Hey Kid,
your idea is weakening too much StBs when no escort is present compared to OOB G40 SBR:
to keep an equilibrium status you must increase StB damage to 1D6+3 or 2D6.
Or gives a better dogfight values to bomber, such as first strike @1 (OOB 1942.2 SBR)
or a better first strike @1 against up to 2 Fgs, which ever the lesser, similar to AAA ways.
In the last case, when an escorting fighter is present, first target means that interceptor always destroy bomber first.
Here an example, and the only case in which your idea is close to G40 OOB odds, when attacker is 2 planes against 1 Fg:
SBR HR: 1 StB A1 & 1 Fg A2 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +9.027 - 5.333 = +3.694 IPCs damage/SBR
(First target: StB A1fs =2AA@1):
D6+2: +7.754 -4.777 =+2.977 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: +7.639 - 3.667 = +3.972 IPCs damage/SBR
The basic wrong scenario when Fg gets A2 D2 is -.61 IPCs/SBR - +1.819 = -2.419 IPCs weaker than OOB.
SBR HRules :1 StB A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +4.723 - 5.333 = -0.61 IPC damage/SBR
1D6+3: +5.278 - 5.333 = -0.055 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +5.556 - 5.333 = +0.223 IPC damage/SBR
Regular SBRs (First target: StB A1_first strike_ =2AA@1)
1D6+2: +4.977 - 4.778 = +0.199 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +5.579 - 4.778 = +0.801 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +5.880 - 4.778 = +1.102 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: + 5.486 - 3.667 = +1.819 IPC damage/SBR
So, giving A2 D2 to Fighter is still a major deterrent against SBR in an optimized play.
It needs additional boost to reach something interesting for both attacker and defender to commit into SBR escort and intercept.
OK, everyone. I have some really big statements on a truly better SBR, and not so different from the basics OOB game mechanics.
First a few principles about what can make a good incentive to make SBR or to intercept an SBR attack.
1- A massive number of Strategic Bombers with each an attacking factor @1 is a pretty big deterrent for any TT with fewer Fighter defending @1.
This create an historical aberration in which all air defense stay grounded and let the bombers do the destruction over IC, AB and NB.
2- This situation is created by the fact that intercepting bombers are a worse situation than being bombed up to the maximum damage allowance.
Loosing Fighters which can be useful on regular defense (@4) while achieving almost nothing to destroy incoming bombers is also a major deterrent.
3- For an optimized play, on statistical POV, a good player should ponder whether intercepting the bombers really lowering their odds of loosing IPCs over the other way of letting Bombers directly under IC’s AA gun fire. So, a player must calculate how many IPCs will be lost on average if he intercepts against how many direct bombing damage can be done against him.
4- To prevent the fear of massive attacking bombers (acting like fighters attacking enemy’s fighters) most of you people assumed that a Strategic bomber with an attack factor @0 is part of the whole solution. (I agree, so I make a lot of table to find the perfect balance in regard to the usual odds of G40 OOB SBR.) They should be defenseless in dogfight. But with more destructive power.
5- To see if a given SBR mechanics could work, it should also compare the bare SBR value of Bombers raiding without interference and the TUV lost if a given number of Fighter(s) intercept(s) the bomber. To get an incentive mechanics, the defending player must see a real interest to intercept on a mathematical POV.
Working on the most balanced SBR with Fighter A2 D2, a more complete table is needed to make for additional options:
Comparison of various SBR OOB & HRules StB A1 damage 1D6+2 /1D6+3 / 2D6 / Fg escort A2 Interceptor D2
SBR HRules : 1 StB doing SBR without interceptor, various damage:
Regular SBRs
1D6+2 (avg 5.5 IPCs): +4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3 (avg 6.5 IPCs): +5.417 - 2 = +3.417 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6 (avg 7 IPCs): +5.833 - 2 = +3.833 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: +4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +2.917 - 2 = +0.917 IPC damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6: +2.917 - 2 = +0.917 IPC damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR
SBR HRules :1 StB A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +4.723 - 5.333 = -0.61 IPC damage/SBR
1D6+3: +5.278 - 5.333 = -0.055 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +5.556 - 5.333 = +0.223 IPC damage/SBR
Regular SBRs (First target: StB A1_first strike_ =2AA@1)
1D6+2: +4.977 - 4.778 = +0.199 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +5.579 - 4.778 = +0.801 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +5.880 - 4.778 = +1.102 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: + 5.486 - 3.667 = +1.819 IPC damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +3.69 - 3.667 = +0.023 IPC damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6: +3.8 - 4.8 = -1 IPC damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +4.977 - 4.778 = +0.199 IPC damage/StB
SBR HR: 1 StB A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +3.704 - 7.556 = -3.852 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +4.074 - 7.556 = -3.482 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +4.260 - 7.556 = -3.296 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+2 (StB=2AA@1): +5.093- 7.556 = -2.463 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+3 (StB=2AA@1): +5.463 -7.556= -2.093 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6 (StB=2AA@1): +5.649- 7.556 = -1.907 IPCs damage/SBR
