My best advice is to just propose a house rule for it. Much easier and simpler.
Missing French Pieces
Just received my two copies of Europe today. Just to let you guys know, I opened the first box and much to my disappointment. NO FRENCH PIECES INSIDE!!! I immediately opened the second box and all the pieces were there.
I contacted WOTC and they said they would send me the missing French pieces, however it would take 2-3 business WEEKS to get to Indiana.
what a nightmare
Well you can’t blame Cal Moore. He didn’t work on AAE40 and thats why it has no typo’s ( that so far we have not found).
It’s a good thing you bought two :-D
It’s a good thing you bought two :-D
No kidding, but don’t worry too much, the French pieces never are on the board that long. :-D
Mine is missing all the UK’s units. They told me I’d get them in 7 to 10 days. I’m in Minnesota.
It’s a good thing you bought two :-D
No kidding, but don’t worry too much, the French pieces never are on the board that long. :-D
Neither are the Canadian uni–-oh wait a minute
Where at in Indiana do you live Eville Troopers?
I am in Evansville. Can’t get much further south and still be in Indiana. I actually bought two copies so I can give one to my brother in law. Heading up to Bloomington, IN to get a few games in this weekend.
It’s a good thing you bought two :-D
No kidding, but don’t worry too much, the French pieces never are on the board that long. :-D
Neither are the Canadian uni–-oh wait a minute
Hahah. I see what you did there, UN.
Seriously though Eville, it is good you bought two and least WOTC is giving you replacements.
Mine is missing all the UK’s units. They told me I’d get them in 7 to 10 days. I’m in Minnesota.
Heh, better the UK than German/Russian/Italian pieces. At least with UK units you can use the Pacific units. (90% of the pacific UK units are never used anyways)
thats a bummer,i never missed units in my games,touch wood
Mine is missing all the UK’s units. They told me I’d get them in 7 to 10 days. I’m in Minnesota.
Heh, better the UK than German/Russian/Italian pieces. At least with UK units you can use the Pacific units. (90% of the pacific UK units are never used anyways)
Yeah you are right it could be worse. I’ve already taken the UK units from my other games. I’m just surprised I didnt have to make a u tube video of Hitler reaming out his people (like the jap tatical bomber issue) in order to get them to send me new ones!
North Texas here and all contents of both games are present and accounted for!!
Thank God!
Thoes426 :evil: -
There is one misspelling in the rulebook - but it is a common one. The writer describes Finnish people (Finns) as “Fins”
So the French are missing? Insert your own joke.
Careful! You might insult the French, and then they would be angry enough to surrender en masse…
Careful! You might insult the French, and then they would be angry enough to surrender en masse…
Oh, here we go…
Careful! You might insult the French, and then they would be angry enough to surrender en masse…
Oh, here we go…
“Le honneur” again…
Dude, no offense, but the French have to take it like men that they were not exactly shining examples of bravery in WWII. Whether political/cultural/societal whatever, they flat out failed on a variety of levels.
Such epic failness has led to jabs, comments, and winks. Just accept it and move on.