Japan, China and South Korea should all slice up North Korea and solve that problem.
Star Trek: Watch week early, IMAX in Japan, or wait.
I seriously wanted to watch it in the IMAX, and found a good Japanese IMAX to do it in, but it’s an hour away via train and changeovers. But I’ve been waiting for this for four years….is it wrong to cheat and see it early?
Its the Cardassian way ;)
It is not wrong to see it ‘early.’ It has been out in many countries for some time already. Full spoilers are around and about on the internet.
But I’ve been waiting for this for four years….is it wrong to cheat and see it early?
Been waiting for what for 4 years? This movie? I don’t think it has even been in development that long.
See it.
Go big or go home. I say do the IMAX early if it is worth it to you.
I personally would rather watch it later and not in IMAX if it was in English, rather than go see it early and in IMAX but in Japanese.
Never watch it should fix the problem :mrgreen:
Never watch it should fix the problem :mrgreen:
Now after seeing the movie tonight, that would be a mistake. Star Trek is alive.