I can play ByForum or ByEmail, I need to play some more games…
The problem was I use to play LowLuck but we can play normal dicey, just a bit of editing… if the targem is to tray and learn new strategies… :grinning:
Tigerman's Barbarossa Game now at HBG
Follow up picture
So many empty areas why is that?
So many empty areas why is that?
I set the map up according to the rules. And the Russian player pulled back a lot of units. Rather then fight the first round, same for the second some what, minimum fight on the Russian side for round two
And again Russia got great dice roll for the Ipc roll 3d12 totaling 29
42+29=70 Ipc Russia is almost full production by round three; only 10 mire ipcs -
Hey guys. I have been working on a 4.0 revision of the rules….really just a few minor changes and some clarifications. I have tried to make all the changes visible with a yellow highlight. I will be posting these rules Friday on this page for download and should be able to get them on BGG also. Its great to see you guys playing this game!
End of round two still good weather and the fight for Kiev will start next round. Again great rolls for the those reds.
Russian 3d12 roll
42+29= 70They are almost at full production and the start to round three it he weather has turned to rain. The axis might be in trouble.
rule update will be finished and posted Sunday….sorry for the delay.
Here is the latest rules and basic set ups charts, 4.0. They will also be on BGG in a few days.
I’ve got them up for us all on BGG now.
are the advanced setup still the same as the last version
Im seriously considering buying this game. But I was wondering what extra pieces i would need to play? I have a multitude of A&A games so thats not the problem. I mean trucks and supply tokens and SPG and TDs and items of that nature. Plus i was wondering about the condition of the vinyl.
Have map. Very nice. The advance pieces you will need to get from HBG if you don’t have them.
I may be partial to this game because it is my creation….but we play this more than any other game. easy 2 player game and it has enough meat to keep you thinking. The weather and combat initiative keeps the game dynamic from being the same each game. To me thats what makes a game fun…the luck factor…just as long as it doesnt make or break the gaem!
Is there a good image of just the map?
Is there a good image of just the map?
If you go to historical board gaming site or go to boardgamegeek and type in the this game in the search function, there are many pictures of it. I’m seriously thinking about getting it, myself. I just got to see what all I need for it.
HBG pic is blurry and can’t find it on BBG
HBG pic is blurry and can’t find it on BBG
I know why you couldn’t find it. He had it under this title, operation: Barbarossa. If you type that in the search space, you will get it, because I just did it. That is why you couldn’t find it. Try that. The only other place it might be is youtube.
I appreciate the help, just I want a clean and crisp pic of the entire map, preferably with either no units on it or the starting units.
I appreciate the help, just I want a clean and crisp pic of the entire map, preferably with either no units on it or the starting units.
No problem! That was the only places I knew that had pictures.
Playing the game for the first time. Germany big push and looks like a 3 front attack going to happen after turn 1. Russia left a few blockers behind to slow German push to Moscow. Germany did lose alot of tac bombers and a few med tanks do to high die rolls for the combat casualties list. Have a few questions. So if trucks ( move 2 ) can carry up to 4 of these units at one time. Infrantry, artillery, and supplys in non combat only, then why is it that supplies can move 2 spaces? So when can supplies move on there own or can’t they?
Also what did you guys do with finland?
I myself don’t have the game, but I want it. I got to see what extra I need to buy, besides the map. Sorry, wish I could answer your question. Tigerman could probably tell you, when he can.