My turn!
Best undiscovered websites…Let's share 'em...
Let’s share the best websites that very few have heard about. Let me start with:
http://www.the-underdogs.orgIt’s a great site, with TONS of old games that you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. Check it out, I’ve found some great classics here. :P
Here a totally kick arse website: :wink:
Hmm…GOOD ONE! Never heard of it before! I’ll have to check it out… :o
Search engine to the extreme.
yea is a great site. i like the CIA world fact book on there ;)
Go Clippers! 8)
Now here’s a nonpartisan website… :wink: -
Kevin Kelm’s 83.7% Shinier Page
- I think I’m the only one that knows about it :D