@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
1st Annual Cellar Gaming TripleA Octathalon – Brackets and Win Posts
Has anyone heard from Whackamatt recently? Its been about a month since he’s played a turn in our WaW game.
He posted his turn to the team game on May 12 – hopefully he will be around after Memorial Day? Whack, if you see this, give us a heads up if you can, thanks!
Game result:
Great War: Dizz(Allies) over Entek(CP)
Whack is back.
He posted in our Team game. -
ACGTO Lord of the Rings - Dawgoneit (Good) v Balladeer (Evil)
Balladeer wins
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37448.0 -
Lord Of The Rings:
Balladeer [Sides: (even is Good, odd is Evil)] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(3)Entek [Sides: (even is Good, odd is Evil)] vs dawgoneit
Rolling 1d20:
(17) -
Game result:
270BC: Dizz(Romans) over dawgoneit(Anti-Romans)
Whackamatt [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(3)dawgoneit [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs Balladeer
Rolling 1d20:
(14) -
Whackamatt, you have been playing our team game on the forums, but will not respond to messages from me or to your game posts in this tourney. Therefore, you must respond to this post within 72 hours letting us know your intentions of continuing or not or I will be forced to withdraw you from the tournament. :(
(For our next tournament, there will definitely be a bump rule, probably at 96 hours to be a little more casual than league, for example. This will keep the tourney brackets moving.)
Great War:
dawgoneit(Allies) over Whackamatt(Axis) by adjudication:
World At War:
redrum(Axis) over Whackamatt(Allies) by adjudication:
World At War:
DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs redrum
Rolling 1d20:
(3)captain walker [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs dawgoneit
Rolling 1d20:
(20)Great War:
dawgoneit [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Central Powers] vs Bacala
Rolling 1d20:
DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs redrum
Rolling 1d20:
(7)Total Ancient War:
dawgoneit [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs Balladeer
Rolling 1d20:
(4)Bacala [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(14)Napoleonic Empires:
Bacala [Sides: even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians] vs dawgoneit
Rolling 1d20:
(5) -
All brackets have now been updated! Remember that they are located here:
If it looks like you are not seeing an updated bracket, hit “refresh” on your browser and it should update – some browsers seem to cache the pages forever… :roll:
I think I see three games that are still needing to start:
– World At War: Captain Walker (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Axis)
– Great War: Bacala (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Central Powers)
– Total Ancient War: dawgoneit (Romans) vs Balladeer (Anti-Romans)
Please start these games as soon as you can so that we can keep the tournament moving forward. Thanks!
Dawg and I are at turn 7 already :)
Captain Walker (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Axis)
started -
LOTR: Redrum (Evil) surrenders to Bacala (Good) in round 7
Dawg and I are at turn 7 already :)
In Total Ancient War? I only see your 270 BC game…. :?
Ah, we’re to play that other crazy pre-civilized era game as well? In that case, lets have a go at it dawg!
Cool, I’m there
ACGTO 270 BC dawgoneit (Roman alliance) v Balladeer (anti Roman alliance)
Balladeer (anti Roman alliance) Wins -
The ratings lists for all of the games have been updated on the Cellar Gaming boards – most of these are still very early in those stages, and ratings will get more spread out after a few more tournaments. I am also going to try to post them here:
Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
World At War1771 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 9-1, A: 5-0, X: 4-1)
1699 captain walker (Record: 8-3, A: 5-1, X: 3-2)
1685 Bacala (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
1640 redrum (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1638 Whackamatt (Record: 5-4, A: 4-2, X: 1-2)
1601 wheatbeer (Record: 2-2, A: 1-0, X: 1-2)
1596 Balladeer (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
1530 dawgoneit (Record: 5-8, A: 3-3, X: 2-5)
1506 aequitas et veritas (Record: 2-6, A: 2-2, X: 0-4)
1388 Entek (Record: 0-10, A: 0-5, X: 0-5)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
New World Order1649 redrum (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
1625 Bacala (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1625 captain walker (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1600 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
1575 dawgoneit (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Narushima (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1551 Entek (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
The Rising Sun1673 Bacala (Record: 3-0, A: 1-0, X: 2-0)
1625 Balladeer (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1625 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1576 Entek (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1576 redrum (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 dawgoneit (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 mike48484 (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 captain walker (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
Great War1674 redrum (Record: 3-0, A: 2-0, X: 1-0)
1625 Bacala (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1625 dawgoneit (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1624 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 2-1, A: 2-1, X: 0-0)
1576 Narushima (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 mike48484 (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 Balladeer (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 Whackamatt (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1551 Entek (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
270BC1625 Bacala (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1625 redrum (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1625 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1600 Balladeer (Record: 1-1, A: 0-0, X: 1-1)
1575 Entek (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1550 dawgoneit (Record: 0-2, A: 0-1, X: 0-1)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
Total Ancient War1650 redrum (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
1625 Balladeer (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1600 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-1, A: 0-1, X: 1-0)
1575 Bacala (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 mike48484 (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 Entek (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
Lord Of The Rings1650 Bacala (Record: 2-0, A: 1-0, X: 1-0)
1649 Balladeer (Record: 2-0, A: 0-0, X: 2-0)
1625 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-0, A: 1-0, X: 0-0)
1600 redrum (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
1576 dawgoneit (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Narushima (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Entek (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 mike48484 (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 Whackamatt (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)Cellar Gaming Forums
Official Rating List: June, 2016
Napoleonic Empires1650 wittmann (Record: 2-0, A: 2-0, X: 0-0)
1625 DizzKneeLand33 (Record: 1-0, A: 0-0, X: 1-0)
1601 Balladeer (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
1599 captain walker (Record: 1-1, A: 1-0, X: 0-1)
1575 mike48484 (Record: 0-1, A: 0-1, X: 0-0)
1575 Entek (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)
1575 Narushima (Record: 0-1, A: 0-0, X: 0-1)Players with an established rating of 15 or more games
Provisionally rated players with 10-14 games rated
Provisionally rated players with 5-9 games rated
Provisionally rated players with less than 5 games rated- Note: Low Luck games are rated as an “open DB” game, since this type of game differs substantially from one using dice.
** In the records listed, “A” stands for “Allies” and “X” stands for “Axis”. Where the sides are not defined by Axis/Allies, the “A” is for the status quo (i.e. Romans, Coalition, Good) and the “X” is for the instigators (i.e. Anti-Roman, Carolingians, Evil).
- Note: Low Luck games are rated as an “open DB” game, since this type of game differs substantially from one using dice.