1st Annual Cellar Gaming TripleA Octathalon – Brackets and Win Posts
@Dizz - Yeah bids have their pros/cons for sure as well. I’m kind of neutral on rolling or bidding for sides. Though I will say if you roll for sides then on some maps there should probably be a standard bid. A good example is G40 which is definitely weighted towards one side without a bid. While bidding does let people try to pick their side eventually people that prefer the same side get matched up and one of them has to play the other side. Also people realize it over time and will push for a better bid against people they know prefer a certain side.
TRS: Redrum (Allies) surrenders to Bacala (Axis) in round 7
NWO captain walker( axis) over dawgoneit
New World Order:
Balladeer [Sides: (even is Allies, odd is Axis)] vs captain walker
Rolling 1d20:
(19) -
ACGTO WaW dawgoneit (allies) v Bacala (axis)
Bacala wins
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37475.90 -
Standings update!
Redrum took his first loss, so he’s not invincible it seems. With one loss he is right on par with Whackamatt (but he only finished 2 games compared to redrum’s 10) and Bacala (who also finished 10 games). Only wittmann is doing better with 0 losses, but he kind of cheats by playing only Napoleonic Empires ;-).
New World Order is dropping players fast (down to 6 from 10 started), with both Semi Finals playing. The Rising Sun is progressing neatly as well, with 2 eliminations and 4 players allready in the losers bracket.
Napoleonic Empires is a little unbalanced, with one bracket progressing at lightning speed (witmann in the final awaiting his opponent already), while RO16 and QF matches are still being played.Also the first people have gathered some minimum points, with redrum and witmann scoring at least 2 points each and Bacala doing great, getting at least 4 points. Who will beat one of these of the podium?
Has anyone heard from Whackamatt recently? Its been about a month since he’s played a turn in our WaW game.
Has anyone heard from Whackamatt recently? Its been about a month since he’s played a turn in our WaW game.
He posted his turn to the team game on May 12 – hopefully he will be around after Memorial Day? Whack, if you see this, give us a heads up if you can, thanks!
Game result:
Great War: Dizz(Allies) over Entek(CP)
Whack is back.
He posted in our Team game. -
ACGTO Lord of the Rings - Dawgoneit (Good) v Balladeer (Evil)
Balladeer wins
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37448.0 -
Lord Of The Rings:
Balladeer [Sides: (even is Good, odd is Evil)] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(3)Entek [Sides: (even is Good, odd is Evil)] vs dawgoneit
Rolling 1d20:
(17) -
Game result:
270BC: Dizz(Romans) over dawgoneit(Anti-Romans)
Whackamatt [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(3)dawgoneit [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs Balladeer
Rolling 1d20:
(14) -
Whackamatt, you have been playing our team game on the forums, but will not respond to messages from me or to your game posts in this tourney. Therefore, you must respond to this post within 72 hours letting us know your intentions of continuing or not or I will be forced to withdraw you from the tournament. :(
(For our next tournament, there will definitely be a bump rule, probably at 96 hours to be a little more casual than league, for example. This will keep the tourney brackets moving.)
Great War:
dawgoneit(Allies) over Whackamatt(Axis) by adjudication:
World At War:
redrum(Axis) over Whackamatt(Allies) by adjudication:
World At War:
DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs redrum
Rolling 1d20:
(3)captain walker [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs dawgoneit
Rolling 1d20:
(20)Great War:
dawgoneit [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Central Powers] vs Bacala
Rolling 1d20:
DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs redrum
Rolling 1d20:
(7)Total Ancient War:
dawgoneit [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs Balladeer
Rolling 1d20:
(4)Bacala [Sides: even is Roman, odd is Anti-Roman] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(14)Napoleonic Empires:
Bacala [Sides: even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians] vs dawgoneit
Rolling 1d20:
(5) -
All brackets have now been updated! Remember that they are located here:
If it looks like you are not seeing an updated bracket, hit “refresh” on your browser and it should update – some browsers seem to cache the pages forever… :roll:
I think I see three games that are still needing to start:
– World At War: Captain Walker (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Axis)
– Great War: Bacala (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Central Powers)
– Total Ancient War: dawgoneit (Romans) vs Balladeer (Anti-Romans)
Please start these games as soon as you can so that we can keep the tournament moving forward. Thanks!
Dawg and I are at turn 7 already :)
Captain Walker (Allies) vs dawgoneit (Axis)