@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
1st Annual Cellar Gaming TripleA Octathalon – Brackets and Win Posts
ACGTO NWO Bacala (Allies) wins over Balladeer (Axis)
The proposed tentative signup rules are found here for the 2nd Annual tourney:
Let me know your thoughts – I plan on posting the official sign-up thread within the next few days, so the sooner the better. Thanks!
270BC Balladeer (Romans) defeats DizzKneeLand33 (Anti-Romans)
Okay, after further thought, I’m thinking that we should just postpone the next tourney until most of these brackets are finished up (sometime next year) – especially since some are still in almost all the brackets. Does that sound better to you guys?
LOTR redrum(Good) over DizzKneeLand33(Evil)
Okay, after further thought, I’m thinking that we should just postpone the next tourney until most of these brackets are finished up (sometime next year) – especially since some are still in almost all the brackets. Does that sound better to you guys?
Sounds like a plan! And I’m up for No man’s land, answering your question from a different post (when the current rush of games we got going dies down) ;-)
@Dizz - I’d echo Balladeer’s thoughts he posted at Cellargaming. I think postponing the start til at least Dec would be best considering we still have a pretty good number of games left.
@Dizz - I’d echo Balladeer’s thoughts he posted at Cellargaming. I think postponing the start til at least Dec would be best considering we still have a pretty good number of games left.
Very cool, I say let’s focus on our games and then we can start the next one maybe Feb 15 to Mar 15? That will give us some recruiting time as well!
ACGTO 270 BC redrum (Roman alliance) v Bacala (Anti-Roman alliance)
redrum wins from Bacala
LOTR redrum(Good) over DizzKneeLand33(Evil)
And our first real point is scored with a fourth place finish for Dizzkneeland33 in LOTR!
Balladeer [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs Entek
Rolling 1d20:
(14) -
TRS: Bacala (allies) over Balladeer (axis).
Well done, you got to me before I got to you :-)
LOTR: Bacala over Balladeer
TAW: Bacala wins from Entek
Lord Of The Rings:
redrum [Sides: even is Good, odd is Evil] vs Balladeer
Rolling 1d20:
(8)Total Ancient War:
Bacala vs Balladeer, 2nd game: Bacala = Anti-Romans, Balladeer = Romans
Geesh, Balladeer – 5/5 now on your Evilness… :evil:
ACGTO NE redrum (coalition) vs Bacala (carolingians)
redrum wins
So it is the Final, at last. I have been waiting since March.
Can you roll for sides, please Dizz? -
@Wittmann - Technically its not the final yet as the winner of our game will then play the winner of the loser’s bracket for the true final. Either way best of luck :-)
Napoleonic Empires:
wittman [Sides: even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians] vs redrum
Rolling 1d20:
(16)captain walker [Sides: even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians] vs Bacala
Rolling 1d20: