Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • What makes a J2 Dow better than a J1? Dont both of them just allow US to have a Strong Gibralter raid of the Med? The UK wipes out Italy First turn anyway so why not jsut pull US troops to the Pacific asap?

  • Good points, Jerold

    Either way Italy is toast.  I wasn’t even thinking about Italy.  Doing J1 doesn’t even give Japan a stronger position in the Pacific than a J2, plus it gives USA option to move out in the Europe map.

    If you want to sink the battleship in 37, you will probably lose a cruiser or a fighter.  You weaken your attacks on Hunnan and/or Yunnan, which is significant.  You won’t have all air on Kwangsi to intimidate the Chinese from stacking Sze.  You give the USA +20 (assuming they immediately get Brazil).  You give the UK/ANZ the option to strike back at you.  You give them the chance to get their NO’s (at least Australia’s 5 is low hanging fruit).

    Advantages to J1 are you get the USA fighter on Phillipines before it gets away (though I often hit it at Guam on J2) and the USA sub/destroyer in 35.  You could get lucky and try to sink the ANZ boats in 62 with a single destroyer or something (not necessarily an optimal move).  You maybe get a little extra money from taking Borneo, Hong Kong, and Phillipines……  but all things considered, I am quite sure J1’s are not the ideal.

  • One way I find to help Italy is for Germany to take S France and dump ships in the med with the extra France income. I see how this diverts attention away from Sea Lion but really if Italy can get a deep setup in Africa, it will pull US attention away from Mainland Europe. have you ever tried this or are there any problems with this theory?

  • A couple immediately come to mind.

    Beware cheating units away from Paris.  If you attack South France, you’d better add some aircraft to the attack of Paris to make sure you’re not taking unacceptable losses there.  It is not good when you start losing mech, and unthinkable to be losing tanks.  That can start happening when you cheat 2 or 3 ground units away from Paris and don’t replace with air.

    Second, Russia.  If you’re building fleet in the Med as Germany early, you’re not pouring the heat on Russia and any good player will make you pay.  It is a common thought of players relatively new to the game that they need to get Italy going, but after a lot of experience, I can tell you that Italy is highly over-rated.

    There are two keys to this game.  Russia, and China.  How those two powers are doing matters more than any other - the rest are sideshows, and only really important as to how they affect Russia and China.

    From both of your posts, I’m starting to wonder if you are too fixated on Italy.  Italy is a minor power.  Even when she gets going and has maybe 40 income, Italy tends to underwhelm.  Italy should be hit in the mouth in the very early going, and the Allies can always shut Italy down if they really want to.  A lot of times, they don’t even need to.

  • '12


    A couple immediately come to mind.

    Beware cheating units away from Paris.  If you attack South France, you’d better add some aircraft to the attack of Paris to make sure you’re not taking unacceptable losses there.  It is not good when you start losing mech, and unthinkable to be losing tanks.  That can start happening when you cheat 2 or 3 ground units away from Paris and don’t replace with air.

    Second, Russia.  If you’re building fleet in the Med as Germany early, you’re not pouring the heat on Russia and any good player will make you pay.  It is a common thought of players relatively new to the game that they need to get Italy going, but after a lot of experience, I can tell you that Italy is highly over-rated.

    There are two keys to this game.  Russia, and China.  How those two powers are doing matters more than any other - the rest are sideshows, and only really important as to how they affect Russia and China.

    From both of your posts, I’m starting to wonder if you are too fixated on Italy.  Italy is a minor power.  Even when she gets going and has maybe 40 income, Italy tends to underwhelm.  Italy should be hit in the mouth in the very early going, and the Allies can always shut Italy down if they really want to.  A lot of times, they don’t even need to.

    gamer is giving away all the secrets for free!  :-P

  • I can’t resist teaching, and in this case that’s unfortunate.

    But most players won’t believe me anyway

  • What are some good ways to slow down Japan’s conquest of China? Is moving the Indian troops into China a good idea, or would that leave India itself too vulnerable?

