• '17 '16 '15 '12



    A new hope. ;)

    Post Nemesis would be great, as suggested above. But anything is appreciated where Romulus is NOT destroyed in the future.

    Or Vulcan in the past. I am just floored by how easy that was for them to do. In the first freaking movie too. Shows a complete lack of respect/awareness of previous Star Trek.

    agree, no sensitivity. just so…I was totally staggered. they would not have dared with Qo’noS.

  • Interesting article on the new series:


    Star Trek Star Trek: can the franchise live long and prosper in the era of ‘Netflix and chill’?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Interesting article on the new series:


    Star Trek Star Trek: can the franchise live long and prosper in the era of ‘Netflix and chill’?

    This is a great article. Explains the situation perfectly.

    I agree with the writer’s train of thought: best indication of what Kurtzman is going to produce content-wise is what he has done in the past; be that Fringe, Alias or Sleepy Hollow. I have never seen Alias or Sleepy Hollow, but I watched most of Fringe. I thought Fringe was above average for a network TV show and had an interesting concept. Hard to determine how exactly such a thing would influence his new effort with Star Trek. I suppose it means he is well prepared for any Mirror Universe episodes???

    I hope he is wrong about fans not being able to take the 1990s Next Gen era Trek anymore. I think the foundation is excellent, even if the show itself is in many respects dated by now (why wouldn’t it be). It will be interesting to see if this plays out like the Disney-buying-Star Wars scenario. The property hasn’t changed hands, but the recent tone and subject matter has… in short, I would not be surprised if they ignore ALL of the established canon and original Trek up to this point. They have pretty much done just that already in the new films.

    No one in the studios or writing teams, it appears, cares much about continuity or established tradition. It is all about money, social media trending and making the next Game of Thrones/Breaking Bad level hit, as the writer implies. I cannot entirely fault them for trying to make the show popular and profitable, but I think a lot is going to be compromised in the process. Which is why I am not expecting much of anything good.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

  • @LHoffman:


    The part of the article which says…

    “One of the most frequent comments we’ve seen are from those wondering why CBS didn’t just “put it on Netflix or Amazon!”, services to which many already subscribe. The answer, of course, should be no surprise; CBS wants to make their prized possession the cornerstone of their push into the streaming market on a service they control (and monetize) top-to-bottom.”

    …has a familiar ring to it.  When Paramount decided to launch its United Paramount Network service back around 1995, it did so by capitalizing on its valuable Star Trek properties – and more specifically by creating a new Star Trek series, Voyager, as UPN’s flagship program.  So in a sense we’re dealing with the same kind of infinite-loop-rerun-of-history that we’ve seen a lot on sci-fi shows like…well, um, the various Star Trek series.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer




    The part of the article which says…

    “One of the most frequent comments we’ve seen are from those wondering why CBS didn’t just “put it on Netflix or Amazon!”, services to which many already subscribe. The answer, of course, should be no surprise; CBS wants to make their prized possession the cornerstone of their push into the streaming market on a service they control (and monetize) top-to-bottom.”

    …has a familiar ring to it.  When Paramount decided to launch its United Paramount Network service back around 1995, it did so by capitalizing on its valuable Star Trek properties – and more specifically by creating a new Star Trek series, Voyager, as UPN’s flagship program.  So in a sense we’re dealing with the same kind of infinite-loop-rerun-of-history that we’ve seen a lot on sci-fi shows like…well, um, the various Star Trek series.

    Hahaha…. very good point Marc.

  • Customizer

    Remake Enterprise but make it any good.

    Have interesting alien contact stories instead of people with bits of plastic glued to their faces as avatars for non-American human societies.

    Do a series based on the parallel universe from Mirror, Mirror where the Federation is an Empire and we have to do it to the Aliens before they do it to us.

  • Id rather have the show be about stories where Aliens argue about what roundels to use and tell Capt. Kirk that his maps are inaccurate.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I don’t care how bad it is, it will be good to me because it’s Trek.  Anything Trek is good!  (Except maybe DS 9.  Wasn’t a HUGE fan of DS 9 until Worf moved over…even then, it felt weird like I was cheating on TNG with another show…)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Anything Trek is good!

    Ahhh… I don’t quite agree with that. There has been some truly bad Star Trek in the past, not counting the new stuff.

    60% of Season 1 TNG should never have been made. And TNG is my show.

  • Customizer

    I want Klingons like they were in TOS, not the hideous TNG mutants. They disgust me. They repel me. They make me want to puke.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I want Klingons like they were in TOS, not the hideous TNG mutants. They disgust me. They repel me. They make me want to puke.

    Even Lursa and B’Etor?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I want Klingons like they were in TOS, not the hideous TNG mutants. They disgust me. They repel me. They make me want to puke.

    Yea but I am afraid the old Klingons will be too busy with Marty McFly running around the space time continuum!

    None of TNG was “bad” it just could have been better, IMHO.  First season was a lot, in feel, with TOS, wasn’t it?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    None of TNG was “bad” it just could have been better, IMHO.  First season was a lot, in feel, with TOS, wasn’t it?

