Newbie question, might have missed this at Rulebook

  • Hi all,

    First, best wishes for all of you!

    Well, im new to this game and we gonna start playing tonight. But i got a few question wich i might have missed in the Rulebook.

    I got a question about taking country’s(zone). For example, i invate Ukraine S.S.R. from Caucasus. Do i get the IPC(2) from the Ukraine?

    If i keep pressing to Germany Berlin and i take it, does that mean that Germany loses all of his IPC, even the ones he/she has taken from other players?

    If my zone is attacked, but i got Fighters availeble 3 spots away, can i still call them in for support? And may i do that even if there are no other plains doing a attack, for example Caucusus is attacking Ukraine with 2 tanks and an Infantery, can i still call in Fighters to the fight? Even if they are stationed in Germany?

    Me and my girlfriend want to play, just the 2 of us. Do we both take 1 power or does one take the Complete Axis side and the other the Allies side?

    Edit: If i have unspend IPC, do i keep those for the next round of do i lose them?


  • '18 '17 '16


    I got a question about taking country’s(zone). For example, i invate Ukraine S.S.R. from Caucasus. Do i get the IPC(2) from the Ukraine?

    If you conquer a territory, you have to reduce the ipc income of the player who lost the fight by the amount of the ip number painted on the map in the territory. This has to be done in the ip chart. In this case: reduce the income of the USSR by 2 (for the territory Ukraine). At the same time, add the same ip number to your ipc income in the ip chart. For example, when starting your turn, your ipc income is at, lets say 30, the ipc income of the USSR is at 25. After you conquered Ukraine, which is worth 2 IPC, your ipc income will increase to 32 and the ipc income of the USSR will decrease to 23. When your turn is finished and you have conquered no more territories, you receive 32 ipc from the bank in the collect income phase.


    If i keep pressing to Germany Berlin and i take it, does that mean that Germany loses all of his IPC, even the ones he/she has taken from other players?

    When you conquer Germany, it looses all its money, gathered in the last income phase.


    If my zone is attacked, but i got Fighters availeble 3 spots away, can i still call them in for support?

    No. Only the units in the attacked territory can defend. Exception: AA40.2, up to 3 fighters can scramble from an airfield (only AA40.2 europe/Pacific/Global), adjacent ot a seazone which is attacked or involved in an amphibious assault.


    And may i do that even if there are no other plains doing a attack, for example Caucusus is attacking Ukraine with 2 tanks and an Infantery, can i still call in Fighters to the fight? Even if they are stationed in Germany?

    No. When you have finished your combat move, (= you have decided which units fight where) no additional or other units may support you.


    Me and my girlfriend want to play, just the 2 of us. Do we both take 1 power or does one take the Complete Axis side and the other the Allies side?

    The both of you take one side, 1 player plays axis and the other plays the allies.


    If i have unspend IPC, do i keep those for the next round of do i lose them?

    You keep them. i recommend to take some monopoly money to keep track of your treasury, the IPC chart won’t help you that much. The ipc chart just shows the income at a certain point in the game.

  • Thanks for the answers.

    Got a new one. With the Amphibious Assualt, how does the Infrantry work? Infantry got a Move Value of 1. So i thought when loading them into a Transport was counted as 1 and you may not unload them after the Transport has moved. Or does the loading phase counts as an Non-Combat move?

    Edit: When i attack one zone and also use some fighters, can the defending player then call in some fighter from another zone if he doesnt have fighter in that zone? I dont use Bombers, so the optional rule doesnt apply to this one.

    Might be adding more questions. Just reading the rulebook again now for more understanding of it

  • Sponsor


    Thanks for the answers.

    Got a new one. With the Amphibious Assualt, how does the Infrantry work? Infantry got a Move Value of 1. So i thought when loading them into a Transport was counted as 1 and you may not unload them after the Transport has moved. Or does the loading phase counts as an Non-Combat move?

