• Tomorrow is the 22nd June everyone!
    Are we all waiting in our tanks behind the front line?
    I will take a MkIIIH. Commander of course.

  • June 28th, 1942; start of Fall Blau, case blue.

    Due to Romania falling short on what it could supply as petrol to the Wehrmacht and the richness of the Caucasus in general, not only in oil, lead to a 2 proned plan to secure the banks of the Volga and occupy the entire Caucasus, possibly leading to linking up with Rommel’s units in the middle east. This would alleviate the german need for oil and create a good base for a continuation of the war and maybe arrive to an agreement with Stalin. (doubtful).

    The plan was solid but relied heavily on weaker Axis forces. The initial drive to the Volga went very succesfull and the army command decided to assist the crossing of the Don into the Caucasus by sending 4th Panzer away from its march to Stalingrad and thus slowing it down, which was not expected. Later, 4th panzer was send northwards again to assist the assualt on Stalingrad. Had this change not been initiated, Stalingrad could have been taken off the march and the whole front settled on the west bank of the Volga with Stalingrad as a key point. Winter 1942/43 would have probably stopped all possibilities of crossing the mountains into Baku, but the Soviets would have had a hard time reinforcing this region and the Axis could have established a solid front, extending to Astrachan and the mountains of the Caucasus in the south. More mountain troops could have been brought up and assist in forcing a break through in the many passes, although difficult.
    I am sure this strategy would have worked for 1943 and would have kept the initiative with the Axis. No battle of Stalingrad, no loss of the 6th army and no retreat from the Volga.
    How the other fronts would have managed remains unclear, but it is obvious no great attack would have been initaited without first reinforcing the weak point of the Soviet front. German bombers could have started bombing Soviet industry in the east using airbases from Stalingrad.
    Anyone want to commend on this?

  • Stalin expected the German push to be in the centre, on Moscow. The south was weaker,so it is possible the fantastic blitzkrieg gains looked better than they should have. I know what you are saying about Hoth’s 4th Panzer Army and it’s seasaw movements. Ultimately, i believe though, once Kleist and his strong 1st Panzer were deep in the Caucasus they were doomed to a Russian  counter from the unused reserves from the static centre. Germany’s reliance on its weaker allies,especially in anti-tank guns, was to prove their downfall. The Russian’s best policy was to attack them wherever they were.
    If Hoth had not been diverted south he may have found Stalingrad empty, but it might have still been a German tomb, just for a different army. I also wonder if Kleist had got out of the very deep Caucasus.
    I agree that 1943 and a delayed/non existent Zitadelle could only have helped Germany’s chances in the long run. (Doubtful with an inflexible Hitler at the helm though.)

  • Tanks a bunch for filling, now that the days are somewhat shorter and soon I’ll drain the pool I’ll start back up again.
    Aug 13 &14 1937 Heavy fighting broke out in Shanghai.
    14th Chinese airforce planes, futilely attempting to bomb the Japanese battleship Isuma which was tied up in the business of Shangai, mistakenly hit a department store and other crowded buildings killing nearly 1,200 people and wounding 1,400

  • I am sorry I missed Guadalcanal. The landings were on the 7th. Thought someone would have posted and did not want to step on any toes! (I am not a Pacific war fan and do not have that knowledge anyway.)
    Nice you are back.

  • any and all info is great and if I’m too busy, feel free to add your input or more facts I wont be offended if all of ya all add to this post.
    Tanks again

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You let me down Wittman…

  • I found my missing “m” Garg!
    I would post more here, but do not have the time to go too much in to detail. 
    I am in to anniversaries, not just WW2 ones. Any battles(especially victories over the French, or English fought ones).
    Know very little about War of Independence.

  • August 19th 1942. Operation Jubilee.  5000 Allied soldiers, including 50 US Rangers and two units of Commandos landed at Dieppe, France. 3500 would be casualties (only 600 German ones) and it would be a disaster for Canada, the worst since the days of the Somme. The Infantry were drawn from 2nd CanadianDivision: 4th and 6th Brigades and the 14th Tank Battalion, the Calgary Tanks.
    It was meant to be a raid to ascertain German preparedness for a Second Front, much demanded by Stalin. It turned out to be another reverse for the hard pressed Allies and the recriminations lasted long afterwards.

  • Operation Jubilee

    Thats where the first “Canadian Zombies” started the infection.

    Churchill’s dress rehearsal for overlord.

  • Most important lesson learnt was not to attack a port. Second, that they needed total air supremacy.
    Germans  could not believe the Allies thought they could take the beaches with only one Division against one Regiment backed with Artillery.
    Also thought it was a feint.
    Just like Normandy landings two years later!

  • Also on the 19th the P-51 Mustang made its debut in combat over Dieppe, also General friedrich von Paulus, commander of the German sixth Army, ordered his forces to take Stalingrad despite their great losses.

