Thank you for the very kind words Canuck.
Like you said when you were the first to donate, $8000 in 9 days is a very tight schedule and a tall order.
But the good news is that in the last 8 hours we’ve raised about $1350!. If everyone keeps chipping in like they are, all the pieces add up ! Which means I think we’re going to make it, or at least get close enough.
Perhaps I should approach this as an axis and allies adage? to encourage our friends at the site?
HEY EVERYONE! - I have a 90% chance of holding Moscow and saving Mr. Bears life, if we get as much cooperative funding together as possible, as soon as possible.
So please - Join Canuck and I and embark on this great adventure, standing with us to fight and hold off the forces of cancer, in the most epic battle Axis and has ever seen.