I have moved the follow up discussion about Loading Transports in Hostile Seazones in the Classic Editon to the Classic-Category:
I think france should go before germany therefore be givin a stand
The point is that France doesn’t have a chance. They’re not supposed to.
What are you saying exactly? France shouldn’t have a chance at what? Attacking Italy even after Germany has gone and “skipped” them? Or they shouldn’t have a chance because Italy should play as if France was moving right after them and before Germany?
I think france should go before germany therefore be givin a stand
The point is that France doesn’t have a chance. They’re not supposed to.
What are you saying exactly? France shouldn’t have a chance at what? Attacking Italy even after Germany has gone and “skipped” them? Or they shouldn’t have a chance because Italy should play as if France was moving right after them and before Germany?
The post I was responding to said that France should go before Germany in the turn order to give them a better chance at surviving. It didn’t relate to the OP.
I already gave my opinion on the OP in a previous post.:)
I think france should go before germany therefore be givin a stand
The point is that France doesn’t have a chance. They’re not supposed to.
What are you saying exactly? France shouldn’t have a chance at what? Attacking Italy even after Germany has gone and “skipped” them? Or they shouldn’t have a chance because Italy should play as if France was moving right after them and before Germany?
The post I was responding to said that France should go before Germany in the turn order to give them a better chance at surviving. It didn’t relate to the OP.
I already gave my opinion on the OP in a previous post.:)
If France is going to have a chance to survive, you’ll need to rebalance the entire game and buff up Germany/Italy quite a lot.
Option 1 is definitely wrong, no matter what.
If it was clearly an honest mistake, I would go with Option 3, simply because it’s imperative to foster a sense of sportsmanship with this game, as complex as it is, and given that minor mistakes can be catastrophic either way. I’ve had games in which I’ve gone so far as to allow re-rolls simply because of atrocious luck, and when such gestures are appreciated it makes it all the more enjoyable.
However, the post is worded that Player B ‘takes advantage’ of the situation. If this is indeed the case, Option 2 without a doubt. Part of fostering sportsmanship is punishing those who show none. The Allied player is doing the Axis player a service by doing French moves early–for the Axis player to take advantage is pretty weak (then again, they are the Axis :wink:)
Of course, the difference between an honest mistake and an attempt to pull a fast one is entirely subjective.
i mean so they can build some troops and be givin a chance
Could put it down as " Fog Of War", how easy it is for us when the board is in front of us, we can survey the whole world.
Could put it down as " Fog Of War", how easy it is for us when the board is in front of us, we can survey the whole world.
Fog of war may apply if France had taken it’s turn when it was supposed too and just missed the event. That is not the case. France offered to hold their action so that Germany could go immediately, thus allowing Italy and Germany to coordinate more fluidly, instead of interrupting to state they were doing nothing and causing a multiple day delay between Italy and Germany.
Here are the positions:
In SZ 96 there is a British Fighter, British Tactical Bomber, British Carrier, British Battleship, 3 British Cruisers, British Destroyer and British Transport.
Tobruk contains 3 British Infantry, 2 British Artillery, 1 British Mechanized Infantry, 1 British Armor
In Algeria there is 3 British Fighters and a French Fighter
In SZ 98 there are 3 Italian Transports, Italian Destroyer and Italian Battleship
In SZ 80 there is a French Destroyer, and British Cruiser and British Battleship
Here are the moves in question:
Italian Destroyer from SZ 98 to SZ 76
Italian Battleship, 3 Italian Transports from SZ 98 to SZ 81
The French response was to attack the Destroyer in SZ 76 with the Destroyer in SZ 80. The result of the attack was a loss of both ships (attacker hit and defender hit) leaving a path of attack for the British warships in SZ 80 to assist the British aircraft in SZ 96 in sinking the Italian Battleship in SZ 81.
France offered to hold their action so that Germany could go immediately, thus allowing Italy and Germany to coordinate more fluidly, instead of interrupting to state they were doing nothing and causing a multiple day delay between Italy and Germany.
If the players agreed to the change in order, the agreement should stand. Why should the Axis assume France would not make the attack if the order has been changed. Have the online moves been being submitted as if France was going in it’s original order?
i agree with sid visous
France offered to hold their action so that Germany could go immediately, thus allowing Italy and Germany to coordinate more fluidly, instead of interrupting to state they were doing nothing and causing a multiple day delay between Italy and Germany.
If the players agreed to the change in order, the agreement should stand. Why should the Axis assume France would not make the attack if the order has been changed. Have the online moves been being submitted as if France was going in it’s original order?
It was not an agreement that the turn order was different. That would have constituted a house rule and why would France give up the right to screw up the Axis plan forevermore in perpetuity? No, it was a contingent offer that if Italy did nothing to instigate an attack by France, then Germany could be allowed to move so as not to slow down the game.