How are the axis supposed to win?
I play out of box with my family, and I don’t get how the axis are supposed to win, unless Japan is just completely ignored. Germany can’t ever seem to take London or Cairo even after taking Moscow. By the time moscow falls, India and an Egypt factory can start building up to defend after Japan falls to the US onslaught. There’s gotta be something I’m missing, yes?
Welcome to the site. Some Axis strategies are discussed here
and here is some Allied discussion here
This is a nearly foolproof Japan strategy:
The biggest problem (not really mentioned in the video, only the comments) according to the creator is if the Soviets leave their units in Amur, it could be chaotic (which I can attest to myself) and spread Japan’s resources too thin. Expert Axis players like him can deal with it, but you sound like a beginner (me too), so it’s best not to risk it.
As mentioned by him though, that problem is rare.
The Axis have a huge advantage out of the box. Get TripleA so you can download some games between the top players and you will see how to play the Axis.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help! It turns out I was a bit mistaken, after taking @AndrewAAGamer’s advice and loading up tripleA, I realized that my copy of the game used the 2nd Edition setup, and not the out of box setup. I guess I assumed that all the physical versions were the same setup, my mistake, which would explain why things seem a bit trickier for the Axis.
The current out of box setup is the second edition setup though. What do you mean?
@SuperbattleshipYamato When I load up TripleA to look at Global, I see two options for the map: Original and Second edition. I thought when people talked on here about OOB, they meant original, so I figured that was the version that would come with the box. Instead, I realized after looking at both setups that the box has the second edition setup, not the original. I always thought 2nd edition was a fan-balancing of the game, not an official balance.
Actually, you are almost correct. The Original game came out, which we now refer to as First Edition, and the fan base got together with the Larry Harris team and did make changes together. It went from Alpha 1.1 to Alpha 1.2 and then to Alpha 1.3. Alpha 1.3 was then sold by the manufacturer as 2nd Edition; so you can say, even though it is the official manufacturer version, 2nd Edition is a fan based attempt to balance the game and make it better.
Thank you for clarifying.