hi everyone I just desired to expose personally like a complete brand new user of nanostudio.I simply became a member of the actual discussion board which is my very first
post. I’ve been reading through the forum for quite a while and it is been very useful for me personally.
i want to say thanks to all staff regarding congrats.
Did Ripley have the right to Arbitrarily exterminate the Xenomorphs?
Kill it with fire!
Extermination is the only option against a threat such as that.
It isn’t an arbitrary action in that the Xenomorphs can still get off the planet. If you don’t nuke them the company comes and let’s them off the planet. If you don’t destroy the site someone comes looking for salvage and let’s the Xenomorphs off the planet. The Xenomorphs won’t bargain and won’t compromise so…
Crap, how did I push the wrong vote? :oops:
But clearly they were dealing with an intelligent species!? How could you just kill them all? Isn’t that wrong?
I mean… we keep strains of Ebola alive in labs…
Many things that might be wrong are often necessary. Right, wise, and necessary do not always keep company.
Interesting slavery arguement Frimmel. I never knew you had it in you! :P
They should have nuked Iran too.
NO! Burke was Right! :P
It is bad enough sharing the planet with lazy, benefit scroungers; I don’t think we have room for aliens.
NO! Burke was Right! :P
I agree (and voted in that way).
Burke is by far the most credible and realistic character in this movie.
“I say: we dust off and nuke the entire site from orbit.”
Why was it the right decision?
“It’s the only way to be sure.”
But a better question is thus:
Did Ridley Scott have the right to piss-on and wipe his ass with the entire Alien universe by releasing Prometheus?
But a better question is thus:
Did Ridley Scott have the right to p�ss-on and wipe his ass with the entire Alien universe by releasing Prometheus?
Burke says think of the dollars Ridley Scott would be missing if he didn`t capitalize on this oppurtunity whilst he was still alive!
Sometimes a suit just hast to tell a fan to view a vid-reference… In this case it was just a bad call canuck… a bad call… ;) If it had been a proper prequel involving fox, so many corporate hands would be involved that NO ONE would win!
And the fans won
t ask
whythey should see it, because 2 years later when they get an answer it will be
dont ask
Even got a quote in there from the special edition!
Somebody knows their stuff.
That’s what happened to me: I they didnt say why I should go see it and I didnt ask, nobody asked! Why didnt we ask? Because it would take 2 years to get an answer and the answer would be ‘dont ask’!
So I went and saw it anyway, I feel so much better having stolen it off the internet because it saved me from going up to the counter at the movie theatre, covered in my own vomit from sheer disgust and ask for me money back.
I could just wash my own vomit off of myself with my tears as I cried myself to sleep over one of the worst-ever diarrhea-in-the-mouth films ever made.
…fcuk it made Alien versus Predator look like a god-damn masterpiece.