  • Aug. 20th 1944 Not a full report just some notes
    A bridgehead across the seine was established by the U.S. 79th Division near Mantesa-Gassicourt, trapping the German forces remaining in Normandy.
    Free French forces reached the hills overlooking Toulon.
    Red Army troops crossed the Danube into Rumania. It was a massive undertaking involving 939,000 Red Army troops, 1,400 tanks, and 1,700 aircraft. At the same time the Rumanianians turned on the Germans, seizing the bridges over the danube and Prut rivers, effectivly trapping 16 German Divisions.
    U.S. forces secured the Biak area of New Guinea. In three months of fighting, 4,700 Japanese were killed, 220 captured. American casualties were 400 killed, and 2,00 wounded.
      TANK YOU!!! to everybody who added to this post, and to all those who read it

  • September 1st 1939. Somebody invaded Poland and started it all off. (Made A&A real too.)
    5 Armies crossed the border, 4 from Eastern Germany and 1 from E Prussia. There was no declaration of war. The Polish air force was wiped out on this day, much of it caught on the ground. The Germans deployed 1300 aircraft, all modern compared to Poland’s 935 mostly obselete ones.
    The two Army Groups North and South comprised 62 Divisions, 6 Armoured and 10 mechanised.Of  Poland’s 40 Divisions none were armoured and it’s few tanks were light and old, enough to equip a Brigade.
    Hitler was so sure France would not react, that he left only 44 Divisions facing their 100. As for Britain he knew there was not time to come to France’s aid before all would be over in the East. He had Stalin’s Russia as an ace up his sleeve too.

  • 3rd September 1939. Britain declares war on Germany at 11am, after a 2 hour ultimatum. France follows at 5pm. They wanted more time to prepare for mobilisation and feared German Air attacks. The British Admiralty did  not want to delay so as to sink as much German merchant shipping already at sea and prevent her submarines breaking out of the North sea.
    Europe really was at war.

  • Sept 8th 1943. Italy formally surrendered.
    They had signed an armistice in secret on the 3rd, but wanted time to aid the Allies and disrupt any German plans to hamper the Allied landings due in a few hours(the 9th:Avalanche). The Germans were prepared and implemented operation Achse: the disarming of their erstwhile allies. The Italian fleet sailed to Malta, but the battleship, Roma, was sunk by a remote controlled bomb! (On the 9th).
    The Allies had been on the Italian mainland since the 3rd Seprember when, contrary to Montgomery’s wishes, 8th Army had crossed the straits of Messina and in Operation Baytown, landed the XIII corps at Reggio and started slowly fighting up the peninsula. This landing had not worried the Germans and was being contained. They were waiting and tomorrow, the 9th, when the Allies landed at Salerno, they reacted.

  • Sept 9th 1943. Operation Avalanche and the smaller Slapstick. (1st Airborne land by sea(!) at Taranto.)
    The main invasion was Mark Clark’s 5th Army, which landed at Salerno. The 36th(Texas) Division and 2 UK Divisions  from X Corps (46th and 56th) disembarked. The 3 Divisions had to fight hard, the 36th not gaining ground until the reserve Regiment came ashore and with the help of naval bombardments. Other units, some Commandos and Rangers were more lucky.
    By the end of the day the Allies had penetrated about 5 miles.
    The German commander of 14PZ Corps, Hermann  Balck (formerly  excellent 11PZ Division commander on the Eastern Front) was satisfied with the day’s work and regrouped his 16th Pz Division, aided with the reinforcement from the north of his strong HG and 15th Pzg. 76Pz Corps had also sent the 29Pzg Division north to Salerno.
    The battle for Italy proper had begun.

  • I did not know this:found it by fluke.
    Sept 11th( famous for many battles over history) 1939.
    Canada declared war on Germany. It was its first independent DOW.
    Later Canada was to declare war on Italy(10 June 40) and Japan(7 July 41).
    Wiki also says that Canada eventually had 1 million men under arms and finished the war with the world’s 4th biggest airforce and 3rd biggest surface fleet.
    Maybe Larry should give you your own nation!

  • @wittmann:

    Wiki also says that Canada eventually had 1 million men under arms and finished the war with the world’s 4th biggest airforce and 3rd biggest surface fleet. Maybe Larry should give you your own nation!

    That would be nice, though in fairness Canada’s third-biggest-fleet status resulted from: a) the sinking of the naval forces of such major-league competitors as Japan, and b) the fact that many of Canada’s surface-combat ships were in fact small escort vessels like corvettes and frigates.  Canada’s senior naval officers at the time were to some extent looking beyond WWII, from which they hoped to emerge with a powerful navy – which in practical terms meant “with more than just the few destroyers we have now, and hopefully with a few even bigger units.”

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    We have the biggest coast line in the world… why we relegated ourselves, to a fleet smaller than BC Ferries is beyond me.

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