As far as any blockers from England to prevent Italy to get Gibralter it won’t happin England goes first and Italy can clearly see what it dose react accordingly to make sure it takes it
Basicaly you have the ability to react and counter anything that England dose
UK1 I would hit sz96 (Ita dd/transport) with all air (hope not to lose the tac which lands on Gib if it survives), place the Med fleet in sz 92 w/2 ftrs (off Gib), but leave the Med dd in sz 94 to work as a blocker in conjunction with the French fleet in sz93. This will effectively block the Italians from getting to Gib, or using their navy to attack my Med fleet in sz 92 (denying them both NOs). Italy can use all air though, but if they do I lose the carrier and my planes go to Gib, then on to England (and Italy isn’t bombing my bases). My damaged BB off Scotland probably goes to sz104 (as much as it pains me lol) to block out the Germans from landing in Gib killing my air units.
You’re 100% right, the turn order has everything to do with the above block of Gib by Sea. So if UK does this, how exactly are you taking Gib w/Italy? Not happening unless the Germans took out the French fleet in sz93 G1 (which you didn’t). Italy is totally blocked out from reaching Gib by sea on Ita1.
It is possible for Italy to attempt an air sweep of the UK Med fleet in sz92, but that is highly unlikely because Italy has 2 ftrs, 1 S bmr attacking UK’s 1 cruiser, 1 carrier, 2 ftrs. Italy would lose its tiny air force, UK would lose the carrier, then cruiser if need be (2 ftrs land on Gib, then move to London UK2). If Italy try’s an air sweep of sz92, then Italy has a hard time clearing the French (sz93) and UK dd in sz94 w/o air power. This leaves the Germans to clean up the Med, and if they do there will be no Sea Lion G3 because German air is out of position/range.
The damaged British bb from sz111 (your hit and run) moves to sz104 to block the Germans from hitting Gibraltar from the Atlantic. If the Brit BB off Scotland was sunk then the UK could block w/dd (you left both UK dd’s in the Atlantic). Italy could use their s bmr to attack this blocker in sz 104 1vs1 for the Germans, but UK could have the damaged bb and a dd there, if so Italy won’t risk it (UK uses their other dd to take out surviving German subs in sz91). Of course Germany could air sweep the UK Med fleet, but then they are out of position for a G3 Sea Lion, and their brms didn’t SBR London on G2. If the axis do a double hit, then the axis don’t do SBR runs, and German air is out of range to set for G3 Sea Lion.
I’m not saying the average UK player would see this and do it. Your moves, and buys w/Germany sends up some red flares though, so in our group it is very possible the UK would react in this manner (defensive posture). Much depends on the group, and how many Sea Lions, or risky moves they see in games/opponents. Sounds to me that you are a little unpredictable, which is a good thing (keeps them off balance).
I’m just pointing out that your Sea Lion plan, as good as it sounds could be interrupted, and the UK isn’t quite the sitting duck if they go all out max def. If the axis do some risky moves that cost them air power, or puts some of their planes out of position along the way Sea Lion will be more difficult. If the axis don’t perform attacks on the UK Med fleet coming into the Atlantic this again will put much more pressure on the Germans. If UK does max def which would include the above Med navy move into sz92 IMO and buying 6 inf+1 ftr for England, even if the axis get London was it worth it? No the cost is too high it will be hard to recover. If they loose the SL fleet afterwords, take a hit on the Luftwaffe, and have only a couple ground units left after taking London they are doomed IMO. Plus you have to deal with the Reds, and if the Luftwaffe and Italian air force took a beating good luck with that.
The US can also do some stuff that will make you think twice about pulling this off as well. As I said a couple loaded US carriers sitting in sz102 on US2 with some protection (dd’s/cruiser etc…), and a couple bmrs from E US that can land on a UK activated Eire will also cause some trouble for the axis after Sea Lion, especially if the UK was able to soften up your SL fleet when you attacked, or they can double hit it after you take London.