    Edit: When i attack one zone and also use some fighters, can the defending player then call in some fighter from another zone if he doesnt have fighter in that zone? I dont use Bombers, so the optional rule doesnt apply to this one.

    Might be adding more questions. Just reading the rulebook again now for more understanding of it

    You may load and unload a transport within a single combat movement phase or non-combat movement phase. During my non-combat movement, I load the British transport in sea zone 106 with an infantry and a tank from Ontario. I then move the transport to sea zone 109 and unload the infantry and tank on London all within the same phase. However, a land unit with a movement value of 2 may not move before getting loading, or move after getting unloaded.

    A fighter from another territory may not move and help defend a territory getting attacked during an opponents combat phase. However, up to 3 fighters can scramble from a territory with an airbase into an adjacent sea zone to help defend from an attack on ships.

    I don’t recommend leaving out rules during your games, allow all rules from the rule book even if you don’t understand them. The best way to learn the game is to challenge yourselves to understand all aspects of it.

  • Thank, i wont leave any rules out. Where playing atm, but there is a question. Im attack an zone with a Figter, 6 infantery and a tank. The Zone i attack got a tank, 5 infantry, 1 fighter and an IC. Can i attack with the fighter? Or does the IC shoots first at my fighter? Im not doing an Bombing Raid…

    And, what if…Well, im attacking with 5 infantery. Can the other side choose to get 3 infantery and leave 2 behind so i cant take the zone?

  • Sponsor


    Thank, i wont leave any rules out. Where playing atm, but there is a question. Im attack an zone with a Figter, 6 infantery and a tank. The Zone i attack got a tank, 5 infantry, 1 fighter and an IC. Can i attack with the fighter? Or does the IC shoots first at my fighter? Im not doing an Bombing Raid…

    And, what if…Well, im attacking with 5 infantery. Can the other side choose to get 3 infantery and leave 2 behind so i cant take the zone?

    The built in AA Gun on an industrial complex may only be used during a bombing raid, so your fighter is safe from any AA fire.

    Each side can choose their own casualties after each combat round, so if your opponent is left with a unit at the end of battle, they will continue to control the territory.

  • @Young:

    Each side can choose their own casualties after each combat round, so if your opponent is left with a unit at the end of battle, they will continue to control the territory.

    Euhrm, what i meant was. I’m attacking with 5 units, the defender got 5 units at that zone but decides to use only 3 of them for the defense. So i cant take his zone. We kinda thought this is cheating so we choose: I attack with 5, you defend with 5. If you have that much units.

    But next(yeah i keep rolling those questions now). I got a Sub at zone 7(AA42SE) and the other got a Battleship and an Transport. Can i do a suprise attack on the Battleship?

  • Sponsor



    Each side can choose their own casualties after each combat round, so if your opponent is left with a unit at the end of battle, they will continue to control the territory.

    Euhrm, what i meant was. I’m attacking with 5 units, the defender got 5 units at that zone but decides to use only 3 of them for the defense. So i cant take his zone. We kinda thought this is cheating so we choose: I attack with 5, you defend with 5. If you have that much units.

    But next(yeah i keep rolling those questions now). I got a Sub at zone 7(AA42SE) and the other got a Battleship and an Transport. Can i do a suprise attack on the Battleship?

    Your playing the game all wrong… The defending player can not choose to defend with some units and not others. If I attack a territory, the defending player must defend with all units in that territory, so they are all at risk if they’re attacked by overwhelming odds.

    Yes… you can make a surprise strike on the battleship in the absence of an enemy destroyer, but a surprise strike is not an extra attack, it’s a modified attack.

  • @Young:

    Your playing the game all wrong… The defending player can not choose to defend with some units and not others. If I attack a territory, the defending player must defend with all units in that territory, so they are all at risk if they’re attacked by overwhelming odds.

    Yes… you can make a surprise strike on the battleship in the absence of an enemy destroyer, but a surprise strike is not an extra attack, it’s a modified attack.

