• For me, it feels as if Russia is one of the least fun powers to play, except for China and France. This is because Russia almost always ends up just being defensive and constantly retreating until they have to turtle in Moscow and wait for it to fall or be relieved. Is there any way Russia can go on the offense or at least counterattack against Germany/Italy, instead of just retreating in the face of the giant German stack?

  • 2025

    You need to play aggressive, buy more artillery and tanks, attack Finland and Norway as soon you are in war, stack in Leningrad and ambush the giant German stack when they bypass you for Moscow, make the UK player land a ton of fighters on your territory, and make the Huns pay for every step on our soil, man. And, very important, give the US player a 20+ bid and make him go for a GF to put some pressure on the evil G.

  • IMHO Norway is the key to Allied victory, so move the Leningrad stack there ASAP, then UK land there too, now the evil G is cut off from 10 IPC every turn, and if the evil stack move to M. then his back is open, and if he split the stack, then M. will survive, man

  • You have some interesting ideas Narvik. I will have to try remembering this for my next Global game. Every time I have tried getting offensive with Russia, I end up wasting valuable units and money while the Germans still advance toward Moscow. I might be able to slow them down a round or two, but in the end they end up taking Moscow and the battle is more one sided for Germany because I wasn’t building up enough defensive units for Moscow.

  • @knp7765:

    You have some interesting ideas Narvik. I will have to try remembering this for my next Global game. Every time I have tried getting offensive with Russia, I end up wasting valuable units and money while the Germans still advance toward Moscow. I might be able to slow them down a round or two, but in the end they end up taking Moscow and the battle is more one sided for Germany because I wasn’t building up enough defensive units for Moscow.

    Let the Germans have Moscow, you don’t need it to win. Better stack in Leningrad and capture Norway, Finland and the Swedish iron NO, that’s 10 IPC less for Germany, and if you can hold Leningrad too that is 7 IPC less. Germany need 4 turns to reach Moscow, and the turn before they do, spend all money on planes for the Leningrad factory, and let UK start to shuck units to Norway or Leningrad too, since you don’t need the Lend Lease NO after Moscow is gone, give the Huns as less money as possible. Of course this only works one time, next time the Germans have a counter move.

  • Not sure how that works Narvik. All Germany would have to do then is take Moscow and push south for Cairo. Build up defenses at home and then go and take back Lenningrad with ease. Game over.

  • @theROCmonster:

    Not sure how that works Narvik. All Germany would have to do then is take Moscow and push south for Cairo. Build up defenses at home and then go and take back Lenningrad with ease. Game over.

    Yes, I guess this strategy need some big time playtesting, but on the other hand, I don’t see any better suggestions from the top ladder boys

  • The strategy Narvik pointed out is good to delay German advance towards moscwa and eating up resources Germany needs to get to moscow.
    Is Germany able to take out moscow?
    Ya but for what price?
    Leningrad must fall for Germany.

    An other option to do with russian forces is to go after japanese forces on chinas territory.
    This slows Japan down and triggers that the US may get the upperhand faster.
    While Japan may purchase more land then naval units.

  • Guys,

    Everything you think you know about Russian defence from Classic to Anniversary needs to be forgotten. You just can’t do it with all Infantry anymore.

    Here’s why:
    1. Global is a game about threat projection and infantry don’t threat project well.
    2. Russia has to be able to hold AND attack, this ties into the threat projection, forcing Germany to use more units to do less.
    3. The old thought process of giving up territory for time - has drastically evovled - Russia is in an equal race with Germany to get troops to the front.  The faster Russia can bring up it’s troops from Moscow the more the germans get bogged down.
    4. It’s counterintuitive, but if you build up Russia’s mobile and attack capabilities at the expense of solid infantry builds, it forces the germans to change their tactics, cover more territories - with more units - exposing them to counter-attacks, and leaving less room for error.

    Here’s How:
    1. Against a G5 or G6 Moscow Crush script - Russia need only concern itself with one thing.  Delay the Germans scripted advance by 1, or 2 turns. until far east forces arrive.

    Take a look at this ongoing tournament game Karl and  I have with JDOW and Wheatbeer, against a merciless, conservative, and scripted German advance.
    The game is not yet complete, By G5/G6 Moscow has been temporarily halted.

    2. If your delay fails, Be prepared to abandon Moscow, but be strong enough to take it back if possible ( with soviet far east forces + artillery builds)

    3. Don’t get caught in the Leningrad trap.  Get all infantry, and units that move 1, OUT of Leningrad on direct route for moscow.  In the meantime use mechanized forces and builds to hold Leningrad s long as possible, and then escape the pocket at the last possible moment.

