I have a question about the proposed “Tech Research Centers” piece. Would this tie into the Weapons Development phase somehow? Or would it be used on one of those Tech Trees that some players are suggesting to replace the Weapons Development. For example: after so many rounds you can move up from light tanks to medium tanks, then after a few more rounds from medium to heavy tanks, etc.
Perhaps each nation would HAVE to have a Tech Research Center or they would be unable to graduate to the next level. For that matter, I suppose it could work for the current Weapons Development action as well. Like if you didn’t have a Tech Research Center, you couldn’t buy dice for Weapons Development. OR, you could buy dice and roll them for Techs, but you couldn’t USE the tech until you got a Tech Research Center.
Also, I imagine Tech Research Centers could be SBRed as well. With X number of damage points, you can’t obtain a new technology until the center is repaired. Is this pretty much what you guys had in mind for this piece?