• '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I pulled from wikipedia various aircraft roundels and made a draft decal sheet at 1000 x 600 pixels.  The roundels are too large in the draft to go on aircraft, they would have be shrunk down quite a bit.  Sadly, my posting skills are not nearly as good as my cut and paste an image together skills.  Is there some trick to attaching a .png image file of about 150kb?


  • It is the warhammer line of products, 40k to be specific.
    I do not have very many pics right now, though in the future ill try to take some.

  • Customizer

    Deg - yeah, was led to Wiki’s roundels in the past, thought it was nifty but at the end of the day… nothing to do with them except perhaps use them to decorate a dice tower.  Hmm… don’t know the tricks you need Deg…

    Let me know Oz… I like the 40k figs…

  • So think of this, my friend had an original classic game that went through a fire and the shading from the fire made some cool looking pieces.  I’ve had the dog find some pieces that were dropped and chewed up and they look like they’ve been in a battle, I still would like to take a few Naval units and cut them in half and put them on a base so they would look like their sinking

  • Customizer

    Chagadiel and Others,

    I really enjoyed seeing the pics of your wonderful paint jobs. I especially liked the Japanese Carriers. Any more pics?

    Here’s some links to a few pics of my units that I had “Allworkandnoclay” paint for me. Marines, Marine Raiders, ParaMarines, and Army Paratroopers.

    For the “Special Forces” type of units I had their shoulder patch painted on their bases instead of their national insignia. And the “regular” Marine grunts have the Marine Anchor & Globe to differentiate them from American Army soldiers.



    I hope Ya’ll enjoy them, I feel it’s important to share info/pics and in so doing boost each others’ interest in this hobby.

    “Tall Paul” Â

  • Customizer

    Those are pretty nifty Paul!  Like those paratroopers… you got any pics of the Marine Raiders where the focus is on the soldier and not the stand as much - like some of the cool paratrooper pics? Would enjoy seeing the detail of those awesome camo jobs on those…

    (btw - cool idea for designating different troop types)  8-)

  • Customizer

    Viracocha and Others,

    Here’s a pic of the Marine Raiders. I hope this is what you wanted. There are two different threads I just started. One on the MARINES, and the other on the PARATROOPERS(see Reply #91 above for links). If you’ll scroll through them you’ll see several pics and graphics.

    As you can see these Marine Raiders have camo from head-to-toe. The regular Marine “grunts” only have camo helmets.

    I guess I should go ahead and post pics of the ParaMarine Raiders with the Paratroop thread, too.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer

    Viracocha and Others,


    (btw - cool idea for designating different troop types) � 8-)

    Yes, there are two different reasons I wanted to paint Service or Division/Regiment/Battalion shoulder patches on the bases of units instead of my standard National insignia.

    First, I wanted the U.S. Marines to look different from the U.S. Army units. The Marines dominating in the Pacific, and the Army dominating in Europe and elsewhere.

    I did the same thing with my UK-Europe(London-based) and my
    UK-Pacific(Calcutta-based) Infantry. The UK-P© units I had painted with “Union Jack” insignia on their bases. I nick-named them “Jacks”. I’ll post a pic of my “Jacks” for you.

    Second, IN SOME UPCOMING FUTURE GAMES the Marines will probably have different A/D/C/M factors from the standard Infantry units and thus need to be different looking.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer

    And a close-up, front and back of my “Jacks”.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer

    <long whistle=“”>Those will look sweet in-game.  :-D</long>

  • Customizer


    I’ll consider that as a grand compliment from someone who’s painted some great looking pieces yourself.

    Irregardless of how good the "Jack’s might look, I think it’s most important that they be easily distinguished from their European brethren.

    The Italian Infantry are on the way, with the Germans soon available(?). I think I’ll get the Major and Minor Industrial Complexes and Anti-Aircraft Guns painted next.

    Then some aircraft. I already have loads of them just waiting. Wildcats, Warhawks, Mustangs, Mitchells, Commandos, TBF “Turkeys”, FockeWolves, and all of the Italian a/c. Not to mention all of the OOB a/c.

    “Tall Paul”

  • '21 '18 '17 '15


    Chagadiel and Others,

    I really enjoyed seeing the pics of your wonderful paint jobs. I especially liked the Japanese Carriers. Any more pics?