    Well, i thought we where, so we did play like you said. Defending with all the units at that zone. Sounded like it should.

    But, whats a modified attack? I thought it was a 1 strike attack.

  • Sponsor

    Yes… What I meant was, 1 regular submarine attack modified to disallow a casualty roll.

  • We are still playing here, our first match. Its fun. But i got some other questions about some actions and moves.

    1. Submarines: I have in a Sea Zone 4 subs. The defender got a Battleship and an empty Transport. Can i do a suprise attack on both?
    2. How many IC can you place after the setup? I believe there where 4 left. Can you place more then 4?

  • Your 4 Subs could attack the SZ with the Battleshop and Transport and you would get to roll for all 4 Subs.
    If two hit, both the Battleship and the Transport will sink. The Attoeshio would get no defence shot.
    If none or one hits, the Battleship would still be alive and would get one roll in defence.
    On the 2nd Round the surviving Subs would get to sneak again.
    The Transports sinks automatically when the Battleship sinks as long as one attacking unit(Sub in this case) is still in the SZ.

    Perhaps your friend should be told a Battleship, or Carrier, should always be a accompanied by a Destroyer if there are Subs around.
    Was it an oversight?

  • @wittmann:

    Was it an oversight?

    She was retreating here forces from an attack earlier, but i did manage to sink the Destroyer in that phase. And i happen to have 4 subs laying around there for defense.

    But what about the IC? Can you just place as many as you like around the board? I know you can place just 1 in a zone.

  • @Kloever:

    But what about the IC? Can you just place as many as you like around the board? I know you can place just 1 in a zone.

    Assuming you do not play Europe/Pacific/Global 1940 the rules are:


    Place new industrial complexes in any territory that you have controlled since the start of your turn and that has an income
    value of at least 1. You cannot have more than one industrial complex per territory.

    So yes, you can place as many as you like as long as you follow the quoted rules.

  • @P@nther:

    Assuming you do not play Europe/Pacific/Global 1940 the rules are:


    Place new industrial complexes in any territory that you have controlled since the start of your turn and that has an income
    value of at least 1. You cannot have more than one industrial complex per territory.

    So yes, you can place as many as you like as long as you follow the quoted rules.

    Playing the 42SE. Thanks, i thought no, my girlfriend thought yes. So yes it is.

    Oke, i think last question. She is attacking me by sea with 3 transports, a battleship and a cruiser. She hasnt reached my land yet. But she i in range of my bombers. Can i attack the fleet? And so destroy here Battleship, cruiser and her Transport(inc cargo)?

  • '18 '17 '16


    She is attacking me by sea with 3 transports, a battleship and a cruiser. She hasnt reached my land yet. But she is in range of my bombers. Can i attack the fleet and so destroy here Battleship, cruiser and here Transport(inc cargo)?

    Yes, you can destroy her fleet, providing the fleet is within reach of your bombers. “Within reach”, that means, you have to take into the account the total move value of the bombers (=6). You have to save some movement points for to land at a save landing spot in the non-combat movement phase. Example: if her fleet is 4 spaces apart of your bombers, then you will use 4 movement points to reach the fleet, with 2 movement points left to reach a save landing spot (friendly territory, friendly carrier or new mobilized carrier).

  • @Kloever:

    Oke, i think last question. She is attacking me by sea with 3 transports, a battleship and a cruiser. She hasnt reached my land yet. But she i in range of my bombers. Can i attack the fleet? And so destroy here Battleship, cruiser and her Transport(inc cargo)?

    If it is her turn you are the defender. As defender you can use your Bomber only (with a defensive shot) if it is in a territory attacked by her.

  • '18 '17 '16

    @ panther: …bearing in mind the formerly questions, you was well advised to differentiate between attacker and defender… :-D

  • Thanks for the answers. Our first play was a lot of fun. And was a totall victory for me :evil:….

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