@SS-GEN said in Global War 1940 2nd ed.:
I did 2 more test battles and god dam I keep dicing the other side with aa plane kills @2. It’s not even the ship aa @3
Never happens for me in a game.
Now I’m lookin at ship aa @2
? Crap is Killin me. Did have one side not get a kill so the battle flip the other way and seems to make closer piece totals in battles can go one way and then next round other way and then normal way. Oh man “The Wayouts” !!!
Got 2 games this weekend and I’m flipping out ! Lol. Just don’t want it to screw things up but it’s not really that bad. I just don’t want over kill in planes. But I’m waiting on group guys for there opinions yet. Vote so far 2-0 for it.
Many things and options going on as I see.
What makes interesting a special AA roll is that aircraft are costlier than DD, Subs and TPs.
Otherwise it is less relevant to have a special roll if the first casualty oin order is a cheaper aircraft.
It is interesting to consider a small roll @2 for Fg and Cruiser and BB while the other dice is treated normally.
When there is no aircraft, you don’t roll this AA roll and there is no rising up of the regular roll.
Less to remember. Bombers can be a minimal roll @1.
You may even think about it in the other direction.
Keeping all Fg and TcB at C10 but with an additional AA roll each round if enemy’s plane are present.
《The plane numbers will not be used yet. Tweaking those as of now. Each ship and plane piece rolls 2 dice with different colors.
D12 system
BB C15 AD@2 plane & AD@8 ship
1 damage AD@2 Plane & AD@4 ship
CR C10 AD@2 plane & AD@7 ship
AC C15 D@3 plane only. 1 dam D@2 plane only
EC C8 D@3 plane only
Tac C10 A@1 plane & A@5 pick target
D@1 plane & D@5 pick target
Dive C10 A@1 plane & A@5 pick target
D@1 plane & D@4 pick target
Fig C10 A@2 plane & A@5 ship or ground
D@2 plane & D@6 ship or ground
N Fig C10 A@2 plane & A@4 ship or ground
D@2 plane & D@6 ship or ground
Ok. There is no dog fighting now. So each plane gets a plane shot. I kept the number 1 less to see if it’s ok. Worried about over kill and have not added any planes to setup.》