Everyday I see people talking about Barbarossa’s, India Crushes, and Sea-Lion’s.
And many seem frustrated when they believe the “counters” to their strategies are so overwhelmingly, that vicotry seems impossible. As the Axis OR the Allies…
I’m here to tell you, there is another way to win. It’s the same way I’ve always played Axis and Allies, whether it was Classic, or Revised, Anniversary, or Global.
Axis and Allies is about one thing. Money.
Probably 75% of the games I win, I don’t win by technical Victory City or other terms, I win because my opponents surrender, seeing that the writing is on the wall, and that only a matter of time remains.
Like there isn’t just ONE WAY to win, there also, is more than one way to make money. YES, you collect IPC’s at the end of your turn…. but you also collect IPC’s when you destroy enemy units, or not losing your own units for less than said units destroy.
Save for the first turn, there are NO SCRIPTS, no locked in plans, no mandatory requirements, other then to play well, win the battles I can win handidly, make money, stop my opponent from taking MY money, leaving THEM with a sense of urgency, whilst “generally” pushing towards the vicotry city or technical goal.
At the end of each battle, and sometimes before, look at what your going to kill, or have killed, against what you’re likely to lose / have lost. For the most part, attack the pieces where you are going to make the most money, and continue on. It’s fairly simple.
At the end of each round, take a quick note, or count, of how much everyone has made in IPC value, compare it to how you did the previous turn, see the trend and the direction… As the Axis, if you reach relative economic parity, your winning, if as the allies, you see the Axis closing the game, your in trouble, step it up.
The time to RISK units, it when you are at greater risk for losing other things, like worse units to lose, or positioning (Yes keeping Americans out of Gibraltar, is worth TIME, which has a value for example), or when you are at significant economic risk.
You want to lose Pawns, not Bishops, so to speak…
In short, Play for the money each game, Let the money determine where your pieces move, and build the units you need to continue to make said money, and it should up your game. Don’t get locked into scripts, or the same mundane movements. Let your enemy know their going to fight an enemy, not a bunch of stationary targets with no brains. Same can be said though, don’t let the money dictate EVERY single move. Use your head.
I’d say a hell of alot more and finish this, but I’ve got to go RIGHT NOW, if you have any questions, thoughts, comments, praise, or hatred, post it.