  • That all depends on the first couple of Japanese moves - you have to take it case by case.
    Sure you want to get as many Indian units into the Yunnan area as you can, but that’s the $10,000 question.  How thin do you leave India?  How about just “thick” enough to cause probably unacceptable losses for Japan?

    In my experience, the health of China is more important than India.  India and Egypt are obviously nice to control, but in my opinion most players value them more highly than they should.  Everybody wants the NO’s, but this isn’t AA50.  You won’t necessarily win simply by grabbing NO’s.

  • Thanks Gamer, I guess that I am over-concerned about Italy :| So really in most games for you it really is just a bland country to play? Any other good tips I need to know?

  • can bombers fly over enemy territory with aaa gun can they fly over territory with fighters

  • @JeroldTheGreat:

    Thanks Gamer, I guess that I am over-concerned about Italy :| So really in most games for you it really is just a bland country to play? Any other good tips I need to know?

    Oh, they’re almost always fun to play…

    Did I mention that one of Italy’s most important functions is to threaten can openers on Russia?  This is true no matter what happens with her Mediterranean and North African and Middle East fortunes

    Always important to have an Italian bomber on the board for numerous reasons.  One is to threaten to bomb the London airbase so that the Germans can have a bigger Sealion threat.  Another is to support can openers deep in Russia.  Another is to threaten to break up Allied destroyer blocks in the Atlantic where fighters can’t normally reach.  (namely Z104)

    Be careful building up an Italian navy in any circumstances.  Always keep in mind the Allies might decide to build up quickly and come and smash it.  It’s easy to get trapped in the Mediterranean with Italy.  Avoid throwing good money after bad in this way

  • @scifo:

    can bombers fly over enemy territory with aaa gun can they fly over territory with fighters

    Yes, the rule that you have to endure AA fire for every territory you combat move over is long gone.  Last version was Revised, circa 2004?  Is that what you’re asking about?

    Can bombers fly over territories with fighters?  As escorts?  Or do you mean enemy fighters?  Or can your fighters fly over territories that have AAA?  If your question is the latter, the answer is yes, same as bombers.  You only take AAA fire in the territory you are attacking - the rule about taking AAA fire for every territory you fly over is long gone.

  • ok so my air units fly over enemy aaa and fighters and attack enemy units in the next territory thanks. sometimes its hard to keep track of rules when you’ve been playing different versions over the years

  • That’s no kidding
    I prefer to stick to one version at a time, myself

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer

    If Japan moves all its fleet with 6 loaded transports into sea zone 9 on round 3, would that provoke USA to go to war?

  • @DMcLaren:

    If Japan moves all its fleet with 6 loaded transports into sea zone 9 on round 3, would that provoke USA to go to war?

    Japan needs to declare war on the US before being allowed to move there.


    When not yet at war with the United States, in addition to the normal restrictions (see “Powers Not at War with One Another,” page 15),
    Japan may not end the movement of its sea units within 2 sea zones of the United States’ mainland territories (Western United States and Alaska).

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer

    Thank you, P@nther!  Can’t believe we missed that in that in the rule book!

  • TripleA

    If I take finland round 1 with germany can I land a fighter on it the same round? It is a pro axis spot. I forgot the rule.

  • @Cow:

    If I take finland round 1 with germany can I land a fighter on it the same round? It is a pro axis spot. I forgot the rule.

    No, you can’t.


    Where Units Can Move

    Air Units: An air unit must end its move in an eligible
    landing space. Air units can land in any territory that
    was friendly (but not friendly neutral) at the start of the
    current turn.

  • Okay so on China Turn one, if Japan has closed the Burmese Road they cant buy artillery right? Im asking because the rule stating that china can buy Artillery is in there national objective. this is confusing because wouldnt it mean that china would only be able to buy artillery on its second turn anyway because it would need a complete turn with the road open to buy the artillery?

    Is it worth it for Japan to close the burmese road turn one if they want to hold their DOW until a later round?

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