@superbattleshipyamato Right. alot more complications introduces longer play. More areas means longer play, More units longer play. I wish their was a light 12 page version with only about 6-10 more units, not 60 more. The map would have about 60% less areas and play would take 2-3 hours but still be buckets of dice concept. That would be my wish plus dedicated piece sets or a version that used counters like nova games edition.
Russian Strats
I was wondering if anyone has really good russian strategies. Whenever i play russia, i always loose Leningrad the turn russia goes to war, or the turn after. So turn 5 or 6.
Also, Russia always seems to fall turn 6 maybe 7 or 8.
We play with :
Rail -
I build fortifications in Moscow and don’t let any units die defending Leningrad. Even though it’s an important strategic point, it’s just not worth fighting for against all that German armor. I just do a fighting retreat 'til there’s a western front. Other than that, I don’t really know what else a guy can do.
Hi ZoneDefence,
Welcome to the forum.
While they do not deal with Global 1939 in particular, there are some very interesting discussions regarding Russian strategies in the Axis and Allies.org forums.
Type “Russia Strategies” in the search bar above and you will find a wealth if information. You will need to separate the wheat from the chaff, but good, relevant strategies are there to be found. You can then adapt or enhance them in your Global '39 games as you see fit.
Good luck and, most of all, have fun!!!
examples below:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=23714.15 a really good discussion here by veterans of the game