SgtWilTan's mods and conversions of A&A pieces

  • Customizer

    Fun is a worthy point in that regard…

    But I’m going with #5 with Sgt.  :wink:

  • Customizer


    ––Yep, I’m sure a case of insanity could be made against almost all of us here on A&A.Org,…especially YOU!!! :-D
    ––But you know what? I’m having a He!! of a good time playing A&A and interacting with my friends here on A&A.Org.
    ----One day, (IF)whenever we get all of these units detailed and painted I’d love to have a bunch of friends like you over for some games. It’ll be great FUN! I’ll even let you play the English if you like.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer



    ––Yep, I’m sure a case of insanity could be made against almost all of us here on A&A.Org,…especially YOU!!! :-D
    ––But you know what? I’m having a He!! of a good time playing A&A and interacting with my friends here on A&A.Org.
    ----One day, (IF)whenever we get all of these units detailed and painted I’d love to have a bunch of friends like you over for some games. It’ll be great FUN! I’ll even let you play the English if you like.

    “Tall Paul”

    HEY!  I took their tests, I’m only a partial nut job.

    Oh man… if I had the spare cash and time, I’d grab a flight next week - not only would it be a fantastic A&A venture, but your weather has GOT to be better as well… Oh yeah, I’d play the UK like no one’s business (though actually, I prefer playing the krauts - imagine that :)

  • Customizer

    It’s been weird warm here in NC. 71 Saturday and 73 yesterday. Almost had to turn the AC back on.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Thanks for keeping me posted SGT.  31 degrees here in NNNNorthern CCCCalifornia….I’m about to put some pants on if I can find any.

    You definatly have a gift, patience most of all.  I just finnished helping my 6 year old finish building his Dukes of Hazzard General Lee model and I was about to pull my hair out!  Couldn’t get the G;;D;;;;d front bumber to sit right and of course, I got glue on the plastic windshield…I always do that.  I laughed as I went to the garage to put everything away and thought of how you guys paint your pieces so well, i’d pop a blood vessel.

    Well done!

  • Customizer


    ––I think I can express the opinions of everyone who sees your impressive modifications of these tanks;


    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    It’s been weird warm here in NC. 71 Saturday and 73 yesterday. Almost had to turn the AC back on.

    Why do you have to be that way?  That’s just spiteful.

    Love those mods Sgt!  Wow… it’s gonna take a steady hand and trick brush.

  • Customizer



    It’s been weird warm here in NC. 71 Saturday and 73 yesterday. Almost had to turn the AC back on.

    Why do you have to be that way?  That’s just spiteful.

    Love those mods Sgt!  Wow… it’s gonna take a steady hand and trick brush.

    NC Weather!! That was last weekend. It snowed the following Friday.  !!!

    Thanks V, and those are just the current models.
    The HBG Stuart can be made into more variants with a bit more work but the hull is just fantastic.
    What is with the HBG pieces? They have great and fantastic hulls and equally horrible turrets.
    It’s like the sculptor for the hull is not the same as that of the turret.
    Their M18 Hellcat is the only exception I’ve found to be great all around but it has a telephone pole for a gun.

  • Customizer

    I promised a while ago to show some of my scratchbuilds for the original A&A.
    Well, they are here. I’ve also added some work which grew out of the desire for more accurate pieces in
    comparison with aftermarket models by HBG and OOB models from later A&A versions.
    The new pics are on page 1.

  • Thank you Sgtwiltan.
    I particularly liked your 232 Recon 8 wheeler.

  • Customizer

    Herr Wittman,

    I have added a spare wheel to that model and the additional frontal armor.
    The problem with the model is that it takes 2 6Rad to make 1 8Rad.
    The size is also a bit smaller but it works for me. I’m only making 6 for myself for the heavy schwadron
    and might use the leftover parts from the second 6Rad to make some 222 for the leichte schwadron.

  • Customizer


    ––Very Impressive work! I can’t say I like anything more than the others this time as they are all EXCELLENT! You certainly know your “stuff”. Thanks for sharing.  :-D

    “Tall Paul”

  • '18 '17 '16

    This is art. I’m really astonished, how many details can be applied to a 2-cm unit, they look absolutely realistic.

    How much time do you need for one tank?

  • Customizer

    A-D-D and motivation are the determining factors. A specific group of ten can take months from scratch.
    But it can also take a couple weeks if I’m really excited by the subject. I like the A&A units since I can mostly
    just add details rather than start with conversions for scale, measuring plastic and sanding or shaping. An already built base
    cuts the time easily by half as the shape is already there. That is why I’m excited by all the new A&A and HBG pieces
    since the base models also make the models much more uniform in dimension. Like I said motivation is the biggest factor on how productive I am.

  • '14 '13

    These are amazing.

  • Customizer

    Thank you. I’ll have Paul’s modified HBG T34s and my own A&A modified T34s with russian green paint up this weekend.

  • Customizer


    ––I’m glad you’ve caught up in your other responsibilities enough to do some more modifying/detailing. Your work is amazing and much looked forward to. Go Team Warmachine!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Paul, I’m just amazed at your patience!
    I’m chomping at the bit to get mine as a complete set for just one game box and you are far ahead of me with my own.

  • Customizer



    Paul, I’m just amazed at your patience!
    I’m chomping at the bit to get mine as a complete set for just one game box and you are far ahead of me with my own.

    ––Well,…I wouldn’t say patience is NOT my strong suit, just an understanding viewpoint of the realities of life. And as I’m already 54 years old and my Dad is 88,….I’d really like to get all of my detailed/modified/painted/decalled units finished before we’re both dead, haha.
    ----It would be fantastic if we could get them all done by the time of HBG’s gaming convention next year. I can’t think of any better place to play the first game with all of the highly detailed units that “Allwork”, Lucas, and yourself have made possible. I’d truly enjoy some G-40 games with you, Lucas, “The Coach”, Gargantua, Vericocha, and other A&A.Org friends. I’m sure this is very optimistic for a deadline, but perhaps we might strive to get as many units done as possible by the time of the HBG Convention next year.
    ––Oh, BTW, don’t pay any attention to the mini video-cams and ticking time-bomb I’ve had installed in your work room. Just consider them as “incentive”.    hahahahahahahahahaha!  :-o

    ----And as far as getting excited and/or anxious,…every time I see a pic of your modifications or one of Lucas’ paint jobs I get very excited and want them in my grubby little hands IMMEDIATELY! But in reality,…the best thing will be when I can enjoy an entire expanded set of detailed/painted units in a game with some friends. That’s what it’s all about for me;…the shared experience of FUN (read death and destruction to my gaming enemies).  :-D

    ––So my friend, you can consider yourself and your skills “drafted” for the duration with a target date of next years
    HBG Convention. Have a great day.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Updated Pics on page 1. New pics at the bottom.

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