Another reason why I wish there was a tripleA module of this game. To play against other people and learn new strategies.
Russian Partisans
On whose turn & phase to the partisans appear when there is an empty German controlled Russian territory?
Russians combat turn. Place partisan on empty German controlled territory.
So, before russia does it’s combat moves?
Also, when the second partisan appears, do they immediately form an infantry unit, or does the second part. appear then the following round is when they form an inf. unit??
Either place the second Partisan or take the one already there away and place an infantry.
vague answer. The question is do they form an inf. unit immediately? Or does the second partisan appear on the second round of not being garrisoned, and then the two form an infantry unit on the third round???
Larrie, we play were on Russia’s placement phase turn place 1 Partisan on German control empty territory. Then on Russias next placement phase turn you either add a another Partisan on German controlled empty territory ( 2 Partisans defending at 1 ) or remove Partisan and replace with 1 infrantry and now you control territory and adjust icp chart.
The rule is this way so to have more than one strategy. You can continue to place free partisans or you can take back control of the territory with an infantry.
Thank you both. I understood the reasoning, different strategies and so forth, I was just asking about the procedure itself. I was confused as to : round 1 add 1 partisan, round 2 add 1 partisan, round 3 the 2 partisans form up to make 1 inf. or round 1 add 1, round 2 add another and then they form up right away.