Last report of the night. Between playing, taking and editing pics, and posting I’m done for now.
As of the end of the turn Russia is at 48 production and technically at war with the Axis. Germany has yet to make her move on the Soviets. SS units are massing in the Baltic States and Warsaw. There is still no UK Fleet anywhere near the European coast except a loan destroyer off of Gibraltar. The Allies have yet to activate Brasil. I can’t figure out why, but I ain’t askin’ :wink:. The Germans and Bulgarians are also massing on the border with Istanbul. A naval base is operating in Romania and Axis transports now roam the Black Sea. Africa Corps units have also appeared in Romania… I wonder where they are headed? :evil: The German navy is lying off of the Normandy coast. German U-boats are aggressively raiding the north Atlantic convoy zones along with a cruiser.
Japan continues to trade territories with China, Red China and the FEC. The Japanese also continue to expand into the DEI while mopping up the Commonwealth fleets. The UK fleet off of Madras has been eliminated. No casualties were taken by the Japanese in a stunning turn of events. On land, the Japanese have deployed mechanized artillery to take on the Chinese and Commonwealth forces.
FEC continually builds infantry/armour combinations and pushes them east. ANZAC is foundering. Her Navy has been sunk except 1 cruiser off of Sydney. They have reinforced the Dutch New Guinea in anticipation of a SNLF landing. FEC forces have occupied Afghanistan and taken possession of the Palladium resource.
The UK has moved its bombers to eastern Russia. Looks like they are setting Japan up for strategic bombing raids. London and the rest of the home island are being fortified as Germany possesses three transports in the Baltic and control the Straits of Denmark.
Fighting rages in North Africa. Italy holds Cairo but has had to repel desperate Commonwealth counter attack consisting of mechanized infantry out of South Africa. Italian Somalia fell and was re-taken via a amphibious assault made up of infantry backed by armour with air support out of Cairo. The Italians have build a minor IC in Tobruk which is producing mech/aty combos. Italian submarines are raiding FEC convoys in the Indian Ocean.
The U.S. maintains a strong naval presence off of the Philippines. More a destroyer-heavy force has appeared off of San Francisco. No landing ships yet in the Pacific. Those have been allotted to the Atlantic theatre.
Russia has allocated strong infantry forces to the east. Kliment Voroshilov tanks have appeared in Novosibirsk. In the west, a minefield has been laid in Karelia and infantry continues to be pumped out from all ICs. Armour has appeared in Stalingrad.
Turn five has been played…bloody to say the least, but more on that later. Allied in-fighting has ensued…Buwahahahahaha :evil: