Ahh good to know - I dec. war on Japan and Italy last night thinking it would be beneficial to keep Germany from protecting Italy while I mopped them up - but this is our first game of '40, so I have no idea what I’m doing really :D
Latest posts made by daefish
RE: New players - couple of questions
RE: New players - couple of questions
Okay so if I land US trooper on a land zone that has Italian troops on it and one german soldier but I’m not at war with Germany, this is not a valid combat move until I’m at war with Germany.
RE: New players - couple of questions
Okay that helps a little - but what happens if a faction I’m not at war with attacks a space that I occupy with another faction that IS at war?
RE: New players - couple of questions
Couple more questions -
If I’m the USA and I am at war with Japan and Italy (I’m not clear if entering into war with Italy automatically enters into war with Germany), and I park my fleet on a space with British ships, and Germany attacks that space, what happens to my ships? Are they considered out of the battle because of the neutral status? I suppose this would also be important pre-declaration of war as well.
Also - my roommate swears up and down that the Allies have the upper hand (namely because of USA and the insane increase of IC they get post declaration of war). I’ve heard of bidding but I don’t understand it - is bidding a way to equalize the IC differential some how?
RE: New players - couple of questions
AI - I think I made the mistake of keeping my fleet in the Japanese sea zone right out of Japan so they couldn’t actually move their units from the homeland to China. Ended up being a race to get enough things built to take them down and I probably spent 10ish turns dealing with that.
RE: New players - couple of questions
I just won my first tripleA in 33 rounds…that’s a lot isn’t it?
RE: New players - couple of questions
Can someone explain to me why, when I take a territory over, the planes I have over that territory cannot land in that territory that turn? I’m seeing this in TripleA. I was under the impression I could land in just conqurered territories.
New players - couple of questions
Good morning all from frigid Minnesota (it’s currently -24C or 15F out)!
My roommate and I first picked up a copy of AA42SE and then decided, what the heck, let’s go all out and sprung for G40. We’re very happy with our purchase, even if it takes up a huge chunk of the living room floor currently.
We had a couple questions from the first couple of turns in the game. We’re still on R1, and we’re entering the US’s phase.
When playing G40 - does the US collect its income as one country or is it more like the UK where it has to collect two separate incomes. I couldn’t see in the rules anywhere anything describing it, but I have two boxes, one for P40 that says it collects 17 IPC and the one for E40 that says it collects 35.
Can you move a transport ship BEFORE picking up a unit that is attempting to make a combat move. IE Start in a sea zone adjacent to a country you want to invite, move it one SZ over and pick up a unit on an island (mainly looking at Japan), then move it back to the SZ and start the amphibious assault.
I’m not sure personally because it would seem like to me, moving the ship the first zone would be more a noncombat move than a combat one. -
Can a tank move 1 additional space after unloading from a transport if it hasn’t moved previously (other than load and unload from the transport)
(this is more a joke but kind of serious) - I’m stuck playing all the allies and minor powers except for Italy. Strategies to beat the growing Brown, Black and Orange menace?
Does America, when it enters war, pay to upgrade its IC from 3 to 10, or does it automatically get the upgrades free of charge?
RE: New players - couple of questions
I tried to delete this topic but I guess I can’t. Mods please delete this topic. I’m going to ask my questions in the G40 boards, as it seems like that is probably the better place to ask my questions as they pertain to specifically G40
New players - couple of questions
Good morning all from frigid Minnesota (it’s currently -24C or 15F out)!
My roommate and I first picked up a copy of AA42SE and then decided, what the heck, let’s go all out and sprung for G40. We’re very happy with our purchase, even if it takes up a huge chunk of the living room floor currently.
We had a couple questions from the first couple of turns in the game. We’re still on R1, and we’re entering the US’s phase.
When playing G40 - does the US collect its income as one country or is it more like the UK where it has to collect two separate incomes. I couldn’t see in the rules anywhere anything describing it, but I have two boxes, one for P40 that says it collects 17 IPC and the one for E40 that says it collects 35.
Can you move a transport ship BEFORE picking up a unit that is attempting to make a combat move. IE Start in a sea zone adjacent to a country you want to invite, move it one SZ over and pick up a unit on an island (mainly looking at Japan), then move it back to the SZ and start the amphibious assault.
I’m not sure personally because it would seem like to me, moving the ship the first zone would be more a noncombat move than a combat one. -
Can a tank move 1 additional space after unloading from a transport if it hasn’t moved previously (other than load and unload from the transport)
(this is more a joke but kind of serious) - I’m stuck playing all the allies and minor powers except for Italy. Strategies to beat the growing Brown, Black and Orange menace?
Does America, when it enters war, pay to upgrade its IC from 3 to 10, or does it automatically get the upgrades free of charge?
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