Just reading through the last two pages on a break at work. One idea which just came to me, for the idea of split theater play (“actively fighting” in two directions instead of just one), is to somehow tweak the games economic system, so that you are rewarded for fighting battles rather than only being rewarded for taking high value territories.
There are several approaches, one I mentioned previously in various threads was to award a “battle bonus” where the attacker is awarded +1 ipc for each successful battle. This ipc is not attached to the territory, so it could conceivably work for sea battles as well. Basically (if using paper money) you place 1 ipcs on the battle board.
This is like a “prize” for the battle. If the attacker prevails they get the battle buck, added directly to their purse. You could do the same if you wanted for the defender. Basically wherever the battle is fought there is always some concrete ipc value at stake.
The rationale would be something like, “we need to grab a headline” to show the public that we’re making good use of their war bonds and war products. You know for home front morale and to demonstrate that the leaders of the nation are “actively fighting” and not allowing the war to stagnate. This was a real motivation in the actual war that encouraged actions which might have been seen as premature, ill timed, or a waste of resources when considered from a purely objective standpoint, but which, from a public relations/morale standpoint was worthwhile. Maybe CWO can think of some relevant examples?
My view is that you need an ipc motivation to get this sort of thing working. I’ve discussed it before in the valueless ipc islands thread. But if you want the Americans to launch and attack for control of some worthless out of the way island, putting a buck at stake is a food way to do this. Similarly, if you want to encourage players to fight narrow battles in the near term, instead of just waiting until they have an overwhelming numbers advantage, then putting a battle buck in the pot might be a good way to do it.
Another thought I had, which is perhaps too radical for some tastes, would be to award actual units rather than just ipcs, each round. With some limited number like 1 land 1 air 1 sea (with the actual unit type determined by a roll) and severely restrict where they can be placed, such as 1 per factory territory. The idea here is that the “bonus” unit doesn’t cost you IPCs, it’s a freebie for the player, but has to be placed somewhere specific. Again it might be too much of a departure from the traditional system. But perhaps something like that could be used to encourage players to mobilize units in two theaters or multiple theaters, instead of just building in one direction?
This would have a similar effect as just restricting where a certain percentage of the total IPCs “must be spent” but would feel like less of a penalty, since the units are in addition to the normal purse, not part of its base. Not sure if I’m describing it in the best way.
Say instead of 33 ipcs of the total 100, have to be spent in the pacific. You just give a bonus which is tied to the factory facility directly. Say +10 ipcs from the battle bonus that have to be spent here. And then you could restrict it to units of a particular type if desired. This round you rolled “air” so the bonus unit must be of that type etc. It’s gamey sure, but it might be a way to get around the normal concentration of force/focus into just one direction (the way A&A players usually try to pick a focus and spend 100% in that direction. Here you could still purchase that way for your normal income, but there would be something extra “the freebie” unit, or “bonus cash” that forced you to commit somethiny the other way too.
What I mean is that you have the “battle bonus” bucks in a separate pile from normal income, but these bucks have to be used in specific ways. It’s not totally up the player to choose the way normal income can be used, but instead determined by a roll or a chart or whatever. You could also separate these battle bonus bucks from the normal production requirements. Like "each factory can produce X normal units, and +1 bonus unit (using the battle bucks.)
Does something like that seem workable?
I’ve played with the +1 ipc battle bonus in AA50 and it typically produced between 3-10 ipcs per nation per round. Everyone had a much greater incentive to “actively fight” because each battle fought put +1 ipcs at stake.