• Request explanation of Kamikaze rules, please.

  • Assuming I’m reading the rules correctly:

    • Allied player completes their Combat Moves.
    • If a Kamikaze SZ has Allied surface warships in it and Japanese units in that SZ are under attack or a Japanese territory is being amphibiously invaded from that SZ, the Japanese player may use any or all of their Kamikaze tokens in that SZ.
    • The Kamikaze rolls are resolved before any other combat takes place in that SZ.
    • Every roll is specific to a particular ship, so if you get more hits than you needed to sink it, the excess is lost.
    • Using a token negates any naval bombardments in that SZ.

    Something that I don’t see explicitly outlined in the rules, is if you have to declare all possible rolls across multiple eligible SZs before making any of the rolls.  The implication seems to be that you only have to announce your rolls at the moment the attacker says they are ready to begin that particular combat.  That being the case, you would have had to declare all your scrambles already.  So you can withhold some of your rolls to see how the battles are going when you have multiple SZs that are eligible at a time.

    Note that the proviso about surface warships means that you can’t use the tokens to try and save a defenseless island if the attacker only has a mixture of Subs and/or Transports.

  • so are you asking if you only announce your kamikaze strikes when the opponent states that he wants to resolve a specific sea zone?  instead of announcing all your strikes at the same time after the combat move is finished?

    If so, I don’t see the advantage of such unless your are destroying him in the first couple battles, even so I myself would strongly consider using them all or at least 5 of them anyway(depending on the situation, as it most likely wouldnt always be the best option), that way I suffer less casualties and come out stronger, given you hit with your strikes

    I actually have a post on the 1st or 2nd page about Kamikaze strikes, although probably didn’t explain my intent of the question as well as I could have.  But I know you announce scrambles and your strikes at the same time basically.  Haven’t wondered about multiple sea zones

  • @Eqqman:

    Something that I don’t see explicitly outlined in the rules, is if you have to declare all possible rolls across multiple eligible SZs before making any of the rolls.

    AAP40 2nd Edition Rulebook, page 16:

    The Japanese player must declare how many kamikaze strikes will be made, in which sea zone(s) they will be used, and which enemy ship will be struck by each kamikaze before any dice are rolled.

  • Correct me if I’m wrong but it is only surface warships, no ss’s and tt’s

  • @suprise:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but it is only surface warships, no ss’s and tt’s


  • Hm maybe this has changed from Alpha to Alpha Version so I need to ask:

    my question is, can Japan use Kamikaze if Japan attacks the US Fleet ( 3BS, 2 Carrier) in Iwo Jima, with 2 BS and 2 Cruiser or is Kamikaze only for defence?

  • @Babubaer:

    Hm maybe this has changed from Alpha to Alpha Version so I need to ask:

    my question is, can Japan use Kamikaze if Japan attacks the US Fleet ( 3BS, 2 Carrier) in Iwo Jima, with 2 BS and 2 Cruiser or is Kamikaze only for defence?Â

    Kamizake attacks are triggered by an enemy attack (inclluding an amphibious assault) in a kamikaze sea zone. Doesn’t work when Japan initiates.

  • According to above post, if I’m reading it correctly, says all KK’s have to be declared befor rolling the dice? (Ex: Japan says I’m going to expend 2 KK’s on a BS, 2 on a ACC, and 2 on a DS) Is that correct?

  • @Maddog77:

    According to above post, if I’m reading it correctly, says all KK’s have to be declared befor rolling the dice? (Ex: Japan says I’m going to expend 2 KK’s on a BS, 2 on a ACC, and 2 on a DS) Is that correct?

    Yep, even if the ships that are getting KK’d are in different (eligible) sz’s. He does all his combat moves, then you (Japan) announce all your KK’s before any dice are rolled. KK dice are the first to roll in the combat phase.

    I had a couple more questions about KK. After reading pages 15 & 16 of the new Pac 2nd edition rules I found my answers and thought I would pass them on for others that might need the same clarification. Please correct me if I’m wrong Krieghund  :-)

    1. Resolving scramble and KK if both defensive actions take place in the same sz?

    What took a minute to sink in is that scramble movement (getting air units into position) is done at the end of the enemy’s Phase 2 (Combat Move), but the actual scramble combat (rolling dice) is done in the enemy’s Phase 3 (Conduct Combat). KK is all done in the enemy Phase 3 (Conduct Combat), and is resolved before any combat begins (KK dice roll first).

    So if using both scramble and KK’s in the same sz the order would be:

    1. The enemy finishes his combat moves.
    2. You announce how many (if any) air units you will scramble and get them into position (move them).
    3. You then announce which ships you are going to KK, and how many KK’s are targeting each ship, and roll for them. Causalities removed if any, and don’t return fire (capital ships still take 2 hits).
    4. Attacker rolls his dice (def casualties return fire as normal etc…)
    5. Defender rolls his def dice (including scramble dice) remove casualties.
    6. Etc….

    BTW the below quote was taken from the old Pac40 FAQ dated Feb, 5 2010, and was somewhat confusing. I know many things have changed, and it is now outdated, just thought that if it is used as an example in the 2nd edition FAQ it might be worded differently.

    In the answer when it say’s “scrambling must be done before kamikaze attacks are resolved” is a bit miss leading, but now I realize it was talking about the scramble movement, not the combat. Although you have to say how many air units you will scramble, you will see the results of your KK’s before the your scrambled air units are rolled for.

    Q. If Japan is going to both use kamikaze and scramble fighters in the same sea zone, which one happens first? Can I see the results of my kamikaze attacks before I decide how many air units to scramble?
    A. Since all movement must be completed before any combat occurs, scrambling must be done before kamikaze attacks are resolved .

    I do have 2nd quick question though (probably has been asked). It doesn’t matter who has control of the island right, its all about the KK sz. The rules name the islands that are surrounded by the sz’s w/KK symbols, but doesn’t say if Japan has to be in control of them.

    Say Japan attacked the Philippines and didn’t take the island (still US controlled), but Japan occupies the surrounding sz35 with a couple war ships. On the US turn they attack the Japanese ships in sz35 with say a cruiser and destroyer. Japan can still use KK’s right, even though they don’t control the Philippines (or in this case never controlled that island). Its all about the sz w/KK symbol in it right.

  • Krieg answered the question about Japan conducting kamikaze strikes earlier in kamikaze sea zones but the US still holds the the Philippines Islands, hopefully I can echo his answer correctly and save him some typing.

    Kamikaze strikes are a defensive response to amphibious assaults or naval combats in certain sea zones.  Possession of the islands in that sea zone doesn’t matter, just that Japanese naval forces are defending or land forces defending from amphibious assault.

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