First target: StB A1fs =2AA@1: as AA against up to 2 Fgs
1D6+2: +5.659 - 6.321 = -0.662 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +6.132 -6.321 = -0.189 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +6.369 - 6.321 = +0.048 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: +4.85 - 5.056 = -0.206 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +2.025 - 5.056 = -3.031 IPCs damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6:+3.071 - 7.185 = -4.114 IPC. damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +3.874 - 7.185 = -3.311 IPCs damage/SBR
SBR HR: 1 StB A1 & 1 Fg A2 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +9.074 - 8.667 = +0.407 IPC damage/SBR
1D6+3: +9.815 - 8.667 = +1.148 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +10.185 - 8.667 = +1.518 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+2 (StB=2AA@1): +10.648 - 8.667 = +1.981 IPC damage/SBR
D6+3 (StB=2AA@1): +11.389 - 8.667= +2.722 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6 (StB=2AA@1): +11.759 - 8.667 = +3.092 IPCs damage/SBR
(First target: StB=2AA@1): StB A1 as AAA against up to 2 Fgs
D6+2: +8.611 - 8.667 = -0.056 IPC damage/SBR
1D6+3:+8.981 - 8.667 = +0.314 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +9.167- 8.667 = +0.500 IPCs damage/SBR
(First target: StB A1_first strike_ as AAA vs up to 2 Fgs
D6+2: 8.965 - 7.556 = +1.409 IPC damage/SBR
1D6+3:+9.399 - 7.556 = +1.843 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +9.617- 7.556 = +2.061 IPCs damage/SBR
OOB G40 D6+2: +7.775 - 5.33 = +2.445 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +6.155 - 5.33 = +0.825 IPC damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6: +6.018 - 7.556 = -1.538 IPCs damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +7.557 - 7.556 = +0.001 IPCs damage/StB
SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +9.445 - 10.667 = -1.222 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +10.556 - 10.667 = -0.111 IPC damage/SBR
2D6: +11.112 - 10.667 = +0.445 IPC damage/SBR
First target: StB A1 first strike, as AAA up to 2 Fgs
1D6+2: +9.954 - 9.556 = +0.398 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +11.158 - 9.556 = +1.602 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +11.760 - 9.556 = +2.204 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: +10.973 - 7.334 = +3.639 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +8.195 - 7.334 = +0.861 IPC damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6: +7.547 - 9.556 = -2.009 IPCs damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +9.954 - 9.556 = +0.398 IPC damage/StB
SBR HR: 1 StB A1 & 1 Fg A2 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +9.027 - 5.333 = +3.694 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +9.861 - 5.333 = +4.528 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +10.277 - 5.333 = +4.944 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+2 (First target: StB=2AA@1): +7.500 -5.333 = +2.167 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+3 (First target: StB=2AA@1): +6.5= +8.055 -5.333 = +2.722 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6 (First target: StB=2AA@1): +8.333 -5.333 = +3 IPCs damage/SBR
(First target: StB A1fs =2AA@1):
D6+2: +7.754 -4.777 =+2.977 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3:+8.356 -4.777 = +3.579 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +8.657 -4.777 = +3.880 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: +7.639 - 3.667 = +3.972 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +5.973 - 3.667 = +2.306 IPCs damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6: +5.973 - 5.159 = +0.814 IPCs damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +7.639 -5.159 = +2.480 IPCs damage/SBR
SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Regular SBRs
1D6+2: +10.639 - 7.334 = +3.304 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +12.028 - 7.334 = +4.694 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +12.722 - 7.334 = +5.388 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+2 (StB=2AA@1): +9.306 - 7.334 = +1.972 IPCs damage/SBR
D6+3 (StB=2AA@1):+10.695 - 7.334 = +3.361 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6 (StB=2AA@1): +11.389 - 7.334 = +4.055 IPCs damage/SBR
First target: StB A1 first strike, as AAA against up to 2 Fgs
1D6+2: +9.561 - 6.778 = +2.783 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3: +10.996 - 6.778 = +4.218 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6: +11.714 - 6.778 = +4.936 IPCs damage/SBR
G40 OOB D6+2: +11.459 - 5.666 = +5.793 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +8.403 - 5.666 = +2.737 IPCs damage/StB
OOB 1942.2 D6: +8.214 - 6.315 = +1.899 IPCs damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +11.162 - 6.315 = +4.847 IPCs damage/SBR
SBR HRules : 2 StBs doing SBR without interceptor
Regular SBRs
1D6+2 (avg 5.5 IPCs): +9.166 - 4 = +5.166 IPCs damage/SBR
1D6+3 (avg 6.5 IPCs): +10.834 - 4 = +6.834 IPCs damage/SBR
2D6 (avg 7 IPCs): +11.666 - 4 = +7.666 IPCs damage/SBR
OOB G40 D6+2: +9.166 - 4 = +5.166 IPCs damage/SBR
Triple A 1942.2 D6: +5.834 - 4 = +1.834 IPCs damage/SBR
OOB 1942.2 D6: +5.834 - 4 = +1.834 IPCs damage/SBR
1942.2 D6+2: +9.166 - 4 = +5.166 IPCs damage/SBR