives:

    5 IPCs if UK, Scotland, Newfoundland, Greenland, and Iceland are free of Axis soldiers, Canada controls all of its original territories, and all bordering US territories are controlled by Allies. Theme: Basic Defense Perimeter.

    5 IPCs if America is at War with the Axis. Theme: North American Shared War Economy.

    New Unit Placements:

    Germany starts with a Submarine in Sea Zone 67

    Germany starts with a Submarine in Sea Zone 114

    Germany starts with a Submarine in Sea Zone 112

    Germany starts with a Tactical Bomber in Holland/Belgium

    Germany starts with a Fighter in Poland

    US starts with a Destroyer in Sea Zone 89

    ANZAC starts with 2 Infantry and 1 Fighter in UK

    ANZAC starts with a Destroyer in Sea Zone 119

    Russia starts with 1 infantry in Bryansk

    Russia starts with 1 infantry in Smolensk

    New Victory Cities And Victory Rules:


    • Johannesburg in Union of South Africa
    • Kiev in Ukraine
    • Chicago in Central US


    • Frankfurt in Western Germany
    • Milan in Northern Italy

    New number of Victory Cities on map: 24

    Total Under National Control at Start:

    5 American
    5 British
    2 ANZAC
    4 Russian
    1 French

    3 German
    2 Italian
    2 Japanese

    Axis Needs 14 Victory Cities total to win.
    Allies Need 18 Victory Cities total to win.

  • Welcome. This post needs to go to the House rules thread.

  • Thanks, sorry about that!

  • No need to be sorry. Happens to some new people.

    Welcome to site.  :-D

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