Of course, this is not the same in case a minor power capital
What you need to realized, is that U.K. London IS an allied minor power, or at best, medium power. They can easily become bankrupt quickly, like India or Anzac. Hence not the end of the game if london falls -depending on how it falls.
It’s totally ricudulous in case of UK: if Canada and Australia are at war with Germany still (they don’t become neutrals), why they cannot build units?
Australia CAN and DOES build it’s own units. Thus it IS seperated. So is U.K. India a Seperate power. How many seperations do you need or want? Too many interferes with the nature of the GAME remaining a GAME. If you lose your king in Chess - you lose the game, it doesn’t matter if every other piece is still on the board, otherwise it wouldn’t be a game.
And technically, U.K. India is it’s own POWER - that does fight on after the fall of London, with south african and canadian units. without the capture the capital rules, what would happen to all the french income? a minor in FIC? Vichy Rules? Ugly either way…
You don’t see Germany divided into minors like Romania, Finland, Denmark, Bulgaria. You see it as a whole, with a single seperation that is Italy. But without a global effort it’s meaningless. Germany doesn’t get the automatic Vichy bonus like other A&A Variants either. And sea-lion was a reasonably realistic option for hitler if he committed to it fully.
Why isn’t China divded into quarrelling states? Red, Nationalist and other? Because it’s no good for game balance.
Realize that this is a GAME, and for the sake of said GAME, the rules are perfect.
The balance is good. The strategies, and player experience are what vary most.
Functionetta I’ve notice you have a game balance complaint for EVERY version of Axis and Allies, often before you have even played a game of it. Maybe do your homework before you make comments, or take a step back whilst people who’ve played the game and learned from experience make community contributions.