    “Tall Paul” �

    Maybe this one……couple of modified classic carriers plus experimental paint schemes…

    Japanese task force.JPG

  • Customizer

    Paul - cheers my man.  Right now I’m painting FMG Italians… whew, takes some time. Some damn good detail on these.  I like that your set (by AllWork) will have so many different characteristics that could represent other stats/abilities for units.  Though this would of course prolong an already long game - I don’t care, I’m not only a mini junkie but am a sucker for cool house rules as well.  I’d love to do this/have more individual stats for units… but unfortunately, I don’t get to play as much anymore and when I do, it’s usually limited to 1 day.  I’m jealous.  :evil:

    Dangermouse - still lov’in those carriers… especially the camo ones…

  • They all look great. really good. i am about to paint some marines and paras but they are 20mm metal as the plastics from fmg is too much to ship uk. 20mm scale is 1/76 which is spot on for the board game figs.

  • Customizer


    Thanks for all of your kind comments.

    However, I believe you may have misunderstood me concerning FUTURE NEW GAMES. What I was referring to were completely new games, such as we have with the Invasion of Italy, Invasion of Iwo Jima, and the Solomons Campaign games. Some of these might have new rules, and/or types of units with different A/D/C/M factors.

    Of course anyone is capable of their own “house rules” if they wanted to have “new units”, such as Air Transport, S/P Artillery, etc. in a “standard” A&A game such as 1940-Global.

    Of course, the UK-Europe(London) and UK-Pacific(Calcutta) were designed as having different paint schemes were meant for Global-1940 games. They will both be normal Infantry types just distinctly different in appearance due to the financial seperation of the two UK commands.

    I have soo many ideas that will just take a little time to implement.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    The pic of that camoflaged Carrier is great! Very nice work! I seem to recall a pic of a Japanese Carrier that looked just like that. And one that had fake gun turrets painted on it’s deck. Keep up the good work.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer



    Thanks for all of your kind comments.

    However, I believe you may have misunderstood me concerning FUTURE NEW GAMES. What I was referring to were completely new games, such as we have with the Invasion of Italy, Invasion of Iwo Jima, and the Solomons Campaign games. Some of these might have new rules, and/or types of units with different A/D/C/M factors.

    Of course anyone is capable of their own “house rules” if they wanted to have “new units”, such as Air Transport, S/P Artillery, etc. in a “standard” A&A game such as 1940-Global.

    Of course, the UK-Europe(London) and UK-Pacific(Calcutta) were designed as having different paint schemes were meant for Global-1940 games. They will both be normal Infantry types just distinctly different in appearance due to the financial seperation of the two UK commands.

    I have soo many ideas that will just take a little time to implement.

    “Tall Paul” �

    Ahhhh!  Checked out some of your other threads in this regard - now I get it (face palm).  Coolio van hulio…

  • Customizer


    Please, I invite you to express your opinions, pro or con, on all of the forthcoming games, rules, and units. I feel it’s very important to what we end up with. Even if all we might be discussing is paint jobs, please don’t hold back. Your opinion is valued.

    I think I only have the THREE threads: The MARINES, The PARATROOPERS, and The SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN GAME.

    Just consider your opinion as being “drafted” for the duration, haha.

    “Tall Paul”

  • That must put a smile on your face every time you set up to play.  It puts a smile on my face just looking at them!!!

  • Customizer

    Surprise Attack,

    Thanks for your nice comments. Well, I just know it WILL BE fun whenever I get some Paratroopers for ALL of the players. I haven’t even told my Dad or Brother about them yet. And I don’t think they would much care for me “jumping” some Screaming Eagles into their midst and wreaking havoc when they don’t yet have the same capability. I would never hear the end of it!,…haha.

    But you know what,…it might be a wonderful gag to play on them. Just think about it. They don’t know about the A&A.ORG forum, HBG, FMG, or any of the new units coming out. Now I’ve got some evil thoughts brewing around in my head.

    I think I’ll wait until I’ve got some C-46 Commandos from HBG’s U.S. Supplement Set painted and then make a paratroop drop on them giving them a real SURPRISE ATTACK!
    I can’t wait to see their faces! Hahahahahahahahaha. It will be FANTASTIC!

    This is truly a GREAT GAME, especially when you’re a sneaky devil (and have Paratroopers)!

    “Tall Paul”

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