Axis and Allies: Victories and the Victor Poll


    This poll is very simple. Who won your LATEST game, and which nation on that side managed to win the game by taking the last VC (Axis) or Axis Capital (Allies)? If the victory was won through an enemy surrender, switch the second part of the question with, which nation contributed most to the victory? Now, a few more things…

    First off, do NOT abuse this poll. Its first and foremost purpose is to enlighten the Forums as to which side is winning more, and how it’s changes over time. For example, for now I’m sure that the Allies will have an edge, but sooner or later I think that this will even out.

    Second, for now, no matter how many games you have played up until the point of this poll being made, only vote once about your latest game. Every game you play after that vote, please vote again. You have unlimited votes, but again, please do not abuse this power. Will changing the results of this poll really help you at all? In fact, it will only hurt the Axis and Allies Forums community as a whole.

    Third, this is my first poll, so please forgive me if I messed something up.

    Fourth, only select one option. I messed that up, to start. :-P Thank you very much for voting!

    EDIT: OK, I’m resetting the poll every 30 voters. First reset just happened. On this post I shall have the records for each 30 voters. Same rules apply to this way of doing things. Only vote if you haven’t voted yet or if you’ve played a Global game since the last time you voted.

    First 30:

    Germany: 5
    Japan: 6
    Italy: 1
    Axis Total: 12

    US: 8
    UK: 4
    USSR: 6
    ANZAC: 0
    France: 0
    China: 0
    Allied Total: 18

    Second 30:
    Germany: 4
    Japan: 8
    Italy: 4
    Axis Total: 16

    US: 8
    UK: 1
    USSR: 3
    ANZAC: 1
    France: 1
    China: 0
    Allied Total: 14

    Grand Totals:

    Germany: 9
    Japan: 14
    Italy: 5
    Axis Grand Total: 28

    US: 16
    UK: 5
    USSR: 9
    ANZAC: 1
    France: 1
    China: 0
    Allied Grand Total: 32

  • Well, the allies won the last game I played, but it was due to an axis surrender, not a VC victory. In fact, most games are surrendered before a VC victory.

    BTW, China could capture Hong Kong or Shanghai to win the game

  • But they can’t take a capital, which is how the Allies win. Right? Did I misread the rules again…?

    I’m not sure this poll will work the way I want it to. I’m completely new to Forum Polls.

    EDIT: Well, you could just give the victory to whichever nation contributed most to the victory.

  • @hewhoisnickel:

    But they can’t take a capital, which is how the Allies win. Right? Did I misread the rules again…?

    I’m not sure this poll will work the way I want it to. I’m completely new to Forum Polls.

    EDIT: Well, you could just give the victory to whichever nation contributed most to the victory.

    You’re right

  • good idea for a poll.  I think it will give us something a little more scientific to think about when people complain that the game is broken because they can never win as a certain country.

  • And is anyone able to vote more than once? If not, I’ll reset the poll every (30? Does that seem about right?) voters and keep track of the numbers.

  • USA ignored Japan. Japan was able to get to the USA before Italy and Germany.

  • TripleA


    And is anyone able to vote more than once? If not, I’ll reset the poll every (30? Does that seem about right?) voters and keep track of the numbers.

    i think the polls are broken. a while back i tried to set up a poll to see which side was winning more. when i set up the poll i was given the option to allow multiple votes. but when people went to vote they were only allowed to vote once.

  • I think that option simply allows you to select multiple options when you vote. Not that you can vote multiple times.

  • OK, so I guess I’ll just reset it every time it gets to 30. Thanks guys. Exact same rules apply.

    Does 30 sound like a good amount, by the way?

  • I reset the poll to zero. Everyone can vote again. Only vote if you haven’t voted yet or if you’ve played a game since the last time you voted. Thank ya all very much.

  • USA took in order: Roma, Berlin et Tokyo.
    Big victory for the Allies!  :-D

    Sorry for the language, I have a little problem with my computer… :x

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    Superbe! Et bienvenue a la communaute de

    And thanks for the poll nickel. I hope it sheds some clear light on the balance in the game.

    Also this is assuming we played with the OOB setup or the new suggested Pacific setup from Larry Harris?

  • @Canuck12:

    Superbe! Et bienvenue a la communaute de

    And thanks for the poll nickel. I hope it sheds some clear light on the balance in the game.

    No problem! I thought with all of the claims that the game was broken and such, I’d try to see if they were right.


    Also this is assuming we played with the OOB setup or the new suggested Pacific setup from Larry Harris?

    I didn’t really think about that. I play the OOB because my group is somewhat hesitant about the complexity and hugeness of the game, so I try to keep it simple, but I assume that it’s about half and half on AA Forums. So, either one, I suppose. Is this a problem?

  • Bump. Gotta keep people voting!

  • Hmm. People are now misusing the poll. There are 16 total voters and about 28 votes. Should I remake the poll?

  • I am remaking the poll to disable cheating and switching over the data so far. Please do not post on this thread again. If any admins have the ability, lock this thread. Thank you.

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