• Hi everyone,

    I am new here, at least for posting. I must say I have been lurking for a while and I really find this forum useful and interesting.

    We just bought aaa 1940 E+P revised and we played it once.
    I have 2 question, which might be very stupid…. The first I could not find anywhere in the forum…

    1. If Germany takes Paris on G1, the 19 ICP France has at the beginnig (which would get if his capitals survives) go to Germany? Or none gets them couse there was no F1?
    2. Would it be a good idea to build a Minor Industry on land in J1?

    In addition to this… I know it depends on the strategy of the Allied player, but do you think it´s easier to try a sea lion or to go for Moscow? The first allows the Russian to buy a shit ton of inf, tank and even fighters and similar… The second has the problem of bringing inf to the eastern front in time (to tank dmg) and allows england to land in so many possible places in europe… Plus taking Paris in G1 slows the push on the eastern front even more…
    What would you suggest ?
    Thank you!

  • '16

      • Germany takes France’s money. Doesn’t matter if France didn’t get a turn, they still had money on hand.

  • Hi chOsenfktard. Most people either buy 3 Transports or 2 Transports and a Minor Factory.
    As for your 3rd question, that is the German dilemma!
    Most at least bluff a Sealion on G1, by buying 2Transports and thus scaring the UK into a massive Inf buy. Be prepared to go either way on G2. Or both!
    You have to react to the Allies and use guile.

  • Sorry , I mean Walhalla!

  • My advice is to ask more questions.

  • Thank you very much for your answers!

    We made a mistake in our first game then, we decided that the 19 ICP did not exist…
    How can u scary the UK with a Sealion with only 2 trs (+1 that u already have)? Even if they build just 4inf in London
    it is enough to keep u at bay…

    About the J1 I think i´ll try building a minor factory +2trs… In that case should i use my transports to take the islands in the south, while using the factory and the land troops to push Cina and then Russia ?

    I will ask more question, but we played only 1 game and I am still going through all the other topics first ^^

  • If you want to J2 DOW, then yes, use the Rransports to grab the Islands while your Factory moves units  inland. You can never have too many Transports as Japan, so build at least one more on J2.
    If on G1 you do not buy 2 Transports UK will take advantage and build an IC in Egypt and maybe some Mech for SA. You need to keep him on his toes.
    If you have 3 Trans you can drop 6 Inf in Scotland and then on G3go back for 6more to drop in the UK. These 12 units when added to 10 more you could drop  on G2 with 5 new Trans might be able to take London.
    He has to presume you mean business. He cannot not build 9 Inf on his UK1, just in case.
    It is up to you what you build on G1 with the 2Trans. Could be a Carrier or a Destroyer and a Sub.
    Be aware if you do not build a Destroyer, you cannot sink the Russian Subs!

  • @Walhalla:

    We made a mistake in our first game then, we decided that the 19 ICP did not exist…

    Well, you cannot make that mistake again.  The balance of the game more or less hinges on Germany getting enough money quickly enough to actually do anything.  That 19 at the beginning of the game is paramount, especially because of….


    How can u scary the UK with a Sealion with only 2 trs (+1 that u already have)? Even if they build just 4inf in London
    it is enough to keep u at bay…

    The three transports isn’t the thing that’s scary.  What’s scary is the G2 purchase of ENTIRELY transports (or enough to make the difference, anyway).  If Germany does this, they’ll have enough transports to EASILY conquer London IF (and this is critical) London didn’t respect the G1 transport purchase and spend ALL money on infantry for London.  If Germany buys transports, and the UK builds in South Africa, or purchases more expensive, but fewer units, then Germany can abuse this with a G2 transport purchase (that very much depends on the additional 19 IPCs from France on round 1), and sack London on G3 with good odds.

  • Thank you very much guys, this has been very helpful!

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Somewhere around here should be a post by Soulfein that shows a very strong standard German opening.  Pounds Paris, Yugoslavia, sea zone 110, and sea zone 111.  That opening also uses the standard G1 buy of one CV and two transports.

  • @Degrasse:

    Somewhere around here should be a post by Soulfein that shows a very strong standard German opening.  Pounds Paris, Yugoslavia, sea zone 110, and sea zone 111.  That opening also uses the standard G1 buy of one CV and two transports.

    I couldnt find it but i found this:

    What would you do in response to this as the German opening?

    Build 2 fighters and 1 destroyer, Save 2
    Take 106 with 2 subs (117 / 118) (87% win)
    Take 91 with 2 subs (103/ 108) (85% win)
    Attack 111 (BB, DD, CA) with 1 sub (124), 1 fighter (Norway), 1 tac (Western Germany), 1 fighter (Holland), 1 tac (Western Germany) 1 strat (Germany) 85% with scramble, 98% without scramble
    Attack southern France with 1 armor (Great Southern Germany), 1 tac (Germany) and 2 mech (Great Southern Germany) - 98% win
    Take France Turn 1 (7 infantry, 2 mec, 3 artillery, 5 tanks) 97% win
    Attack French Fleet with 2 fighters (Western Germany), 1 Tac (West Germany) 1 Bomber (Germany) (99%) Tac and 1 or 2 fighters continue to Tobruk
    Take Bulgaria with 1 infrantry from Romania / Finland with 1 infrantry from Norway
    Take Yugoslavia (3 tanks, 6 infantry with 3 from great southern germany, 1 from romania, 2 from slovakia, 2 artillery from great southern Germany), 1 tac from Poland, 1 fighter from Slovakia (1 fighter continues to Tobruk or South Italy, Tac Continues to South Italy as well)
    Move all AAA guns to Holland, land some planes there for defense.
    Place Destroyer in 112, Move Battleship and Cruiser there
    Place 2 fighters in Western Germany, to join at least another fighter.

