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Alpha 3 - Europe only - New 1940 players.
It has been a while since I last posted on this forum. The reason being that I played gave some other games a chance, in the past few months. The experience has been positive and I am now a considerably better rounded board game player.
My situation is the following, I have no longer access to my Global board, and my friend has just bought Europe 1940. His only AA experience is playing 1942, and I am rather experienced at 1940.
I was wondering if it would be a good idea to start using alpha 3, with the Europe only board. Are they balanced for Europe only?
I was also considering maintaining original AA gun and convoy rules, and I am a big fan of the “growing free French” house rule.
Any thoughts?
PS: I am sure the question has been asked countless times. Sorry…
Play 3.9
Better to learn it once, and right, and current, than to learn it 14 different ways, with confusing changes.
The latest setup is going to stick for the YEARS to come.
I take it these are 3.9?
Thanks Garg.
Just overkilling some questions:
In alpha 3, europe only.-What is the income of the USSR?!
-What is the bonus income of the USA, from entering war?-Is it balanced?!
the income of the USSR encompasses the 9 extra IPC’s from pacific.
The OOB rule regarding giving russia extra infantry each turn is SCRAPPED.
As for the USA… only count the income ON THE EUROPE MAP, + the NO’s that effect ONLY EUROPE.
Balance is pretty close IMO.
We’re starting a game of Europe with alpha 3.9 rules… So basically give the USSR 37 income at first? Replace the 2 aussies on egypt with french pieces? But the US wartime economy will be really small, no? Maybe keeping it the way it was intended? 35 + 30 for the wartime bonus?
Where in the alpha +3 rules does it say that the Soviets no longer receive the 2 free infantry each turn but receive +9 IPCs each turn instead? I don’t seem to be able to find that anywhere.
There’s no alpha 3 rules specific for Europe 1940. I think it was generally assumed. I’m not sure. However a lot has to be dealt with like the US NO’s. That’s why we’re using the OOB system for the United States. 35+30.
There’s no alpha 3 rules specific for Europe 1940. I think it was generally assumed. I’m not sure. However a lot has to be dealt with like the US NO’s. That’s why we’re using the OOB system for the United States. 35+30.
That makes sense to me too (US +30)
I know, but I mean where does it say so in the global rules?
I think use only Alpha 3.9 Europe NOs, as we should presume US needs extra IPs to compete against Japan. I know this makes for a poorer US, but think it historically correct and just. I would rather have seen Central US on Pacific map, so giving US lower non war income, then raising it 10 after DOW. Incidentally, what do you think about Russia/Japan? Should the 18 Inf be on the Pacific map, to force a Japanese garrison of Manchuria and Korea until Turn 3 or 4? Allow air to fight China, but then return in non combat. Turn 3 or 4 remove Russian units and lift ban on Japanese movement. I also believe US fleet should not be allowed to hide by Australia until a DOW, as Japan cannot go West otherwise for fear of losing the Carolines.
are you talking about the global game? Or the Europe game? I can’t really follow your explanation
Meant One map only for a shorter game.was talking Europe, but have a few problems with Pacific concerning set up, especially
Vis a Vis missing Russian Inf. In pacific only Japan should not be allowed to empty Manchuria and Korea as Russia borders them. Played a friend who sailed his Us fleet to Australia on T2 , before my T3 DOW. Was legitimate, but I feel it should not be. I now accept T2 DOW is seen as all as best. Would like to see a clarification of stand alone NOs and starting set ups. Sorry if I sound unclear.
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