I’m inclining towards:
cost 6
attack @ 2
defend @ 1
promote artillery on a one-to-one basis
can be replaced by an infantry unit during any place new units phase
The cost here may seem excessive, but by and large you’re only likely to see the cavalry units that start on the board anyway. Cavalry were expensive to maintain and feed, and they ran out of horses in the end.
Yea, I think 6 IPCs would be too much, 4 IPCs seems right IMO. Horses were also used to drag around Art with a high mortality rate, so cost of feed and uses wouldn’t put a calv unit higher then an art unit IMO (images from the the movie “War Horse” keeps popping into my head). I see the logic of your “can be replaced by an infantry unit during any place new units phase”, because the horses or camels go down and the men join the ranks. I don’t agree with that for two reasons though.
A calv unit would be much smaller then an inf unit in comparison generally speaking. Plus by rule you can’t change an art unit to inf saying they ran out of mortars (I know your house rules allow this to a certain extent Flash defying the last man rule etc…I just don’t agree, plan ahead so your stack of art don’t get stranded in Russia lol).
Inf in this game attack/def much better then the proposed calv unit, so you would probably just make this change in your first turn so why bother with the unit altogether (especially if you were in a defensive position).
Moving on:
Do you think there is room for a cavalry charge in this rule. I know that there isn’t a lot of data showing that cavalry had much success, but it would be a fun thing to do.
Lets say you are given two options for cavalry. You would have to choose one option or the other per calv unit, but could split your calv units in any battle to perform as you feel fit. Would give a little bit of an unknown factor to the enemy. Will he lead a preempt strike exposing his calv, or promote art keeping his calv from harms way. This would also allow you to have a second option for calv if you are insured of air superiority.
They can promote art 1:1 as proposed.
You can call for a cavalry charge and your cavalry lead (fire first) and get a kill shot at 2 or less (its normal attack value). Defenders are removed and can’t return fire. If used in this manner, attacking cavalry are taken as the first causalities.
This would give us a slightly different look to the same unit in the Western trenches vs the East/Mid East that was more open terrain. In the west if you lead a charge into the trenches, they might kill off a few def units, but would be claimed to trench warfare (die first). Pretty much a one trick pony (pun intended). In the east it would be possible to successfully take out 1 unit def inf pickets w/o taking a loss (if kill shot hits). I would say that cavalry used in an amphib (ether attacking or def) wouldn’t get either of these capabilities. By time they off load in attacks etc… and def art already get an advantage on the coast. So in an amphib they just perform as normal (attack at 2, def at 1).
Maybe you allow def calv the same charge/kill shot (probably not). They would of coarse be def at 1 though.