@Lompestein Awesome work! Big thanks for including the .xcf’s and brushes as well, that should help others get a leg-up on their own projects.
Custom paint jobs: D-Day
So my lovely wife gives me the D-Day set for Christmas a few years back and after a few enjoyable games, I just couldn’t live with hard to see black pieces and the 8th Army wearing shorts in Normandy. So I set to with brushes, glue and paint, here be the results:
UK (left) and Canadian (right) infantry
Great work man, keep at it 8-)
Great work – and it’s a nice touch to have put the bombers up on flight stands. Well done!
Man, your infantry is sweet looking, Albert. The flight stands are a nice touch too. Great job on everything! :-D
Thanks guys! The flight stands are a great help when map spaces get filled with ground units too; I made them from a panel nail, lead fishing line weight and a fender washer.
The 25pdr is the standard game 105mm piece with the trail legs bent inwards and a small spade made from scrap plastic. It sits on a quick traverse wheel for anti-tank work which is simply a small trim washer
Very nice
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