Great for new players who what to give these older games a try! :-)
For player/collectors like myself, I feel a sudden drop in the price of my collectible copies… :|
Here is his map for D-Day
Does anyone have a scan of the OOB D-Day map? I am interested in printing it to vinyl, and while the TripleA map looks nice, I prefer the extra details like the names of all the towns etc.
Imperious Leader you have come through for me before, any chance you’ve got the original?
PS I am also interested in printing Guad
No sorry just the version that includes Antwerp, which is as i remember 2 extra rows of hexes north and east
Antwerp? You’re thinking BOTB, your improved map, which I already do have printed to vinyl lol.
I meant D-Day.
And Guadalcanal if you’ve got it as well.
Mind if I ask which program you use to edit large map files IL?
IL I really like the DDay map file here, but is it possible to get it in a higher resolution? Is it your map?
Also, names of all the towns would be awesome!
I know I’ve bugged you before about editing maps and you’ve come through, any way you could help me out here. I really want a DDay map because I want to turn it into a D12 game with specialized units. A bigger better map than the OOB would be amazing!
I tried to order DDay at my hobby store but it’s out of print. I sadly sold my copy years ago. I would prefer an enlarged vinyl printed map anyway. Any way to get this file in a more updated HD form?
Its my map and the names are on the map
Yes, the 3 VCs are on the map, I meant all the other small towns.
Just wondering if this is the maximum resolution you have of this map? Seems like when I zoom in it gets pixelated pretty fast, am I doing something wrong? I would like to blow it up to roughly 3’ x 2’, but of course it needs to look sharp. I don’t mind adding in names of towns etc myself but there’s no use if the map won’t look good blown up.
PLEASE help me out! :)
This is vector artwork and the file presents this in maximum resolution for the program. i dont know dpi, but you can stretch it ( in most programs) to any size and it wont lose or look any different.
Hi, i will try to make the d day game map like original based on Imperious Leader map
Well you just remove the Western hex rows because the only reason why it exists is to include the German objective-- Antwerp
There is talk here about an OOB d-day map but has anyone finished one yet?
@Tasslehoff-Burrfoot yep i have the map ready for A&A D-Day, and the map with Battle of the bulge is work in progress, i will post the finished map later but is based on Imperious leader’s model
@Richter Thanks, really appreciate it. Imperious leader’s map is nice but we really need all the boxs, names, and silhouettes.
If you need reinf charts or the cards pm and ii will post it here
@Richter that is good . Well done .
@Richter is this map the oob map? Thx!
i don.t know what is oob map