@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Historical Boardgames sponsored BATTLE OF THE AGES Tournament
cow, you in or not?
Brilliant, I’m in !
Count me in. Finally.
After personal invitation I guess I have no chance to stay out.
I am in.
I think I will pass on this, but it did get me interested in buying some marines for my aa50 game. Possibly some other stuff.
I will be in the tourney too
Sure sign me up, I’ve actually played most of these maps so should be fun.
I’m new to all of these games, and sure to be slaughtered in each.
Good news for my prospective opponents!
Sign me up Veq,
Alright, I’m in. The A&A community has been good to me so it’s time I gave back.
I’m in - never played those before :-)
1. Veqryn
2. Ajmdemen
3. SantaClaus2
4. lalapalooza
5. ErnieBommel
6. soulfein
7. ice
8. Wassmuss
9. alexgreat
10. Dimax
11. Narushima
12. Hepps01
13. pug6000
14. KBG
15. Gekkepop
16. Make_It_Round
17. U-505
18. P@nther
32.we are more than half way to our goal of 32 players
comon, sign up while there are still spots!
:evil: -
Alright V,
Your persistance has conivinced me!
But if we get full, and someone else wants to join, I -may- relinquish my spot.
Has everyone registered at HBG? this is a MUST!
need to get more A&A’ers in here…
sign me in!
I’m in :)
good to have you both,
only 12 spots remaining.
i thought i had signed up already. Doing so know!
Ok, count me in too!
I’ve only played Global. so should be interesting… and a walkover for my opponents!
I’m probably going to regret signing up for another tournament, but this is too good to pass up. I’m in.
Also make sure you have registered on the Master Find Players list!
DO IT or else you’ll have bad luck in HBG’s tournament of ages…