I’m still trying to catch up here …
Next ** I’m going to motion that option #2, NEVER be allowed, unless requested by the original poster/user.
There is no reason to edit anyones material - ever. If someone posts offensive (or otherwise) material, Simply MOVE it to the quarantine, if community voting hasn’t already hidden it.
Yes to the above!
That said, � IF/WHEN something is moved, THAT is the time to strike, and make largely public, to the mods, user, and administration, that the thread clearly violated the rules, intention of the site, and was an obscenity/concern for the public.
Too often I’ve seen posts/threads by myself, or others, that are just removed. � With no ensuing discussion.
You all have permission to call me an idiot, but how the hell are people supposed to learn whats appropriate/inappropriate behaviour, if there’s never a discussion between several parties and themselves as to what the issue is? � This process needs to be addressed.
To the above: exactly! What if the world’s best player is a little too arrogant and starts spouting off, gets a few posts deleted, doesn’t know what to do, and just finds another community. But if there is a feedback loop, i.e., “You made some excellent points but when you said ‘ex why zee’ to Bob it was too harsh, can you edit your post and tone it down?”
Another concern is the -matter of opinion- factor.
A user posts something grey, which a mod in their opinion might think is off key… � but that the community and the original user don’t give a damn about. � Does it need to be moderated?
Perhaps the AUTHORITY to act, should be directly proportional, to the vote/value of the post or thread?
Of course, a community culture of “psst ok guys, stop the flame fest, I’m voting this gong show down” will have to develop, but I think it will naturally.
Right now, we don’t quite have the tools to make this work and it’s why we need moderators. I would like to see a self moderating community that still works under rules and only requires an appointed moderator when the community can’t handle it themselves. The problem is you need a lot more features that this or any other forums supports to make that happen. (This is a problem that I would like to fix for the internet. :wink:) Short of better tools, we need specific people to help out.