    60% was a bit of an exaggeration, but I will name a few first season episodes that were pretty much terrible: “Justice”, “Code of Honor”, “The Naked Now”, “Skin of Evil”. Even though “Shades of Gray” is in season two, any clip episode has to be included. If you are going to pick some random TNG to watch, how likely is it that you pick “Shades of Gray” over any other episode?

    First season TNG was a lot like TOS, but that doesn’t make it good. TOS can be accepted for what it was and a product of its time: it was fairly revolutionary and actually had some meaningful drama for its era. TNG has much more to live up to considering the heights to which the show rose. That is a good thing, but makes the primitive nature of season one clash with the more sophisticated later stuff. In comparison, many points in season one are just laughably bad. I was watching season one all the way through again recently and cringed at a lot of it. There are lots of good points too, but I think that some of it can be said to be objectively poor. To each his (her) own though.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    This is a fair expectation of the new series. Pretty much fits what I would expect given our culture and TV watching habits today.

    I have been expecting for some time that any new Trek show would include some contemporary socially disenfranchised individual based solely on Star Trek’s penchant for progressivism. In this instance, if it is an LGBT person, Star Trek will actually be behind the curve since many other shows have already done that. TNG didn’t exactly have an Uhura, Chekov or Sulu or any regular cast member who was marginalized minority, so I don’t think that the new show has to either, though I wouldn’t at all be surprised if it ends up having one.

    I think the real question is if the new show continues the even more core aspect of Star Trek’s exploration of humanity with an emotion-less character. IMO it would be redundant and probably un-creative for the writers to imitate or create another Spock or Data. I just feel like any attempt to match those characters will both come short and seem much too trite by this point. The writers should figure out another route for the “what makes us human” approach.

    Everything in the article sounds pretty good, until you come back to reality and remember that, ah… damn. Its Alex Kurtzman. Well that was a nice fantasy……

  • @Cmdr:

    None of TNG was “bad” it just could have been better, IMHO.  First season was a lot, in feel, with TOS, wasn’t it?Â

    Yes, and apparently one of the reasons both for the similarity with TOS and for the uneven quality of the episodes was the Gene Roddenberry had more control of TNG in the first season than he did subsequently.  Roddenberry’s idealism sometimes clashed with the requirements of television drama: his wish to depict Starfleet personnel as peaceful and progressive allegedly made him insist that they never be shown in conflict with each other (unless they were, let’s say, under some kind of alien influence).  Any conflicts depicted on the show had to be restricted to conflicts with people external to the primary characters – preferably non-Starfleet / non-Federation people.  Unfortunately, this imposed severe limitations on the kinds of stories the writers could come up with.  After all, can you imagine what Voyager or Enterprise or (perhaps especially) DS9 would have been like if no conflict had been allowed between the primary characters?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Yes, and apparently one of the reasons both for the similarity with TOS and for the uneven quality of the episodes was the Gene Roddenberry had more control of TNG in the first season than he did subsequently.  Roddenberry’s idealism sometimes clashed with the requirements of television drama: his wish to depict Starfleet personnel as peaceful and progressive allegedly made him insist that they never be shown in conflict with each other (unless they were, let’s say, under some kind of alien influence).  Any conflicts depicted on the show had to be restricted to conflicts with people external to the primary characters – preferably non-Starfleet / non-Federation people.  Unfortunately, this imposed severe limitations on the kinds of stories the writers could come up with.  After all, can you imagine what Voyager or Enterprise or (perhaps especially) DS9 would have been like if no conflict had been allowed between the primary characters?

    William Shatner just made this documentary (Chaos on the Bridge) with help from many of the TNG writers, cast and those in-the-know. I don’t know if it is truly a hit-piece on Roddenberry, but it looks really interesting. I have known the general situation with Roddenberry controlling the creative process and hampering TNG development, but this is a more authoritative and definitive look at the whole deal. I want to watch.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I had heard that before, Marc.  Roddenbury was very anti-inter personnel conflict with bridge characters.  IMHO, a little strife on the bridge saved Enterprise from being a total waste.  I actually kind of liked Enterprise.  Not all of it, but there were quite a few good episodes.  There was also the conflict between Paris and Janeway, Torres and everyone and that might be a bit of why I enjoyed Voyager.

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    any of you Star Trek fans ever came across startrekcontinues.com?

    fan-made episodes 100% in sync with TOS, continuing where the show ended. James Doohans son playing Scotty, even. Its not action, but again is centered about human issues.

    I just discovered it today and watched three episodes, its really really noce, with lots of ties to earlier episodes, or continuations of them.

    Am I nostalgic? Damn, yes, but thats one kind of Star Trek I want to see. I also watched the prologue to Star Trek Axanar (think thats how it was spelled), a series or movie depixting the Klingon / Fed war a couple years before Kirk took over. Prologue was nicely done, featured Hertzler (Martok) and Todd (think that was Kurn) in fed roles, funny to hear. They are under legal fire now from CBS, not sure how it will end, but seems to have a lot of star power behind it. Looked good, more action-oriented, but made with the same love as StarTrek continues.

    Sorry if that is old news and has been discussed already.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I am not into the fan-fiction stuff. Some of it may be well done, but in the end it feels more like an imitation rather than the real thing itself. I have heard of Anaxar Axanar though and what I have heard is positive. I wish something like that would be produced by CBS and put back on television, but I doubt that is what the new series will be like.

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