    Don’t let Germany fight a stationary target - give them hell, and get your allies to help, by sending planes - and smashing Italy into oblivion.  Take your chances when you have to, and you have a decent chance to survive.

  • So quit you’re whining…


    …and activate your steel!

    Once you get it - Russia is one of the most fun powers to play.

  • Thanks for sharing, Garg!
    Excellent points, altough I understand people’s annoyance towards playing Russia. Loosing your Capital feels like loosing the game.

    I do see that in order for Russia to be able to slow down Germany, the allies must have decent presence in the Atlantic. Otherwise Germany can beat up Russia with two fingers in its nose anyway ;-).

  • I agree with what Garg said except perhaps #4 (building mechs in addition to inf for threat projection) because #4 depends on context.  The most important objective is to hold Moscow for as long as possible, and to do that you need assistance from the Allies.  Whether or not you build mechs to contest outer territories in that context depends on how much danger Moscow is in.  If Moscow is not in immediate danger of falling, then mechs can be quite useful in preventing the encirclement of Moscow and in maximizing how much income Russia gets per turn.

  • @aequitas:

    The strategy Narvik pointed out is good to delay German advance towards moscwa and eating up resources Germany needs to get to moscow.
    Is Germany able to take out moscow?
    Ya but for what price?
    Leningrad must fall for Germany.

    This is a very good point. We have had a few games where Germany does end up getting Moscow, but US/UK end up taking Berlin. If Russia is played right, Germany will spend a lot of money getting to Moscow and end up leaving Western Europe sadly under-protected.

  • Another approach for Russia is to screw with Japan in China and maybe free up the USA to open a second front in Europe to put Germany on the defense.

  • You can also read:

    Garg’s notes Russian Defence Doctrine

    Very useful insight of what russia is actually capeable of.

  • One thing I haven’t seen is that it isn’t always the best course of action to defend Moscow. If you can retreat and not die with your force it might better to do that. Send your massive stack south to merge with the UK force there. This creates a big headache for Germany.

    Also a question. How are you guys taking Berlin as the allies. Against myself I haven’t even come close to taking Berlin. Even in a game I played with no VC victory condition and went 100% Europe with America I couldn’t take Berlin till at least turn 20.

  • Take berlin by not taking Berlin.

    Focus on economic Strangle, whilst keeping some 1-2 Us/Uk threat alive.  Eventually you will get Berlin, but there’s no forcing it!

  • I have tried Narvik’s strategy before a couple of times.  It really messes with the German player.  It gives the allies a free landing space besides the economic pressure it puts on Germany.  I have found that continually moving forces to position for the counter attack is the best way to defend the motherland.  I will pull my ffront line forces back one territory along the front leaving one infintry to as a blocker.  I will make sure that I build Infintry, artillery and tanks with the occasional fighter.  If you want to insult the german player, buy a bomber.  (ok that is maybe just an inside joke for our group) You may not have the funds or defensive ability to protect it but a transport at the Lenningrad naval base can "project a threat and if the Greman player does not pay attention, can be a great source of when you land Russian troops in an undefended Berlin (I couldn’t hold it but the look on the experienced German players face when he handed me Germany’s bank was priceless) Moscow finally fell in round 28 of that game.  Direct and misdirect.  Lead the dance.  Don’t let the German or Japanese players dictate how you play the game.  Make them react to what you are doing and hold on for the other allies to hit them from behind.

  • @Gargantua:

    Take berlin by not taking Berlin.

    Focus on economic Strangle, whilst keeping some 1-2 Us/Uk threat alive.  Eventually you will get Berlin, but there’s no forcing it!

    I see what you are saying, but how is US putting that much money in Europe without screwing himself over vs Japan?

  • I find USA really only needs a basic startup navy (Cruiser, Dst, Acc, 2 fgt), stuff you can place/organize by US1,  and then a small shuck (4-6 transports maybe) that develops over time.

    And that’s it…  you end up filling 2 to 3 transports a turn to go east, and the first few turns, I use all the crap usa starts with, mec, inf, aa guns, etc.  Get everything you can into the fight, and spend as thinly as possible.

    That generally gets you to 50-60 IPC’s going west against Japan.  You then use your micro allies Anzac, india, China, to make up the economic slack however possible.

    Call it 85/15

1 / 2

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