    I have another couple of noob questions :D

    1. Can UKP buy troops and put them in London?
    2. Armor is Tank right?
    3. I read that many person send German ftr or tac to italy; is this to help italy (using scramble) to resist UK1 attack on Italy fleet?

    Thanks :D

  • Hello again.
    1. No. They are 2 separate economies. Only Tech can be shared.
    2. Yes.
    3. Yes. Is a must.

  • I would think you were going Barbarossa if you bought as you suggest. I would buy 4Inf for London and then place a minor in Egypt and get 1 Mech for SA.
    I would still do Taranto(Italian fleet) even if you could scramble 3 Planes(1 German). If this sea battle went badly, I might drop the Minor IC in West India instead of Egypt. I do not plan on losing it to Italy!
    Russia would be ready for a G2 attack, mixing up the Inf buy with a Mech. I wod move to the borders, including the Persian one.

  • @wittmann:

    I would think you were going Barbarossa if you bought as you suggest. I would buy 4Inf for London and then place a minor in Egypt and get 1 Mech for SA.
    I would still do Taranto(Italian fleet) even if you could scramble 3 Planes(1 German). If this sea battle went badly, I might drop the Minor IC in West India instead of Egypt. I do not plan on losing it to Italy!
    Russia would be ready for a G2 attack, mixing up the Inf buy with a Mech. I wod move to the borders, including the Persian one.

    Thanks for your answers.
    That strat was one I found, I think it was a G1 into Barbarossa. I am still very unsure what it´s better between Barbarossa and Sealion. We played 1 game only (10 games of 1942) but I played as allies. My friend went for full barbarossa, which resulted in me landing with US in Africa (I did not build an IC in Egypt) and with UK doing a massive land in Norway and taking it. This was mostly due to mistake of my friend. My mistake was not going for Taranto (I move the UK fleet down to merge it with the India one before doing enything to italy, I know I am noob :P).
    Next week I will play axis and I think I will try to go for a Sealion, buying 2 transports and 1 destroyer for germany, and only later buy something to try to stop russia from invading on the eastern front.

  • I would spend the other 8 if I were you. If you  get a Sub you can convoy UK or Russia’s SZ 125 If he does not build a Destroyer. If you get a 2nd Destroyer you can go after both Russia’s Subs or have extra protection for your 3 Transports. Make sure you park your fleet in a SZ into which you can scramble, just in case.
    If you do a Sealion and it succeeds be aware both US and Russia can DOW. Do not let Russia take your Eastern territories too cheaply. If he has any sense he will be on your borders waiting.

  • Yeah, good idea.
    Instead if I decide to go for a full barbarossa I would buy 2 ftrs and 1 destroyer, take Paris (ofc). Do you think it would be better to attack on G1 or wait to mass more forces on the border, thus taking yugo and bulgaria? Attacking on G1 i could kill more of his units, which he would otherwise move back, leaving most likely 1 inf for every state to slow me down…

  • Every strategy has its bonuses. I like the flexibility of G2, as you can see how G1 has gone with the UK fleet attacks and build on that.  As you have said attacking on G1 you know what you are facing as they are already set up, but you forfeit trade with him and I would really like to close down SZ125, so as to ensure he does not get his bonus and I am not sure if that Is possible if you are killing UK fleet. And nobody likes fighting the whole world at once!
    Would you not attack the Allies in the Pacific so at least keeping US out of the war?

  • Yeah I will try to do that with japan, but I still haven ´t figured out a good strategy for japan, as I have played only allies and I am now focusing on the europe part… With japan I guess you could focus on land or focus more on island control and a big fleet in order to occupy US as long as possible… maybe both are good. Need to play a coupe of more games though :D

  • Wittman, you can’t change horses midstream and drop the minor you puchased for Egypt onto W India. W India is part of the Pacific board when playing Global.  :-)

  • @wittmann:

    Every strategy has its bonuses. I like the flexibility of G2, as you can see how G1 has gone with the UK fleet attacks and build on that.  As you have said attacking on G1 you know what you are facing as they are already set up, but you forfeit trade with him and I would really like to close down SZ125, so as to ensure he does not get his bonus and I am not sure if that Is possible if you are killing UK fleet. And nobody likes fighting the whole world at once!
    Would you not attack the Allies in the Pacific so at least keeping US out of the war?

    I like G3 because you can protect your stack alot better and u are better off economically.

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