• How do you think they’ll keep the gameplay to 1.5 - 2 hours?

    I’m speculating the use of mechanics from euro/strategy games:

    • Limited number of turns?
    • Play until somebody reaches a certain number of points (without the option to lose points)

    If it’s a good balanced game, I think it would be pretty awesome to get through 2-3 games in a face-to-face session instead of maybe finishing one.

  • '10

    Quick and Convenient: Axis & Allies 1941 is designed to be set up and played more quickly than any previous A&A game. **In essence, this is a simplified A&A experience that will introduce players to the A&A mechanics and play style. Play time runs between 1 ½ to 2 hours.**Familiar Mechanics: This game utilizes the A&A game mechanics present in A&A 1942 2nd Edition, as designed by Larry Harris (the creator of the original game).

    Looks to me that it will try to replace 1942 as the “my 1st A&A Game” for new players.
    For those used to Global, it might not be as exciting as a new A&A usually is…

    But as Garg pointed it in another thread, we’re all going to buy it anyway… :-D

  • @Axisplaya:

    Looks to me that it will try to replace 1942 as the “my 1st A&A Game” for new players.
    For those used to Global, it might not be as exciting as a new A&A usually is…

    But as Garg pointed it in another thread, we’re all going to buy it anyway… :-D

    I agree, will be a beginner set, even easier than Spring 1942.  Incentive to buy is NEW PLASTIC SCULPTS that can be used in other sets…  Will wait and see what they look like.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    It could be like D-Day / Guadalcanal / Bulge,  Where the economic side of the game gets TANKED.

    You basically use the units on the board until you run out, and you either achieve victory… or don’t.

  • @Gargantua:

    It could be like D-Day / Guadalcanal / Bulge,  Where the economic side of the game gets TANKED.

    You basically use the units on the board until you run out, and you either achieve victory… or don’t.

    In 1941?!?! No economics?!?! Don’t see how Allies win. And it does say “will introduce you to the basic A&A mechanics.” I’d call economics a basic function.

  • This game will definatly be a clone of 1942, but with less setup pieces and less spaces to fight in meaning the economics are going to be low like Milton Bradley style.

    The funny thing is the box is 9 x 11 X 2…so the map must be folded like crazy or it’s really small. :x  not a good thing.

  • @Imperious:

    This game will definatly be a clone of 1942, but with less setup pieces and less spaces to fight in meaning the economics are going to be low like Milton Bradley style.

    The funny thing is the box is 9 x 11 X 2…so the map must be folded like crazy or it’s really small. :x   not a good thing.

    That, and there’s only 32 pieces per power.  So making a rough guess….

    8 infantry, 3 artillery, 3 tanks, 3 fighters, 2 bombers, 3 destroyers, 3 subs, 3 transports, 2 battleships, 2 carriers per power? Probably a little fudging for numbers for each power (maybe no carriers for russia in this version), but I’m not sure what else you’d get rid of.  And this is assuming the cruiser is eliminated and back to revised build list.  If the cruiser is kept, then remove a destroyer and sub… course, it’s possible that destroyers are dropped as well, similar to the first edition, though that seems unlikely.

  • well no the game has 370 pieces, and 160 of these are totally new sculpts. That is the same as 1942

  • '16 '15 '10

    Sounds awesome.

    A beginner’s A&A, lasting no more than 2 hours, is urgently needed and could help popularize the series.  Spring 1942 is not exactly easy for novices, and can easily go on a lot longer than 3-4 hours if the sides are evenly matched.

  • @Imperious:

    well no the game has 370 pieces, and 160 of these are totally new sculpts. That is the same as 1942

    read again, IL, or point me to something that says there are more than 160 game components.  I’m quoting the press release and it sure doesn’t seem to jive with your reality when they state a game component TOTAL.

    Game Components
    � 160 plastic pieces (32 per nation)
    � 16 new combat unit sculpts
    � New map
    � Rulebook


    OK, I see you’re referring to the “game contents” line of the solicitation.  I suppose it’s POSSIBLE that they were redundant and only referred to the 160 pieces as totally new sculpts.

    However, considering they say 32 per nation, and that’s not divisible by 10 (they mention 16 new sculpts, and 160 pieces).  Numbers here don’t jive right.  There may be uneven amounts, but they mentioned 32 per nation, specifically. I think the discrepancy is that there will be OOOOODLES of chips, as well as AA guns, Factories, Dice, and whathaveyous.

    I disagree that there are 370 miniature plastic playing pieces.  But if I’m wrong, well, that will be a pleasent surprise.

  • @Imperious:

    well no the game has 370 pieces, and 160 of these are totally new sculpts. That is the same as 1942

    160 new sculpts!? Thats awesome!!!

  • read again, IL, or point me to something that says there are more than 160 game components.  I’m quoting the press release and it sure doesn’t seem to jive with your reality when they state a game component TOTAL.

    Its on a previous PDF released 2 months ago. That PDF is also where it says the game box is 9 x 11 x 2.

    http://www.wizards.com/ContentResources … _en_US.pdf

  • That link didn’t work.

  • '10

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Here is the PDF will all info released.


    For those still convinced it’s an April Fool’s joke, this game has been talked about on Larry’s site since January

    The release says that it will use the mechanics of ‘A&A 1942 2nd Edition’ - I’ve never heard of a 2nd edition rules for Spring 1942, so most likely it means that they include the FAQ/Errata, rather than a simplified system.

  • 370 playing pieces would include ALL pieces, not just the combat units.

    So that would include chips, dice, tokens, etc.

    160 combat units (32 per nation) is very low leading me to believe (along with the small box size) a very small map with limited territories.

    So …. back to the original A&A from Milton bradely?  Just nicer looking with some new sculpts.

  • Yes but this is the same total given for 1942. If i get a list of how many units by type they had in AA1942, i can figure out exactly by deduction where are these new pieces and how many of each are provided.

  • Sponsor

    I’m sorry, but I’m not drinking the kool-aid. An Axis and Allies game of any kind will always take a mimimum of 6 hours to play. Remember when the original game said on the back “conquer the world in only a few short hours”…. ya right. Don’t get me wrong, I love long games like A&A, but please… they don’t have to lie to us.

  • @Young:

    I’m sorry, but I’m not drinking the kool-aid. An Axis and Allies game of any kind will always take a mimimum of 6 hours to play. Remember when the original game said on the back “conquer the world in only a few short hours”…. ya right. Don’t get me wrong, I love long games like A&A, but please… they don’t have to lie to us.

    Not sure if serious …

    AA50 takes our group 4-6 hours per game
    AA Spring 1942 takes at most 2

  • December 26, 2012

    Dear Santa,
    My mom told me to write you and ask you for what I wanted for christmas so i did that.  I’m sure you remember my letter askin for the Axis & Allies 1940 global game.  well thank you very much, but you fuc*ed it up again this year.  I know you are cheap and generally an a-hole, but this 1941 game is WRONG.  Can’t you tell the difference between a 1 and a 0?  What a shitty christmas.  My mom told me to go get a job and buy my own copies of the Europe and Pacific 1940 games and i guess that’s what I am going to do.  I wil keep the 1941 game for the tiger tanks but the rest of it sucks.  thanks for nothing santa.  Go to hell.


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