Glad to help.
I have a question about the proposed “Tech Research Centers” piece. Would this tie into the Weapons Development phase somehow? Or would it be used on one of those Tech Trees that some players are suggesting to replace the Weapons Development. For example: after so many rounds you can move up from light tanks to medium tanks, then after a few more rounds from medium to heavy tanks, etc.
Perhaps each nation would HAVE to have a Tech Research Center or they would be unable to graduate to the next level. For that matter, I suppose it could work for the current Weapons Development action as well. Like if you didn’t have a Tech Research Center, you couldn’t buy dice for Weapons Development. OR, you could buy dice and roll them for Techs, but you couldn’t USE the tech until you got a Tech Research Center.
Also, I imagine Tech Research Centers could be SBRed as well. With X number of damage points, you can’t obtain a new technology until the center is repaired. Is this pretty much what you guys had in mind for this piece?
The unit would be located in a secret location ( not placed on board). With some rules regarding new technology ( like Magic/Ultra/Enigma/ Espionage) that is developed you gain the ability to locate the research center and latter bomb it, reducing the odds for techs. Otherwise, it would get you a boost in obtaining tech since you bought a center.
Thats the overall idea without specifics.
Thanks FMG you have already outmaneveured me.
Thanks FMG you have already outmaneveured me.
Sorry, didn’t mean too… But before the entire ITALY fiasco… This was the most important set I wanted to create.
The unit would be located in a secret location ( not placed on board). With some rules regarding new technology ( like Magic/Ultra/Enigma/ Espionage) that is developed you gain the ability to locate the research center and latter bomb it, reducing the odds for techs. Otherwise, it would get you a boost in obtaining tech since you bought a center.
- you start with minimal tech gaining capability
- You can buy a Tech center and get better odds to develop some technologies
- the enemy can research a tech to discover the location of your research center and destroy it
- loss of center makes it harder to get tech
Thats the overall idea without specifics.
Thanks IL. This gives me a better idea about Tech Centers although I would like to learn more about them. For now, a couple of more questions:
1 - Would your enemy need a Tech Center in order to research the “spy” technology to find your tech center?
2 - Would Tech Centers work better with a Tech Tree or the current dice rolling Tech Development system?
3 - So a Tech Center is not a permanent fixture like an IC or air/naval base? It can be destroyed rather than damaged? Also, I assume if it is destroyed, then you can also buy a new one.
1 - Would your enemy need a Tech Center in order to research the “spy” technology to find your tech center?
2 - Would Tech Centers work better with a Tech Tree or the current dice rolling Tech Development system?
3 - So a Tech Center is not a permanent fixture like an IC or air/naval base? It can be destroyed rather than damaged? Also, I assume if it is destroyed, then you can also buy a new one.
Dying for some pictures of these FMG. Let us know. I am SOOO stoked.
Yes! Can’t wait to see what Jeremy & the gang have brought us…
Field Marshal Games,
Is there any NEWS concerning the Air/Naval Bases, Major & Minor Complexes Set???
I might be remembering wrong,…but I thought you said you’d have some news for us on this soon. I was hoping when the Italians sets came in we would at least get some news on these. Got my fingers crossed.
“Tall Paul”
I would sell a kidney for some air and naval bases. :-D
I would sell one of YOUR kidneys for some Air & Naval bases also(Grin).
“Tall Paul”
As long as you share the units with me! :wink:
OK,…It’s a Deal.
Has anyone suggested HBG make the Breda Type 61 halftrack for the Italians?
Has anyone suggested HBG make the Breda Type 61 halftrack for the Italians?
They went with the Autoblinda 41 armored car instead. That represents the Mech Inf piece for Italy.
Has anyone suggested HBG make the Breda Type 61 halftrack for the Italians?
They went with the Autoblinda 41 armored car instead. That represents the Mech Inf piece for Italy.
[/quote]I know FMG did and it represents the Mech Inf… this is a thread for HBG. Since they are doing the supplementary units, wondered if they’d considered doing a halftrack for the Italians.
I agree I would like to see.
Navel bases
Air bases
AA Guns (country colored since Alpha +3 makes them an actual unit)
Minor factories
Major factories
Victory cities
Just going through my old sets and noticed that the xeno games version had country specific colours for factories and aa guns, factories slightly different mold so could pass as a minor……
But, yes we would like some new ones. :-)
Just going through my old sets and noticed that the xeno games version had country specific colours for factories and aa guns, factories slightly different mold so could pass as a minor……
But, yes we would like some new ones. :-)
I took all my old Xeno factories, painted them grey to match the OOB factories and use them as minor factories. I also printed small stickers to place on both sizes to further distinquish them as major and minor.
What color should the factories and extra units be molded in?