All to 109.
11L 41' JWW (axis) v LuckyLindy (allies) +10 NO, -tech, 14VC
A - 8 infantry
Rolls: 8@1; Total Hits: 18@1: (1, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
UKR taken with 7 infantry
A - 2 infantry, fighter
Rolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (1, 3)1@3: (6)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
BUL taken with 2 infantry, fighter
Noncombat Moves
fighter from BUL to BST
2 infantry from KAR to BST
3 infantry, artillery from BEL to BST
20 infantry, 2 artillery, 5 tanks, AA gun from EPL to BST
3 tanks from RUS to BST
tank from RUS to CHI
AA from BEL to EPL
infantry from RUS to NOV
infantry, artillery from RUS to CAU
4 infantry from YAK to EVE
submarine from Z28 to Z34Placement
4 infantry in CAU
infantry, artillery in KAR
5 infantry in RUSIncome
29 + 10 NO = 39 -
OK lucky
J5 purchase BB, 3ss, 2inf & 3 arm spend 59 (save 0)
#1 per (mt) v inf (ind) cwol
#2 yak (mt) v 2inf (stc) cwolncm:
bur 3inf, art > ind
fic aa & inf > bur
yun 2inf > sik
fic 2 inf > yun
hup inf > sik
nin 2inf , fgt > sik
bur fgt > sik
man arm > hup
stc arm > yak
bry 2inf > stc
z36 trn > z62
z62 2 fgt > fic
z62 3ss >z 50
z50 2 fgt > ficplacement inf, arm bur, 2 arm fic, inf jpn, BB & 3ss z62
J collects 46 + 15 NO = 61
Britain turn 5
27 IPC3 subs
3 infantryCombat Moves
ALG (infantry, artillery) v 4 infantry, 3 artillery, tank (GBR), 2 cruisers bombard, fighter (z17), fighter (Z2)
FEQ (infantry) v infantry, artillery (WAF)
SAF (empty) v infantry, tank (WAF) with 1 transport
EGY (infantry) v 2 infantry, bomber (TRJ)
PER (infantry) v 2 infantry, artillery, tank (TRJ)dice
A - 4 infantry, 3 artillery, tank, 2 fighters, 2 cruisers
Rolls: 1@1 6@2 5@3; Total Hits: 81@1: (5)6@2: (1, 2, 2, 1, 6, 2)5@3: (5, 5, 2, 2, 3)
D - infantry, artillery
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (4, 5)
ALG taken with 4 infantry, 3 artillery, tank, 2 fighters
A - 2 infantry, bomber
Rolls: 2@1 1@4; Total Hits: 22@1: (2, 1)1@4: (3)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
EGY taken with infantry, bomber
A - 2 infantry, artillery, tank
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 21@1: (4)2@2: (2, 5)1@3: (1)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
PER taken with infantry, artillery, tank
A - infantry, artillery
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (4, 6)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
FEQ round 2
A - infantry, artillery
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 1)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
FEQ taken with artillery
Noncombat Moves
fighter from EPL to BST
bomber from EGY to BST
AA from TRJ to PER
2 fighters from ALG to Z12
ac from Z2 to Z12
destroyer, 2 transports, ac from Z17 to Z12
artillery from WCA to Z56Mobilization
3 infantry in GBR
3 submarines in Z7Income
29 + 5 NO = 34 -
italy 5 purchase 5 inf spend 15 (save 0)
#1 egy (inf) v 2inf (ita) BB, CA & 2 fgtRolls: 1@4 3@3 2@1; Total Hits: 11@4: (2)3@3: (4, 5, 5)2@1: (4, 2)v inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
2nd wave attack
Rolls: 2@3 2@1; Total Hits: 22@3: (3, 1)2@1: (2, 5)v inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
egy twlo inf
2 fgt > z15
z13 fleet > z15
fra 5 inf > itaplacement 5 inf ita
ita collects 12
JWW, you got a hit in round 1, why did you run a second round? Or am i missing something?
I am putting one more infantry in EGY, correct me if I am wrong.
America turn 5
48 IPCdestroyer
2 battleshipsCombat Moves
none this turn for USAChina
NIN (infantry) v infantry, fighter
A - infantry, fighter
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (3)1@3: (3)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
NIN taken with fighter, not controlled
Noncombat Moves
2 submarines, 13 destroyers, fighter, 2 transports, 2 ac from Z56 to Z57
4 infantry from WCA to MID
2 fighters from AUS to Z45
transport, ac, destroyer from Z25 to Z45
fighter from Z12 to SAF
fighter from Z12 to BSTChina
fighter from NIN to CHI
destroyer, 2 battleships in Z56Income
38 + 10 NO = 48 -
JWW, you got a hit in round 1, why did you run a second round? Or am i missing something?
my bad that’s good news
G6 purchase fgt. 2arm, art & 6 inf spend 42 (save 0)
#1 z27 (trn) v bmb (eaf) cwol
#2 epl (mt) v inf 9pol) cwol
#3 bul (2inf) v 2inf & 2art (pol) & 3 fgt (2fra, 1pol)dice……
#3 bul attackRolls: 3@3 4@2; Total Hits: 23@3: (6, 2, 3)4@2: (6, 4, 5, 4)v 2inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 3)